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እዚ ኣብዛ መጽሓፍ’ዚኣ ሰፊሩ ዘሎ ግጥምታት፡ ነቲ ኣብ ሃገርና ዘሎ ውድዓዊ ኩነታት ናብ ቅድሚት ብምምጻእ፡ ነቶም ብፍላጥ ኮነ ብየዋህነት ዚድግፉዎን ዚሕለቑሉን ኣብ ወጻኢ ዚቕመጡ ኤርትራውያን ከኣ ብምልላይ፡ ነቓፊ ርእይቶን ተግሳጽን ምዕዶን ዚህብ ኮይኑ ብውሕሉል ቃላት እተነድቀ መልእኽቲ ኢዩ።
እዚ ግጥምታ’ዚ፡ እተፈላለየ ኣርእስቲ ዝሓዘ ኾይኑ፡ ገለ ብኣስተንትኖኣዊ፡ ገለ ድማ ብመዘናግዒ፡ ገለ ኸኣ ብምሁራዊ መገዲ ተጻሒፉ ኣሎ።
ፍቕሪ ኣደ፡ ፍቕሪ ማሕብራዊ ናብራን ዕርክነትን፡ ፍቕሪ ሃገርን ህዝብን፡ ከምኡ’ውን ወድሰብ ዚጓነፎ እተፈላለየ ሽግራትን ብድሆታትን ብመልክዕ ግጥሚ ቀሪቡ ኣሎ። ከምዚ ኪኸውን ከሎ፡ እቲ ዘንብብ መታን ከይስልችዎ ወይ ከየድክሞ ብማለት፡ ኣብ መንጎ ወይ መጠረስታ ነፍስወከፍ ግጥሚ፡ ምስቲ ኣርእስቲ ዚሳነ ይኹን ዘይሳነ ስእልታትን ቅርጽታትን ተወሲኹዎ ኣሎ። እቲ ዘንብብ ሰብ፡ ነቲ ኣሳእል ከም ድላዩ ገይሩ ክትርጉሞ መሰሉ ኢዩ።
ግጥሚ ወይ መዝሙር፡ ናይ ሙዚቃ መሳርያ ዘየድልዮ ነፍሱ ዝኸኣለ ሙዚቃ ኢዩ። ካብ ኩሉ ዝለዓለ ግን፡ እቲ ብተምሳላትን ምሳሌታትን ዚህቦ መልእኽታት ዓቢ ኢዩ።
ኣብዚ ዘለናዮ እዋን፡ ሃገርና ኤርትራ ኣብ ክንዲ ነጻነት፡ ባርነት ዚረኣየላ ሃገር ብምዃና፡ ኩሉ መንእሰይ ጠንጢኑዋ ንወጻኢ ይኸይድ ኣሎ። ገለን ዕድል ዝረኸበ ኣብ ቲ ዚደልዮ ሃገር ኪበጽሕ ከሎ፡ ገለን ድማ ኣብ ፈቐዶ ምድረበዳን ኣጻምእን ዱርን ባሕርታትን ኣኽራናትን ግዳይ ጥምየትን ዕርቃንን ጽምእን ሞትን ኮይኑ ይርከብ ኣሎ።
እዚ ኸምዚ ኢሉ ኸሎ ግን፡ ገለ ደም ዘይብሎም ኣብ ውሽጢ ሃገርን ኣብ ወጻእን ዚቕመጡ ኤርትራውያን መንእሰያትን ሽማግለታትን ኣዴታትን ነቲ ገፋዒ መንግስቲ ኪድግፉን ኪሕለቑሉን ይረኣዩ ኣለዉ። እምበኣር ሓደ ገጽታ ናይቲ ግጥሚ ድማ ነዞም ኣብ ‘መቓብር ደቆም’ ኪስዕስዑ ነውሪ ወይ ገበን ኮይኑ ዘይስምዖም ባእታታት ናብ ልቦም ዚምለሱሉ ምዕዶ ንምሃብ ዝዓለመ ኢዩ።
ህዝቢ ኤርትራ በዚ ዘሕልፎ ዘሎ መከራን ስቓይን ስደትን፡ ኪብከየሉ ዚግባእ ህዝቢ ኢዩ። ሓደ ናይ ጓሂኻን ኣስተንትኖኻን መግለጺ ድማ ግጥሚ ኢዩ። ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ ብህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘይሓዝን ሰብ እንተ ደኣ ኣሎ፡ ኤርትራውነቱ ኣጠራጣሪ ኢዩ።
ኣማኑኤል ሳህለ (ሓምለ 2010)
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Saturday, November 13, 2010
Thursday, September 02, 2010
The Anatomy of a Tyrant
By Amanuel Sahle
September 02, 2010
How long do tyrants live provided they are not struck by a lightening rod from the blue or a clogged vein near the heart? Why is it that the gods seem to be always siding with them? The more the masses pray and implore the All-mighty for their sudden death, the more these rascals stay alive to celebrate their successive birthdays. The harder the sharpshooter trains abroad to cut their lives short and deliver the people from serfdom, the more he misses.
Some become so decrepit that they have to finally be dragged away forcefully by the feet from the office. Others continue to rule from their terminal-case wards in foreign hospitals. Many cling to power until they get blind and paralyzed, unable to sign papers for more military aid including declaration of wars on unsuspecting neighbors. And still others keep on ruling after death, haunting long freed prisoners and dispirited old rivals.
They would build pyramids, if they could, to be buried inside along with their minions and sycophants for an everlasting dictatorship in other planets. By the way, are there tyrants in outer space? Why not, why do you think they invented the Star Wars?
How do tyrants come to this unlucky world of ours? Are they preordained to appear from time to time in order to punish us for our sins? Saddam recited from the Koran before he went down the shaft to his death. Portugal's Salazar must have struggled with his Ave Maria Ora pro nobis……before he breathed his last (he thought he was still in power long before they had deposed him). Mussolini believed he was a reincarnation of Augustus Caesar even when he was con il culo per terra (had kissed his a.. goodbye). Mao had himself portrayed as a savior with a flowing gown (although during his dictatorship millions perished following a famine of biblical proportion). There is no doubt that the Ayatollah Khomeini is now in heaven. Wasn’t he, after all, fighting all his life against the American Sheitan!
All tyrants, when they die, think they will go to heaven because deep inside they are persuaded that they come to fulfill a divine mission on earth. That’s the scariest thing about them. They leave you down in hell which they created for you, and rise to heaven themselves. That's unfair. And you know what? Some people believe it and erect monuments for them, a case of masochism in which you get lashed and flailed alive by your master and still ask for more, because it feels so good. Well, this shouldn’t surprise us unduly, for people have been worshiping bloodthirsty gods from time immemorial, such as Dagon (by the Philistines) and Kali (by the Hindus). Could our tyrants be incarnations of these gods of darkness?
It is said that a child is born in this world every second. Among these, a tyrant passes unnoticed and undetected, for nobody knows what the DNA of child tyrants looks like. But one thing is for sure, their DNA contains a substance that boosts the survival instinct. For how is it then possible that they are always on the car next to the one that, just two seconds ago, has been blown up into smithereens; or are sleeping in a room next to the one where the assassin has just arrived with his dagger shimmering in the dark?
Yet, they are born like any other child, after nine months. They cry to get their first gulp of oxygen (they will make many cry for lack of justice), they smile, they giggle, they bawl for milk (probably louder than others). And then they grow up (most of the time dissatisfied and angry), look for loopholes in the written and unwritten laws of society, search for holes in the social fabric, sniff for power and might everywhere, kill their rivals, provide political and social justifications for their arbitrary actions, and create minions around them. Viva il Duce!!
Now to come to the nine-life metaphor. They say that cats have nine chances to come back from the dead. Feline resurrection, if you will. When you bash a cat with a baseball bat (because it ate up your birthday pizza) and it is lying lifeless on the ground with some of the pizza sauce oozing from its snout, you just toss it into the garbage can and go to the nearest pizza house to order for more. On your way back home, you get curious and you want to check if the beast has really given up the ghost. You lift the lid…What? It is not there! Where the hell did it go? Well, my dear friend, have you forgotten that it has eight more lives to go? So brace yourself for eight more disappearing pizzas followed by eight more lightening blows with your baseball bat before you can call it a day. Good riddance! And by the way, happy birthday! (and RIP for the cat).
Getting rid of tyrants is however not that much easy, for their nine lives are infused and configured into them in such a way as to remain elusive and enigmatic in front of the actions and machinations of ordinary mortals.
How many coups and putsches have been aborted and averted before they could unseat the monster. How many plotters have been unmasked and betrayed before they could poison or ambush the ogre. Every plot discovered made the tyrant more monstrous. Every attempt at his life made him more beastly. These legitimate measures of doing away with him were however, according to the mass media under his supervision, nothing else but acts of treachery and treason. Mind you, not directed against him, but against the nation! Against the people! Against the state!
