Sunday, April 19, 2009

The dictator recognizes torture

Now, new alarming data on the situation of Dawit Isaak and others imprisoned in Eritrea.

In an exclusive interview confirms President Isaias Afewerki that he allows torture.
- We are a young nation on the road to build our society, you can not compare our unique situation with other countries, he told journalist Damien McElroy, seconded by the British Daily Telegraph.

Swedish journalist Dawit Isaak has been detained in Eritrea since the fall of 2001.
In Sweden, a campaign to get Dawit Isaak released, in Eritrea, the situation is different.
The country's leader Isaias Afewerki had a wide popular support when he came to power, but now control the country with an iron fist.
Dawit Isaak is just one of the many journalists and opposition figures detained for unclear reasons. And President Afewerki rarely gives interviews to foreign journalists.
Want to be heard in the world

Recently received the Daily Telegraph's foreign reporter, Damien McElroy, after all, a chance to put questions to Isaias Afewerki. He met the president met in the capital Asmara.
- At the moment, he wants to be his voice to be heard in the world, for some reason, "says Damien McElroy.
Damien McElroy is not aware of the case Dawit Isaak, but is aware of the harsh conditions in Eritrea.
- It is a closed system, "says Damien McElroy.
When Isaias Afewerki was asked about the lack of human rights he endeavored not to try WHITEWASH.
- He denied it even. Forced Labor and the use of torture in the legal system, "says Damien McElroy.
Has been a trend

Manager's explanation for his harsh rule was that it is necessary when a young nation was formed.
Damien McElroy had no impression that the situation of Dawit Isaak and his fellow would change in the near future.
- There has been a trend over the last decade and I do not think there will be no deviations from it.

By Oscar Julander
oscar.julander @

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