The tyrant incarnates the nation and its spirit every time his life is put in danger or his power begins to slip away from his hands. But in the event that the country loses a war that he had himself instigated and he is therefore forced to run for dear life, he never hesitates to dissociate himself from the nation, the state and the people (who 'betrayed' him), and remembers an old thug like him, across the border, who would welcome him and protect him in his hours of need. Most tyrants are smart enough to make friends with rogue leaders while in power.
Well, in such a hectic situation, a tyrant never forgets to take with him that famous bag of money filled to the brim with US dollars and gold slabs (on top of the millions of dollars he had already socked in foreign banks)! Good bye my beloved country, I will miss you so much!
Horror of horrors, some people begin to miss him! Don’t blame them. They have been tossed out of the frying pan into the fire. For a tyrant always makes sure that the country collapsed after him. He leaves it to greedy and ravenous politicians and bloodthirsty warlords who had been already in the making under his conniving eyes. That's another strategy he uses to ensure his survival to fight yet another day if he can.
A country that has been ruled with the motto of après moi le déluge will hardly find the energy or the political will to have the tyrant arrested and indicted for trial. Thus, he is left to live happily ever after in exile. And to add insult to injury he embarks on writing his memoire! Why not, he can sell it to some Hollywood film makers and make more money.
Now, let us see how a tyrant keeps his nine lives in order. Here are some of the rules to follow (always keep Eritrea in mind):
1. Ruthlessness (he shows no mercy even to his own mother, hoping she is still alive)
2. Decisiveness (if he is not quick, he is dead or in Ira-Iro)
3. Ability to lie (he sublimates it into a national art with the minister of information as curator)
4. Ability to make a volt-face in moments of stress or panic (confusing the UN in the process)
5. Divide and rule (he uses everything to divide, including his family or even himself)
6. Always find an enemy or invent one (he tries America, and it always works)
7. Invest heavily on security (he lets everybody spy on everybody else as a national pastime)
8. Be always suspicious (he doesn’t trust even his own shadow, how much more that of his wife)
9. Invest on propaganda (he makes sure to convince the masses that the sun rises in the west, and that it will stop rising altogether when he dies)
The tyrant, having all these in his repertoire, sits back and begins to rule. But just take these off one by one and he, to your astonishment, will still survive as long as the last one, which is Propaganda, is in his hands. Have you heard about the Minister of Information during the Iraq war? In fact, the propaganda card is so vital that if it somehow loses its function, it can cause the cat to take its final trip to heaven. Anyway, be always cautious, for sometimes the tyrant may play dead and go for attack when you least expect him.
But how did the tyrant get there in the first place? Are tyrants born or made? Many are born but few are chosen (or made). They are chosen by the very people that eventually become their victims. The tyrant hears the collective subconscious distress of the people calling him to save them from their own selves, and he gets the message and runs for the rescue, and what's more, he feels he is doing what the All-mighty has bidden him to do.
There is a saying which goes like this: a man is made when a man is needed. Take a household whose breadwinner, the husband, has failed to fulfill his duties. What do you think will happen next? Since a man is needed, the woman becomes a man and takes his position. What happened? A vacuum has been created in the household, a vacuum to be filled only by a man. Is there a man in the house? The woman comes and takes the responsibility upon herself. In the absence of a man, she becomes a man. So the woman 'wears the pants' as it were, and the household, contrary to social norms, is now led by a female.
What if she is not ready? Then someone from the children (a boy or a girl) comes forward to fill the vacuum. In the absence of a man, the child becomes a man. And the family continues to lead a normal life. It will not break down just because a vacuum is created.
In a similar way, there must be something wrong with a people of a given country (don’t exclude ours) for the tyrant to come to roost. Some can be enumerated thus:
a. Malaise following successive colonial rule which creates lack of confidence in the people in managing their affairs.
b. Ethnic and regional estrangement encouraged by colonial rulers to spread suspicion and mistrust.
c. Opportunism, a result of too much contact with successive colonial masters in order to get to the top at the cost of your brothers
d. Destruction of homegrown democratic culture (and social fabric) by successive colonial masters which results in bringing the people's unruly nature to the fore, etc…..
e. Some kind of historical DNA that makes certain people unmanageable (for example, the temperamental Latin race as compared with the more cool-headed Nordic or Anglo-Saxon race)
f. Some unforeseen variables, including new developments in the neighboring countries.
g. And finally, for the immediate cause, a war, an economic depression or a social upheaval of sorts
The above can provide a very promising hunting ground for any tyrant on the making. What more could a misfit with a dissatisfied family background and with a smoldering grudge in his heart ask to embark on his mission to make the lives of so many so miserable for so long a time. The seed (or tare) has already fallen onto a propitious terrain! The seed of destruction and chaos!
But where exactly, metaphysically speaking, does the tyrant come from? What are the quintessential causes for his appearance?
According to the theory of ideas, the abstract precedes the tangible. In this case, tyranny precedes the creation of a tyrant. I think Plato's philosophy of ideas and forms could explain it better if I have understood it correctly:
Tyranny is a concept which exists in the world of ideas, the abstract or metaphysical world. The tyrant, however, is a form of that idea and lives in the contingent world. To give some more examples: dog-ness is from the abstract world, while dog is from the material world. The reality of man was created long before man was formed in this world, i.e., man-ness preceded man. Cat-ness preceded the domestic cat. Cow-ness preceded the farm cow.
From the above we can deduce that tyranny exists even without tyrants. What the tyrants do is simply to incarnate tyranny and give it form. If the universe were to be destroyed one day, all things would keep on existing in the world of ideas (not in the world of forms). The world of ideas is therefore eternal, while the world of forms is temporal. Tyranny is eternal, while tyrants (thank God) are ephemeral.
When, therefore, the collective consciousness of a given people is configured in such a way that there appears a slot or a gap for a tyrant to fit in, then the tyrant-on-the-making simply fills the vacuum. In other words, the people had the tyrant coming all the time. For they have paved the way for his appearance.
Who are then the minions, the sycophants and bootlickers who cater to his every whim? These are also in their turn incarnations of ignominy that go to fill the slots of shame and degradation created by the appearance of the tyrant. Any bootlicker is therefore a palpable form of the idea of disgrace and abjectness.
You may kill the tyrant, but tyranny continues to exist in the world of ideas to come back in flesh and blood in its own good time. You may kill the minions, but the ideas of disgrace and shame will continue in the metaphysical world.
The right way to kill tyrants is therefore to kill the idea of tyranny. But since ideas are immortal, the only way to get rid of negative ideas is to fight them with yet stronger positive ideas. Can these be destroyed? Nay, they simply go into hiding. For ideas are neither created nor destroyed, but simply change forms (just like energy).
Anyway, this is too much to ask of a people who are running out of tears from injustices perpetrated by a tyrant, and therefore, to stop the misery and enable the people to breathe once more, the tyrant has to be removed along with his minions!
But the people should always keep in mind that unless they fight the idea of tyranny with a stronger idea of democracy, simply killing the rogue can never be a solution. Would-be tyrants along with their minions will always be waiting in queue to fill unattended vacuums created by the imperfections and folly of humankind.
By Amanuel Sahle
September 02, 2010
How long do tyrants live provided they are not struck by a lightening rod from the blue or a clogged vein near the heart? Why is it that the gods seem to be always siding with them? The more the masses pray and implore the All-mighty for their sudden death, the more these rascals stay alive to celebrate their successive birthdays. The harder the sharpshooter trains abroad to cut their lives short and deliver the people from serfdom, the more he misses.
Some become so decrepit that they have to finally be dragged away forcefully by the feet from the office. Others continue to rule from their terminal-case wards in foreign hospitals. Many cling to power until they get blind and paralyzed, unable to sign papers for more military aid including declaration of wars on unsuspecting neighbors. And still others keep on ruling after death, haunting long freed prisoners and dispirited old rivals.
They would build pyramids, if they could, to be buried inside along with their minions and sycophants for an everlasting dictatorship in other planets. By the way, are there tyrants in outer space? Why not, why do you think they invented the Star Wars?
How do tyrants come to this unlucky world of ours? Are they preordained to appear from time to time in order to punish us for our sins? Saddam recited from the Koran before he went down the shaft to his death. Portugal's Salazar must have struggled with his Ave Maria Ora pro nobis……before he breathed his last (he thought he was still in power long before they had deposed him). Mussolini believed he was a reincarnation of Augustus Caesar even when he was con il culo per terra (had kissed his a.. goodbye). Mao had himself portrayed as a savior with a flowing gown (although during his dictatorship millions perished following a famine of biblical proportion). There is no doubt that the Ayatollah Khomeini is now in heaven. Wasn’t he, after all, fighting all his life against the American Sheitan!
All tyrants, when they die, think they will go to heaven because deep inside they are persuaded that they come to fulfill a divine mission on earth. That’s the scariest thing about them. They leave you down in hell which they created for you, and rise to heaven themselves. That's unfair. And you know what? Some people believe it and erect monuments for them, a case of masochism in which you get lashed and flailed alive by your master and still ask for more, because it feels so good. Well, this shouldn’t surprise us unduly, for people have been worshiping bloodthirsty gods from time immemorial, such as Dagon (by the Philistines) and Kali (by the Hindus). Could our tyrants be incarnations of these gods of darkness?
It is said that a child is born in this world every second. Among these, a tyrant passes unnoticed and undetected, for nobody knows what the DNA of child tyrants looks like. But one thing is for sure, their DNA contains a substance that boosts the survival instinct. For how is it then possible that they are always on the car next to the one that, just two seconds ago, has been blown up into smithereens; or are sleeping in a room next to the one where the assassin has just arrived with his dagger shimmering in the dark?
Yet, they are born like any other child, after nine months. They cry to get their first gulp of oxygen (they will make many cry for lack of justice), they smile, they giggle, they bawl for milk (probably louder than others). And then they grow up (most of the time dissatisfied and angry), look for loopholes in the written and unwritten laws of society, search for holes in the social fabric, sniff for power and might everywhere, kill their rivals, provide political and social justifications for their arbitrary actions, and create minions around them. Viva il Duce!!
Now to come to the nine-life metaphor. They say that cats have nine chances to come back from the dead. Feline resurrection, if you will. When you bash a cat with a baseball bat (because it ate up your birthday pizza) and it is lying lifeless on the ground with some of the pizza sauce oozing from its snout, you just toss it into the garbage can and go to the nearest pizza house to order for more. On your way back home, you get curious and you want to check if the beast has really given up the ghost. You lift the lid…What? It is not there! Where the hell did it go? Well, my dear friend, have you forgotten that it has eight more lives to go? So brace yourself for eight more disappearing pizzas followed by eight more lightening blows with your baseball bat before you can call it a day. Good riddance! And by the way, happy birthday! (and RIP for the cat).
Getting rid of tyrants is however not that much easy, for their nine lives are infused and configured into them in such a way as to remain elusive and enigmatic in front of the actions and machinations of ordinary mortals.
How many coups and putsches have been aborted and averted before they could unseat the monster. How many plotters have been unmasked and betrayed before they could poison or ambush the ogre. Every plot discovered made the tyrant more monstrous. Every attempt at his life made him more beastly. These legitimate measures of doing away with him were however, according to the mass media under his supervision, nothing else but acts of treachery and treason. Mind you, not directed against him, but against the nation! Against the people! Against the state!
The tyrant incarnates the nation and its spirit every time his life is put in danger or his power begins to slip away from his hands. But in the event that the country loses a war that he had himself instigated and he is therefore forced to run for dear life, he never hesitates to dissociate himself from the nation, the state and the people (who 'betrayed' him), and remembers an old thug like him, across the border, who would welcome him and protect him in his hours of need. Most tyrants are smart enough to make friends with rogue leaders while in power.
Well, in such a hectic situation, a tyrant never forgets to take with him that famous bag of money filled to the brim with US dollars and gold slabs (on top of the millions of dollars he had already socked in foreign banks)! Good bye my beloved country, I will miss you so much!
Horror of horrors, some people begin to miss him! Don’t blame them. They have been tossed out of the frying pan into the fire. For a tyrant always makes sure that the country collapsed after him. He leaves it to greedy and ravenous politicians and bloodthirsty warlords who had been already in the making under his conniving eyes. That's another strategy he uses to ensure his survival to fight yet another day if he can.
A country that has been ruled with the motto of après moi le déluge will hardly find the energy or the political will to have the tyrant arrested and indicted for trial. Thus, he is left to live happily ever after in exile. And to add insult to injury he embarks on writing his memoire! Why not, he can sell it to some Hollywood film makers and make more money.
Now, let us see how a tyrant keeps his nine lives in order. Here are some of the rules to follow (always keep Eritrea in mind):
1. Ruthlessness (he shows no mercy even to his own mother, hoping she is still alive)
2. Decisiveness (if he is not quick, he is dead or in Ira-Iro)
3. Ability to lie (he sublimates it into a national art with the minister of information as curator)
4. Ability to make a volt-face in moments of stress or panic (confusing the UN in the process)
5. Divide and rule (he uses everything to divide, including his family or even himself)
6. Always find an enemy or invent one (he tries America, and it always works)
7. Invest heavily on security (he lets everybody spy on everybody else as a national pastime)
8. Be always suspicious (he doesn’t trust even his own shadow, how much more that of his wife)
9. Invest on propaganda (he makes sure to convince the masses that the sun rises in the west, and that it will stop rising altogether when he dies)
The tyrant, having all these in his repertoire, sits back and begins to rule. But just take these off one by one and he, to your astonishment, will still survive as long as the last one, which is Propaganda, is in his hands. Have you heard about the Minister of Information during the Iraq war? In fact, the propaganda card is so vital that if it somehow loses its function, it can cause the cat to take its final trip to heaven. Anyway, be always cautious, for sometimes the tyrant may play dead and go for attack when you least expect him.
But how did the tyrant get there in the first place? Are tyrants born or made? Many are born but few are chosen (or made). They are chosen by the very people that eventually become their victims. The tyrant hears the collective subconscious distress of the people calling him to save them from their own selves, and he gets the message and runs for the rescue, and what's more, he feels he is doing what the All-mighty has bidden him to do.
There is a saying which goes like this: a man is made when a man is needed. Take a household whose breadwinner, the husband, has failed to fulfill his duties. What do you think will happen next? Since a man is needed, the woman becomes a man and takes his position. What happened? A vacuum has been created in the household, a vacuum to be filled only by a man. Is there a man in the house? The woman comes and takes the responsibility upon herself. In the absence of a man, she becomes a man. So the woman 'wears the pants' as it were, and the household, contrary to social norms, is now led by a female.
What if she is not ready? Then someone from the children (a boy or a girl) comes forward to fill the vacuum. In the absence of a man, the child becomes a man. And the family continues to lead a normal life. It will not break down just because a vacuum is created.
In a similar way, there must be something wrong with a people of a given country (don’t exclude ours) for the tyrant to come to roost. Some can be enumerated thus:
a. Malaise following successive colonial rule which creates lack of confidence in the people in managing their affairs.
b. Ethnic and regional estrangement encouraged by colonial rulers to spread suspicion and mistrust.
c. Opportunism, a result of too much contact with successive colonial masters in order to get to the top at the cost of your brothers
d. Destruction of homegrown democratic culture (and social fabric) by successive colonial masters which results in bringing the people's unruly nature to the fore, etc…..
e. Some kind of historical DNA that makes certain people unmanageable (for example, the temperamental Latin race as compared with the more cool-headed Nordic or Anglo-Saxon race)
f. Some unforeseen variables, including new developments in the neighboring countries.
g. And finally, for the immediate cause, a war, an economic depression or a social upheaval of sorts
The above can provide a very promising hunting ground for any tyrant on the making. What more could a misfit with a dissatisfied family background and with a smoldering grudge in his heart ask to embark on his mission to make the lives of so many so miserable for so long a time. The seed (or tare) has already fallen onto a propitious terrain! The seed of destruction and chaos!
But where exactly, metaphysically speaking, does the tyrant come from? What are the quintessential causes for his appearance?
According to the theory of ideas, the abstract precedes the tangible. In this case, tyranny precedes the creation of a tyrant. I think Plato's philosophy of ideas and forms could explain it better if I have understood it correctly:
Tyranny is a concept which exists in the world of ideas, the abstract or metaphysical world. The tyrant, however, is a form of that idea and lives in the contingent world. To give some more examples: dog-ness is from the abstract world, while dog is from the material world. The reality of man was created long before man was formed in this world, i.e., man-ness preceded man. Cat-ness preceded the domestic cat. Cow-ness preceded the farm cow.
From the above we can deduce that tyranny exists even without tyrants. What the tyrants do is simply to incarnate tyranny and give it form. If the universe were to be destroyed one day, all things would keep on existing in the world of ideas (not in the world of forms). The world of ideas is therefore eternal, while the world of forms is temporal. Tyranny is eternal, while tyrants (thank God) are ephemeral.
When, therefore, the collective consciousness of a given people is configured in such a way that there appears a slot or a gap for a tyrant to fit in, then the tyrant-on-the-making simply fills the vacuum. In other words, the people had the tyrant coming all the time. For they have paved the way for his appearance.
Who are then the minions, the sycophants and bootlickers who cater to his every whim? These are also in their turn incarnations of ignominy that go to fill the slots of shame and degradation created by the appearance of the tyrant. Any bootlicker is therefore a palpable form of the idea of disgrace and abjectness.
You may kill the tyrant, but tyranny continues to exist in the world of ideas to come back in flesh and blood in its own good time. You may kill the minions, but the ideas of disgrace and shame will continue in the metaphysical world.
The right way to kill tyrants is therefore to kill the idea of tyranny. But since ideas are immortal, the only way to get rid of negative ideas is to fight them with yet stronger positive ideas. Can these be destroyed? Nay, they simply go into hiding. For ideas are neither created nor destroyed, but simply change forms (just like energy).
Anyway, this is too much to ask of a people who are running out of tears from injustices perpetrated by a tyrant, and therefore, to stop the misery and enable the people to breathe once more, the tyrant has to be removed along with his minions!
But the people should always keep in mind that unless they fight the idea of tyranny with a stronger idea of democracy, simply killing the rogue can never be a solution. Would-be tyrants along with their minions will always be waiting in queue to fill unattended vacuums created by the imperfections and folly of humankind.
public invitation for a seminar in Göteborg
Eritrean -Swedish organization for democracy and justice in Goteborg is inviting the public to attend a seminar with invited guests Amanuel Sahle and Khaled Abdu.
The invited guest will brief us about their journey to the Eritrean refugee camps in Ethiopia and about the national conference.
when: Saturday 4th of September 2010 at 15:00
where: Beväringsgatan no. 9
wellcome all!!!
ህዝባዊ መጸዋዕታ ንተቀማጢ የቶቦርን ከባቢኣን
ንዕለት 4 መስከረም 2010፣ አብ ከተማ የቶቦሪ አቶ አማኒኢል ሳህለን አቶ ካልድ ዓብዱን፣ ብዛዕባ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ወርሒ አብ ኢትዮጵያ ብምብጻሕን ናብ ዝተፈላለዩ መዓከር ስደተኛታት ኤርትራውያን ዑደት ብምግባር ዝተዓዘብዎን፣ ብዛዕባ ሃገራዊ ዋዕላ ከመይ ከምዝመስል፣ ሓፈሻዊ ስእሊ ክህቡና ስለዝኾኑ ኩሉ ኤርትራዊ ኣብቲ ተዳልዩ ዘሎ ቦታ ብምምጻእ፣ ነጻ ናይ ሓሳባት ምልውዋጥን ዘለኩም ሕቶታት ከተቅርቡ ኤርትራዊ ጥርናፈ ንፍትሕን ዲሞክራስን አብ የቶቦሪ ብኽብሪ ይዕድም::
ግዜ: ዕለተ ቀዳም 4 መስከረም 2010 ሰዓት 15:00 (4 september 2010)
ኣድራሻ: አብ Beväringsgatan ቁጽሪ 9
The invited guest will brief us about their journey to the Eritrean refugee camps in Ethiopia and about the national conference.
when: Saturday 4th of September 2010 at 15:00
where: Beväringsgatan no. 9
wellcome all!!!
ህዝባዊ መጸዋዕታ ንተቀማጢ የቶቦርን ከባቢኣን
ንዕለት 4 መስከረም 2010፣ አብ ከተማ የቶቦሪ አቶ አማኒኢል ሳህለን አቶ ካልድ ዓብዱን፣ ብዛዕባ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ወርሒ አብ ኢትዮጵያ ብምብጻሕን ናብ ዝተፈላለዩ መዓከር ስደተኛታት ኤርትራውያን ዑደት ብምግባር ዝተዓዘብዎን፣ ብዛዕባ ሃገራዊ ዋዕላ ከመይ ከምዝመስል፣ ሓፈሻዊ ስእሊ ክህቡና ስለዝኾኑ ኩሉ ኤርትራዊ ኣብቲ ተዳልዩ ዘሎ ቦታ ብምምጻእ፣ ነጻ ናይ ሓሳባት ምልውዋጥን ዘለኩም ሕቶታት ከተቅርቡ ኤርትራዊ ጥርናፈ ንፍትሕን ዲሞክራስን አብ የቶቦሪ ብኽብሪ ይዕድም::
ግዜ: ዕለተ ቀዳም 4 መስከረም 2010 ሰዓት 15:00 (4 september 2010)
ኣድራሻ: አብ Beväringsgatan ቁጽሪ 9
Friday, May 01, 2009
Eritreas strange allies
Published in today. 06:53
Anyone who thinks that Eritrea, which Dawit Isaak and countless other opponents foretaste in prison, would be an isolated dictatorship mistaken. Fixed combination of its trade and military partner is far from obvious. Perhaps most remarkable is that Israel from the Eritrean independence in 1993 has had a significant presence in the country.
When the Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki same year as independence flew to Israel for advanced medical treatment seems to have tied ties with the Jewish state, which possibly could be linked to the Eritrean government is secular Christian, that is not Muslim and Israel Hosting. 1995 concluded a formal agreement between the two countries.
Over many years, Israel has had two military installations in Eritrea, one of the signals, and the other underhållsbas for Israel's German-built submarines that are likely to be equipped with nuclear weapons.
In addition, states from different, albeit unconfirmed, sources that Israel store nuclear waste from its Dimon reactor on two islands outside the Eritrean coast.
According to mass media in Yemen on the other side of Gulf of Aden utilized Israeli warships from their Eritrean bases to support its military operations during the war against Lebanon in summer 2006.
However, this Eritrean-Israeli alliance half now be entitled stretched. Among other things, the British newspaper Sunday Times (19 / 4) reports that Israel has begun to draw the attention of the ears after Eritrea and President Afwerki lately has deepened its cooperation with one of Israel's enemies: Islamic Republic of Iran.
Eritrea and Iran have had decent, if not dynamic relationships with each other in many years. But it was after a visit by Afwerki in Tehran in May last year that cooperation took real momentum.
- For Iran and Eritrea is no limit to how much we can extend our mutual cooperation. Our countries have similar views on regional and global issues and how to resist the hegemonic major powers intrusion, "said Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after his meetings with Afwerki.
Most concrete and well known is that Iran has refurbished an oil refinery and established some sort of base in the port city of Assab in the Arabian Sea. According to frequent, though controversial, information to the media and on the Internet, Iran has also stationed troops in Assab and warships, helicopters, and aircraft missiles.
Even between Eritrea and China have relations DENSE in recent years. Chinese enterprises have made relatively large investments in Eritrea, partly foreign-funded aid projects, but also pure Chinese business projects. Each year, several one hundred Chinese businessmen to Eritrea, and about as many Eritrean teachers and researchers are trained each year at the Chinese University.
As a form of payment for this Chinese rundhänthet has Afwerkiregimen acceded to China's position on Tibet. For example, issuing the ruling party the People's Front for Democracy and Justice is generally condemnations of the Dalai Lama and his attempt to lead the Tibetan past "feudal ruling class" to revolt against Chinese rule.
An obvious question is: Where do Eritrea arms to its relatively heavy-equipped armed forces.
Under the meticulous and constantly updated reports from the Peace Research Institute SIPRI in Stockholm will weapons primarily from four sources, all in the former Soviet bloc: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Bulgaria.
From here, the Eritrea during the last ten years had, or had to buy, hundreds of tanks and artillery, at least a dozen modern fighter aircraft and several hundred anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles.
This weapon power has gone after Eritrea fought an extremely bloody border war with Ethiopia in 1998-2000. It of course raises a new question: Afwerkiregimen preparing for new war adventure, with the support of a refilled arsenal and Eritreas odd allies?
Per Jönsson
Anyone who thinks that Eritrea, which Dawit Isaak and countless other opponents foretaste in prison, would be an isolated dictatorship mistaken. Fixed combination of its trade and military partner is far from obvious. Perhaps most remarkable is that Israel from the Eritrean independence in 1993 has had a significant presence in the country.
When the Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki same year as independence flew to Israel for advanced medical treatment seems to have tied ties with the Jewish state, which possibly could be linked to the Eritrean government is secular Christian, that is not Muslim and Israel Hosting. 1995 concluded a formal agreement between the two countries.
Over many years, Israel has had two military installations in Eritrea, one of the signals, and the other underhållsbas for Israel's German-built submarines that are likely to be equipped with nuclear weapons.
In addition, states from different, albeit unconfirmed, sources that Israel store nuclear waste from its Dimon reactor on two islands outside the Eritrean coast.
According to mass media in Yemen on the other side of Gulf of Aden utilized Israeli warships from their Eritrean bases to support its military operations during the war against Lebanon in summer 2006.
However, this Eritrean-Israeli alliance half now be entitled stretched. Among other things, the British newspaper Sunday Times (19 / 4) reports that Israel has begun to draw the attention of the ears after Eritrea and President Afwerki lately has deepened its cooperation with one of Israel's enemies: Islamic Republic of Iran.
Eritrea and Iran have had decent, if not dynamic relationships with each other in many years. But it was after a visit by Afwerki in Tehran in May last year that cooperation took real momentum.
- For Iran and Eritrea is no limit to how much we can extend our mutual cooperation. Our countries have similar views on regional and global issues and how to resist the hegemonic major powers intrusion, "said Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after his meetings with Afwerki.
Most concrete and well known is that Iran has refurbished an oil refinery and established some sort of base in the port city of Assab in the Arabian Sea. According to frequent, though controversial, information to the media and on the Internet, Iran has also stationed troops in Assab and warships, helicopters, and aircraft missiles.
Even between Eritrea and China have relations DENSE in recent years. Chinese enterprises have made relatively large investments in Eritrea, partly foreign-funded aid projects, but also pure Chinese business projects. Each year, several one hundred Chinese businessmen to Eritrea, and about as many Eritrean teachers and researchers are trained each year at the Chinese University.
As a form of payment for this Chinese rundhänthet has Afwerkiregimen acceded to China's position on Tibet. For example, issuing the ruling party the People's Front for Democracy and Justice is generally condemnations of the Dalai Lama and his attempt to lead the Tibetan past "feudal ruling class" to revolt against Chinese rule.
An obvious question is: Where do Eritrea arms to its relatively heavy-equipped armed forces.
Under the meticulous and constantly updated reports from the Peace Research Institute SIPRI in Stockholm will weapons primarily from four sources, all in the former Soviet bloc: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Bulgaria.
From here, the Eritrea during the last ten years had, or had to buy, hundreds of tanks and artillery, at least a dozen modern fighter aircraft and several hundred anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles.
This weapon power has gone after Eritrea fought an extremely bloody border war with Ethiopia in 1998-2000. It of course raises a new question: Afwerkiregimen preparing for new war adventure, with the support of a refilled arsenal and Eritreas odd allies?
Per Jönsson
Eritreas egendomliga allierade
När Eritreas president Isaias Afwerki samma år som självständigheten flög till Israel för avancerad medicinsk behandling tycks han ha knutit band med den judiska staten som möjligen kan kopplas till att den eritreanska statsledningen är sekulärt kristen, det vill säga inte muslimsk och Israelfientlig. 1995 ingicks ett formellt avtal mellan de båda länderna.
Under en lång följd av år har Israel haft två militära anläggningar i Eritrea, den ena för signalspaning och den andra som underhållsbas för Israels tyskbyggda ubåtar som sannolikt är bestyckade med kärnvapen.
Därtill uppges från olika, låt vara obekräftade, källor att Israel förvarar kärnbränsleavfall från sin Dimona-reaktor på två öar utanför eritreanska kusten.
Enligt massmedier i Jemen på andra sidan Adenviken utnyttjade Israel krigsfartyg från sina eritreanska baser för att stödja sina militära operationer under kriget mot Libanon sommaren 2006.
Dock verkar denna eritreansk-israeliska halvallians numera vara rätt ansträngd. Bland annat den brittiska tidningen Sunday Times (19/4) rapporterar om att Israel har börjat dra öronen åt sig efter att Eritrea och president Afwerki på sistone har fördjupat sitt samarbete med en av Israels fiender: Islamiska republiken Iran.
Eritrea och Iran har haft hyggliga om än inte dynamiska relationer med varandra i ganska många år. Men det var efter ett besök av Afwerki i Teheran i maj förra året som samarbetet tog verklig fart.
- För Iran och Eritrea finns inga gränser för hur mycket vi kan utvidga vårt ömsesidiga samarbete. Våra länder har samma syn på regionala och globala frågor och hur man ska motstå hegemoniska stormakters intrång, sade den iranske presidenten Mahmoud Ahmadinejad efter sina möten med Afwerki.
Mest konkret och välkänt är att Iran har renoverat ett oljeraffinaderi och etablerat något slags bas i hamnstaden Assab vid Arabiska sjön. Enligt frekventa, fast omstridda, uppgifter i massmedier och på internet har Iran också stationerat trupper i Assab samt örlogsfartyg, helikoptrar, och luftvärnsmissiler.
Också mellan Eritrea och Kina har förbindelserna tätnat på senare år. Kinesiska företag har gjort förhållandevis stora investeringar i Eritrea, delvis utländskt finansierade biståndsprojekt, men också rent kinesiska affärsprojekt. Varje år kommer åtskilliga hundra kinesiska affärsmän till Eritrea, och ungefär lika många eritreanska lärare och forskare utbildas varje år vid kinesiska universitet.
Som ett slags betalning för denna kinesiska rundhänthet har Afwerkiregimen anslutit sig till Kinas ståndpunkt beträffande Tibet. Exempelvis utfärdar det styrande partiet Folkfronten för demokrati och rättvisa allt som oftast fördömanden av Dalai Lama och dennes försök att leda Tibets tidigare "härskande feodalklass" till revolt mot det kinesiska styret.
En självklar fråga är: Varifrån får Eritrea vapen till sin förhållandevis tungt rustade krigsmakt.
Enligt minutiösa och ständigt uppdaterade rapporter från fredsforskningsinstitutet Sipri i Stockholm kommer vapnen främst från fyra håll, alla inom det forna Sovjetblocket: Ryssland, Ukraina, Vitryssland och Bulgarien.
Härifrån har Eritrea under de senaste tio åren fått, eller fått köpa, hundratals stridsvagnar och artilleripjäser, minst ett dussin moderna stridsflygplan samt flera hundra luftvärns- och antistridsvagnsmissiler.
Denna vapenström har alltså pågått efter att Eritrea utkämpade ett extremt blodigt gränskrig mot Etiopien 1998-2000. Det väcker förstås en ny fråga: Förbereder sig Afwerkiregimen för nya krigsäventyr, med stöd av en påfylld vapenarsenal och Eritreas udda allierade?
Per Jönsson
Under en lång följd av år har Israel haft två militära anläggningar i Eritrea, den ena för signalspaning och den andra som underhållsbas för Israels tyskbyggda ubåtar som sannolikt är bestyckade med kärnvapen.
Därtill uppges från olika, låt vara obekräftade, källor att Israel förvarar kärnbränsleavfall från sin Dimona-reaktor på två öar utanför eritreanska kusten.
Enligt massmedier i Jemen på andra sidan Adenviken utnyttjade Israel krigsfartyg från sina eritreanska baser för att stödja sina militära operationer under kriget mot Libanon sommaren 2006.
Dock verkar denna eritreansk-israeliska halvallians numera vara rätt ansträngd. Bland annat den brittiska tidningen Sunday Times (19/4) rapporterar om att Israel har börjat dra öronen åt sig efter att Eritrea och president Afwerki på sistone har fördjupat sitt samarbete med en av Israels fiender: Islamiska republiken Iran.
Eritrea och Iran har haft hyggliga om än inte dynamiska relationer med varandra i ganska många år. Men det var efter ett besök av Afwerki i Teheran i maj förra året som samarbetet tog verklig fart.
- För Iran och Eritrea finns inga gränser för hur mycket vi kan utvidga vårt ömsesidiga samarbete. Våra länder har samma syn på regionala och globala frågor och hur man ska motstå hegemoniska stormakters intrång, sade den iranske presidenten Mahmoud Ahmadinejad efter sina möten med Afwerki.
Mest konkret och välkänt är att Iran har renoverat ett oljeraffinaderi och etablerat något slags bas i hamnstaden Assab vid Arabiska sjön. Enligt frekventa, fast omstridda, uppgifter i massmedier och på internet har Iran också stationerat trupper i Assab samt örlogsfartyg, helikoptrar, och luftvärnsmissiler.
Också mellan Eritrea och Kina har förbindelserna tätnat på senare år. Kinesiska företag har gjort förhållandevis stora investeringar i Eritrea, delvis utländskt finansierade biståndsprojekt, men också rent kinesiska affärsprojekt. Varje år kommer åtskilliga hundra kinesiska affärsmän till Eritrea, och ungefär lika många eritreanska lärare och forskare utbildas varje år vid kinesiska universitet.
Som ett slags betalning för denna kinesiska rundhänthet har Afwerkiregimen anslutit sig till Kinas ståndpunkt beträffande Tibet. Exempelvis utfärdar det styrande partiet Folkfronten för demokrati och rättvisa allt som oftast fördömanden av Dalai Lama och dennes försök att leda Tibets tidigare "härskande feodalklass" till revolt mot det kinesiska styret.
En självklar fråga är: Varifrån får Eritrea vapen till sin förhållandevis tungt rustade krigsmakt.
Enligt minutiösa och ständigt uppdaterade rapporter från fredsforskningsinstitutet Sipri i Stockholm kommer vapnen främst från fyra håll, alla inom det forna Sovjetblocket: Ryssland, Ukraina, Vitryssland och Bulgarien.
Härifrån har Eritrea under de senaste tio åren fått, eller fått köpa, hundratals stridsvagnar och artilleripjäser, minst ett dussin moderna stridsflygplan samt flera hundra luftvärns- och antistridsvagnsmissiler.
Denna vapenström har alltså pågått efter att Eritrea utkämpade ett extremt blodigt gränskrig mot Etiopien 1998-2000. Det väcker förstås en ny fråga: Förbereder sig Afwerkiregimen för nya krigsäventyr, med stöd av en påfylld vapenarsenal och Eritreas udda allierade?
Per Jönsson
Tsega Sereke Tewelde need not return to Eritrea

Friday, May 01, 2009
Tsega Sereke Tewelde need not return to Eritrea
Published 2009-04-29 23:55
On Wednesday, the Migration Board, 25-year-old eritrea skan Tsega Sereke Tewelde permanent residence, even though she had previously tvångsutvisas. Migration Board will now review the old refusal before any tvångsutvisas to Eritrea.
When the DN met 25-year Tsega Sereke Tewelde a month ago, she had just released from the Migration Board custody in Gävle, where she had been locked up for four months in anticipation of the likely become tvångsutvisad to Eritrea.
In mid-March, the Swedish Migration Board that there was nothing that prevented the deportation. A week later changed migration court decision. Tsega Sereke Tewelde was granted a new trial. In earlier decisions had not been taken into account that Tsega Sereke Tewelde was punished because she fled illegally when she was 18, shortly before DRAFT.
On Wednesday was Tsega Sereke Tewelde know that she, after six years in Sweden and several rejections, finally now been granted permanent residence of the Swedish Migration Board, which is only a month ago said that she would tvångsutvisas.
- Now I finally learn English properly, "said Tsega Sereke Tewelde, which on several occasions to cancel the instruction when the authorities refused her requests for asylum.
During the years in Sweden, she cleaned the offices and homes of the elderly in Stockholm suburbs in home management.
- Now I want to finally educate me. I will be undersköterska, "she says.
Tsega Sereke Tewelde is one of the hundreds of Eritreans who were rejecting their applications for asylum a few years ago. Last year was executed a couple of forced expulsions, despite protests, including one from Amnesty. At the same time came reports that the situation in Eritrea deteriorated. Many threatened with deportation earlier refusal has therefore put forward new data from Eritrea as a reason for the expulsion should not be enforced. So far, the Swedish Migration Board usually rejected their request. But as DN attention has migration court in Stockholm often amended the Migration Board adverse decision and granted the new trial.
In the near future, the Migration Board now to take a guiding decisions requiring a change.
- I am very concerned about developments in Eritrea. Before the eri-Trean who have older refusal expelled, we shall re-assess the risk that they be punished if they are deemed to have concealed themselves from military service, "said Migration Board of Legal Mikael Ribbenvik.
Ann Persson
ann.persson @
Tsega Sereke Tewelde behöver inte återvända till Eritrea
Publicerat 2009-04-29 23:55
På onsdagen gav Migrationsverket den 25-åriga eritreanskan Tsega Sereke Tewelde permanent uppehållstillstånd trots att hon tidigare skulle tvångsutvisas. Migrationsverket ska nu granska gamla avslagsbeslut innan någon tvångsutvisas till Eritrea.
När DN träffade 25-åriga Tsega Sereke Tewelde för en månad sedan hade hon just släppts ur Migrationsverkets förvar i Gävle, där hon hade suttit inlåst i fyra månader i väntan på att sannolikt bli tvångsutvisad till Eritrea.
I mitten av mars ansåg Migrationsverket att det inte fanns något som hindrade en utvisning. En vecka senare ändrade migrationsdomstolen beslutet. Tsega Sereke Tewelde beviljades en ny prövning. I tidigare beslut hade man nämligen inte tagit hänsyn till att Tsega Sereke Tewelde kunde bestraffas för att hon flytt illegalt när hon var 18, strax före inkallelsen till militärtjänst.
På onsdagen fick Tsega Sereke Tewelde veta att hon, efter sex år i Sverige och flera avslag, till sist nu beviljats permanent uppehållstillstånd av Migrationsverket, som alltså bara för en månad sedan menade att hon skulle tvångsutvisas.
– Nu ska jag äntligen lära mig svenska ordentligt, säger Tsega Sereke Tewelde, som flera gånger fått avbryta undervisningen när myndigheterna avslagit hennes asylansökningar.
Under åren i Sverige har hon städat på kontor och hemma hos äldre i Stockholms förorter i hemtjänstens regi.
– Nu vill jag äntligen utbilda mig. Jag tänker bli undersköterska, säger hon.
Tsega Sereke Tewelde är en av det hundratal eritreaner, som fick avslag på sina asylansökningar för ett par år sedan. Förra året verkställdes ett par tvångsutvisningar trots protester från bland annat Amnesty. Samtidigt kom rapporter om att situationen i Eritrea förvärrats. Många utvisningshotade med äldre avslagsbeslut har därför anfört nya uppgifter från Eritrea som ett skäl för att utvisningen inte ska verkställas. Hittills har Migrationsverket oftast avslagit deras begäran. Men som DN uppmärksammat har migrationsdomstolen i Stockholm ofta ändrat Migrationsverkets negativa beslut och beviljat ny prövning.
Inom kort kommer Migrationsverket nu att fatta ett vägledande beslut som innebär en förändring.
– Jag är mycket oroad över utvecklingen i Eritrea. Innan de eri-treaner som har äldre avslagsbeslut utvisas ska vi på nytt bedöma risken för att de bestraffas om de kan anses ha undanhållit sig från militärtjänsten, säger Migrationsverkets rättschef Mikael Ribbenvik.
Ann Persson
På onsdagen gav Migrationsverket den 25-åriga eritreanskan Tsega Sereke Tewelde permanent uppehållstillstånd trots att hon tidigare skulle tvångsutvisas. Migrationsverket ska nu granska gamla avslagsbeslut innan någon tvångsutvisas till Eritrea.
När DN träffade 25-åriga Tsega Sereke Tewelde för en månad sedan hade hon just släppts ur Migrationsverkets förvar i Gävle, där hon hade suttit inlåst i fyra månader i väntan på att sannolikt bli tvångsutvisad till Eritrea.
I mitten av mars ansåg Migrationsverket att det inte fanns något som hindrade en utvisning. En vecka senare ändrade migrationsdomstolen beslutet. Tsega Sereke Tewelde beviljades en ny prövning. I tidigare beslut hade man nämligen inte tagit hänsyn till att Tsega Sereke Tewelde kunde bestraffas för att hon flytt illegalt när hon var 18, strax före inkallelsen till militärtjänst.
På onsdagen fick Tsega Sereke Tewelde veta att hon, efter sex år i Sverige och flera avslag, till sist nu beviljats permanent uppehållstillstånd av Migrationsverket, som alltså bara för en månad sedan menade att hon skulle tvångsutvisas.
– Nu ska jag äntligen lära mig svenska ordentligt, säger Tsega Sereke Tewelde, som flera gånger fått avbryta undervisningen när myndigheterna avslagit hennes asylansökningar.
Under åren i Sverige har hon städat på kontor och hemma hos äldre i Stockholms förorter i hemtjänstens regi.
– Nu vill jag äntligen utbilda mig. Jag tänker bli undersköterska, säger hon.
Tsega Sereke Tewelde är en av det hundratal eritreaner, som fick avslag på sina asylansökningar för ett par år sedan. Förra året verkställdes ett par tvångsutvisningar trots protester från bland annat Amnesty. Samtidigt kom rapporter om att situationen i Eritrea förvärrats. Många utvisningshotade med äldre avslagsbeslut har därför anfört nya uppgifter från Eritrea som ett skäl för att utvisningen inte ska verkställas. Hittills har Migrationsverket oftast avslagit deras begäran. Men som DN uppmärksammat har migrationsdomstolen i Stockholm ofta ändrat Migrationsverkets negativa beslut och beviljat ny prövning.
Inom kort kommer Migrationsverket nu att fatta ett vägledande beslut som innebär en förändring.
– Jag är mycket oroad över utvecklingen i Eritrea. Innan de eri-treaner som har äldre avslagsbeslut utvisas ska vi på nytt bedöma risken för att de bestraffas om de kan anses ha undanhållit sig från militärtjänsten, säger Migrationsverkets rättschef Mikael Ribbenvik.
Ann Persson
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Online chatt with Michela Wrong with DN readers in Sweden

moderatorThe clock has now past 14:00 and close the chat. We thank all participants.
I beg to differ to your claim "only the elit have access to mobil". You can visit any village in Eritrea to find people with mobil phones, let alone people in the cities. Speakning of Internet have you read FAIR agreement with the Ministry of Education in Eritrea initiating large-scale ICT project between Eritrea and Norway that it's been going on since 2004? UNESCO report it as success story.
Michela WrongThanks for the correction. I have not been to Eritrea for three years now, so my impressions get out of date - that's the problem when you cannot get into a country! When I was last there the mobile phone network itself looked likely to collapse because of problems the company concerned was experiencing repatriating its profits. That's good to know.
Thank You Michela You are Ambassador of Eritrea. The ignorance in the west of why Africa is the way it is and the manipulation that still goes is astounding. What ever African's say does not seem to be listened. I always recommend your book to people. Thanks again
Michela WrongThank you. I hope what comes across in my book is that while I certainly have criticisms of the current Eritrean administration - much more so now, in fact, than when I finished the book -- I have huge sympathy for the Eritrean people, and feel their amazing story and current predicament have been sorely neglected by the rest of the world and deserve to be more widely known.
True Eeritrean
Hi why is the international comunity quite when it comes to the border problem with Ethiopia, don't you think that is the bigest problem in the horn, what happen to the role off law. Then do you have any prove when you say that eritrea is helping the al shebab in Somalia because Eritrea was accused to have 2000 trops in somalia before the invation of the ethiopian army into somalia but they could not find any eritrean except to jornalists who are in preson in ethiopia and no one talks about them.
Michela WrongThe international community does not connect up the dots, sadly. As a journalist writing about these issues, I always try and point out the links between the border ruling and the situation in Somalia, where Ethiopia and Eritrea continued their quarrel in the form of a proxy war. Few listen, sadly. But Eritrea has done itself no favours. It should meet emissaries from the West, not matter how ignorant they seem, not insult them on its websites and refuse to talk to them. And this game of supporting the opposition groups of neighbouring regimes is a stupid one to play. It sows anarchy in the region, and simply confirms the stereotype of Eritrea as being a pariah nation. I do not believe for a moment there were 2,000 Eritreans fighting in Somalia but it seems pretty clear Isaias has been generous with his support to the fundamentalist dissident factions of Somalia. And all that did was confirm Washington in its view that he is a leader the States cannot do business with and that Eritrea has chosen the other side in the War on Terror. In my view, that was a really dangerous strategic mistake on Isaias' part.
DN is the first papper to tell that your book is "excommunicated" or "baned" in Eritrea. The same way Iran did with The Satanic Verses of Rushdie. This is a big news for me as an Eritrean. Infact I did read your book on my way to Eritrea in July 2008. I read it on the plane, had it in my hand in the Airport, read it in Asmara and Massawa ( i admit I am a slow reader :-). When did Eritrea ban your book? How is the public in Eritrea and outside the country informed that it is prohibit to read/have your book? This is very important for many to know as it the first book ever to be banned in Eritrea - as far as I'm concerned. Michela WrongWhen the book first came out, it was openly circulating in Asmara and I know that even government ministers were spotted with it on their desks. Then, as the presidency, became ever more sensitive to criticism of any kind, the attitude changed. I heard it had been "reviewed" live on Eritrean television for several nights running, and that the review was basically one long, angry denunciation. I know for a fact that not a single bookshop in Asmara sells it now. I'm sure people in the diaspora take it in with them - please carry on doing that - but you can't get it locally. Does all this count as an official "ban"? I would say an unofficial ban. And the last time I applied for a visa, I was not granted one. I hope this is a temporary state of affairs, but I'm not counting on it. When I first visited Eritrea, the government was confident enough, and wise enough, to tolerate criticism, as it knew that alongside the criticism went friendly concern. As a journalist, you would be told where you had got it wrong, but you were allowed in. Now I don't believe it's possible for British journalists to even get into the country. And there is no one left to criticise the regime, not the university, not the Orthodox Church or the Imams, not the intellectuals, not the press.
Hi! What do you think would be the best way to sole the situation in Eritrea? Is there any hope at all?
Michela WrongToo big a question! I think the international community should do what it can to sort out the stalemate over the border with Ethiopia, because, firstly, that is the right thing to do and because, secondly, that is an area in which it has some influence. But I think it's likely that change in Eritrea will come from within, and it can only come, I believe, with a new president. At 63, Isaias is too old to change his ways.
I want to excuse the regime, I believe illiteracy and famine are problems in desperate need of being adressed. But how wise is it to openly and offensively make demands on internal affairs - how wrong we may beieve an imprisonment to be - when it is highly probable the response will be an ill-serving attitude of ignorance? I could of course be wrong, how do you think the regime reads the protest?
Michela WrongI fear the regime may simply brush off the protest. That's what it has done in the past. One of the problems is that if this particular journalist is freed, questions will then be asked about all the other members of the G15 who were rounded up at the same time. And I'm sure the regime does not intend to free those former political players. Erik AHow is it possible for Afewerki and his government to keep Eritrea so closed, in spite of the openness of the modern world?
Michela WrongIt's only possible because Eritrea is such a small country. I'm sure Meles Zenawi would like to be able to control Ethiopia in the same way, but it's just too big to attempt such a thing. Very few Westerners are now based in Asmara, so anyone who arrives at that tiny airport is immediately noticed and easy to track. The communications are terrible - I'm convinced the government has deliberately kept them so - so the internet world is very difficult for ordinary Eritreans to access. Last time I was there, only the elite owned mobile phones, so once again a form of free speech that is common in most African countries now is not available to the locals. Given all these things, you really can cut a country off from the world.
What was most difficult when writing the book? Whar are you going to do next?
Michela WrongI went to Moscow to research the book and found it very difficult to work there, as I don't speak Russian and it was a country I didn't know.
Michela Don't you agree all this false concern for human rights etc, when the very supposed democratic countries are the cause for not closing the wound of the border are more interested in the effect than the cause. What is Eritrea meant to do when UN, US, EU,AU are abrogating their duties and allow illegal things like invasion , arms purchase from north Korea etc. ? When it comes to religion, what is your outlook of mass conversion with the bribe of money ? I suggest people have a look at this aggressive American evangelist and what he thinks of other religions, and tell me Eritrea is doing wrong.
Michela Wrong I have no sympathy with American missionaries who go to Africa and try and convert the locals. However, I think Eritreans would not have flocked to these evangelical churches had there not been a growing despair and frustration in the society as a whole. I totally agree that the international community has failed in its duties on the border issue - the UN is happy to lecture Eritrea about its behaviour over Djibouti, but doesn't seem to apply the same attitude to Ethiopia over border demarcation - and the AU's indulgent stance on Ethiopia's invasion of Somalia was extraordinary. However, none of this changes the fact that Eritrea today is a country thousands of its young people are desperate to leave. They are risking their lives every day in their determination to get out. And that is a terrible indictment of the regime, not the West. When your own young people turn your back on you, you have failed as an administration.
Fredrik K, London
HI Michaela, in light of the present situation - a corrupt dictatorship with an army numbering more than 300,000 men, scant popular support, and severe abuse of human rights - what do you believe is the best course of action from here? Clearly, the government is all but immune to external criticism and does not seem to care about the plight of the Eritrean population. Thanks
Michela WrongThe regime does not seem to respond to outside criticism or pressure, as you say. But I think the West has to hold out its hand, and try to keep talking. Western governments can be very dismissive and arrogant in their dealings with Eritrea. They have a tendency to conveniently forget the past. They also have a tendency to ignore legitimate Eritrean complaints, like the fact that an international boundary commission's "final and binding" ruling on the border with Ethiopia has been ignored and violated, and the West has never really applied serious pressure on Addis Ababa to respect that ruling. This lack of balance sends a signal to the government in Eritrea that there is one rule for Eritrea, and another for Ethiopia. If the West behaved in a more obviously even-handed way, and demanded from Ethiopia that it meet its international obligations - which included marking its border and not invading its neighbours -- then Eritrea might be more likely to feel that the diplomatic game was worth playing. As it is, the Eritrea leadership notes the international community's hypocrisy and withdraws into its preferred isolationist position, telling itself there is clearly no point engaging in diplomacy of any kind.
Are aware that your book is today introduced inte the Swedish media as a critique while the truth, as I read it, is more than 90% of the content deal with how the west betryed Eritrea and it's people? Do you feel it is fair?
Michela Wrong
You're right, the book's main aim is certainly to explain how Western and Soviet interference in the Horn of Africa helped to make Eritrea what it is today. And yes, that is a story of betrayal, cynically perpetrated by outsiders. But the last chapter, I think, makes clear that there has been a last betrayal, in my view, of the Eritrean people, and that is the one perpetrated by the current regime.
Anna Bengtsson
Hi Michaela, I recently read your book which I found so well researched and interesting. I am hoping and wondering - do you have any plans to write a similar book about Somalia as well? In any case - can you recommend any particular book about the politico-history / international relations of Somalia that you know about and find well-written? That would be super interesting as well. Keep up the good work!
Michela Wrong
Thank you. I've never been to Somalia, so I'm not the right person to write this book. And it's difficult to see anyone writing this at the moment because it is so dangerous for journalists to work in Somalia at the moment. So many have been killed, both Somali journalists and Western journalists. I can point you to a very interesting book by Gerard Hanley - "Warriors" - which was written back in the 1950s. It captures a great deal about the Somali character and beautifully conveys that harsh landscape. But of course, it is not up to date.
Simon S
Hi! I wonder, what is the possibility of Dawit Isaak getting out? and why? love from Simon
Michela Wrong
The problem is that President Isaias Afwerki appears to regard concession and compromise as a form of weakness. It's a very Eritrean characteristic, the need to show a hard, implacable face to the world all the time. Whereas sometimes the canny, wise and mature thing to do is to indicate flexibility. Eritrea's implacability has not served it well, so far. Being regarded by the international community as a pariah state is not in the interests of the Eritrean people.
To what extent would you agree that it is obtuse and western centricic to focus on Eritrea as merely a cruel imprisoning dictatorship, given the country's history? The freedom people in Eritrea has fought for is freedom from British colonialism and Italian fascism - the very same countries that along with Sweden and Europe now claim to know again what is best.
Michela WrongI think it's terribly important to understand the history of African countries with colonial pasts. That's why I wrote "I didn't do it for you", to remind my own British population, and the Italians, and the Americans, and the Soviets, of what they got up to in Eritrea and what damage they did. But that doesn't let the current leadership of Eritrea off the hook. This is an independent nation now, and the ruling regime is responsible for the welfare of its people. To understand is not necessarily to excuse. GhebreDo you know there is more than 2000 Christian i the prisen, just because of their believe
Michela WrongI'm not sure what the exact figure is - I think it varies all the time as people are released from detention - but there is certainly a huge amount of state repression of Christian churches in Eritrea.
Jag vill också att Dawit Isaac ska frias,men jag fattar inte varför ni skriver så dumma saker om Isaias Afwerki. Kan du motivera varfö ni tycker att han är en så dålig ledare för Eritrea? moderatorDu måste skriva dina frågor på engelska för att kunna få svar.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ideologically-driven torture in Eritrea

Published 2009-04-20 09:22
Eritrean view outliers that Dawit Isaak may expect to be branded as enemies of the regime and tortured in the dungeons.
When the Semret Eritrean journalist Seyoum in early 2002 to the prison camp Hadish-Me-Asker, this was not much to the institution. Therefore he was placed and some fellow in underground bunkers, barely larger than a single bed, with no light penetrated.
It spent Semret Seyom several months, lying on the bunker floor and with tied hands. Only when he has to do their needs, he was coming out, and when he got to eat the only law that banned prisoners: a bowl of water-soaked lentils.
Description of the prison stay Semret Seyom gives fits well with the explanation given in the Human Rights Watch thick report on the oppression and abuse in Eritrea, which was published the other day. To lock up prisoners in the soil is extremely common in Eritrea - a legacy after the long struggle for liberation in 1970 - and 80-speeds where the guerrillas hid in buried bunkers which today is used as dungeons.
Semret Seyoum is close friend and former Journal colleague Dawit Isaak. Both were arrested in connection with the Eritrean regime's massive strikes against opposition politicians and independent journalists in the international media the shade after September 11 disaster in 2001. Semret Seyom managed to keep hidden a few months but was arrested by soldiers when he tried to flee to Sudan.
Dawit Isaak is sitting still, seven and a half years later, in a dungeon somewhere where no outsiders know anything about him.
Semret Seyoum was "lucky": after a year in the unconstitutional conditions in Hadish-Me-Ashker and another prison, he suddenly released and put into forced labor without pay. Other half years later, he managed to flee from Eritrea and was later to Sweden.
Why were you free?
- I have no idea. I do not know why I was arrested and imprisoned. No indictment was ever for me, says to DN in the days of Swedish-speaking Semret Seyoum who now lives in Farsta and apply for a job.
Fixed a kind of allegations are made all the time in the prison camp to Semret Seyoum: that he was a "zumbul". The name is perhaps the worst one can get in the totalitarian drive Eritrea today is ruled by the same Marxist-Leninist minted elite kader party that once led the guerrilla struggle for national liberation. Semret Seyoum explains:
- The word "zumbul" literally means only something as innocuous as "tendency" or "liking". However, in Eritrea, the offensive and threatening against those deemed to be democratic, liberal reform trends. It began to be used during Liberation struggle, and it was called the "zumbul" became an outcast from the Community and ended sooner or later in a secret prison for likely never come back.
- This was the underlying meaning of the term "zumbul" that got my blood to congeal, each time it was directed against me. I feared for my life. I began to wonder if this was the last chapter of my shift rich life - to die without any witness who could tell of the end for me, "says Semret Seyoum seriously.
The parallels with the seemingly innocent Anyway in other totalitarian systems than Eritreas is obvious. For example, in Lenin and the Bolsheviks Soviet Communist Party members were accused of "fraktionalism" (in order to divide the party). In Maos Communist China stamped dissidents as "outliers" (from the Chairman Maos line). In the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah denigrate the regime's arch enemy as "hypocrites" (one who pretends, but is not, faithful and loyal to Islam). In all cases, the penalty was about the same as in Eritrea.
Under both Semret Seyoum which Human Rights Watch can it declared to be "zumbul" count on the violent treatment. One wonders with horror what and how many treatments Dawit Isaak has been the victim of.
Some examples, including several by name from the period when Eritrea was an Italian colony:
• helicopter: the victim's hands and feet are tied crosswise.
• Otto (means of eight Italian): hands pinion and the victim must be on my stomach on the ground - it was so Semret Seyoum was forced to spend time in the underground cell.
• Ferro (iron in Italian): hands coated with handcuffs, after which the victim is suspended on an a rod or a tree branch.
• Goma: the victim is pressed on the inside of a reinforced truck tires after that rolled on the ground, sometimes for many hours.
• Jesus Christ: the victim was crucified on a tree or cross of wood and left to hang there in solgasset.
• Likboja: they tie in to a corpse of a dead prisoner or other person.
And then of course bogus drowning, that is to say that the victim's head held under water so that the prisoner believe they soon drown.
For at least the last point, there is some similarity between the dictatorship in Eritrea and the Bush administration / CIA's "war on terrorism" after the September 11 disaster.
Per Jönsson
per.jonsson @
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The dictator recognizes torture

Now, new alarming data on the situation of Dawit Isaak and others imprisoned in Eritrea.
In an exclusive interview confirms President Isaias Afewerki that he allows torture.
- We are a young nation on the road to build our society, you can not compare our unique situation with other countries, he told journalist Damien McElroy, seconded by the British Daily Telegraph.
Swedish journalist Dawit Isaak has been detained in Eritrea since the fall of 2001.
In Sweden, a campaign to get Dawit Isaak released, in Eritrea, the situation is different.
The country's leader Isaias Afewerki had a wide popular support when he came to power, but now control the country with an iron fist.
Dawit Isaak is just one of the many journalists and opposition figures detained for unclear reasons. And President Afewerki rarely gives interviews to foreign journalists.
Want to be heard in the world
Recently received the Daily Telegraph's foreign reporter, Damien McElroy, after all, a chance to put questions to Isaias Afewerki. He met the president met in the capital Asmara.
- At the moment, he wants to be his voice to be heard in the world, for some reason, "says Damien McElroy.
Damien McElroy is not aware of the case Dawit Isaak, but is aware of the harsh conditions in Eritrea.
- It is a closed system, "says Damien McElroy.
When Isaias Afewerki was asked about the lack of human rights he endeavored not to try WHITEWASH.
- He denied it even. Forced Labor and the use of torture in the legal system, "says Damien McElroy.
Has been a trend
Manager's explanation for his harsh rule was that it is necessary when a young nation was formed.
Damien McElroy had no impression that the situation of Dawit Isaak and his fellow would change in the near future.
- There has been a trend over the last decade and I do not think there will be no deviations from it.
By Oscar Julander
oscar.julander @
Monday, April 06, 2009
Eritreans leaving their country in mass
Thousands of Eritreans are looking to the West each year. During the second half of 2008, searched over 8100 asylum, under the UN refugee agency, which means twice the rate compared to 2007.
The most recent refugee wave states according to international reports depend on the threat of lack of food combined with the fact that the military mobilization in the country strengthened.
- Young people see a long life as soldiers in front of them with oppression and mistreatment of an army in which generals can also use them as private workforce, "says Ginbot Abraha, Eritreans for Human Rights.
Nobody knows for sure what will happen in the border conflict with Ethiopia, where Sweden believes that Eritrea has the right, after the UN withdrew its presence last year. Moreover arose another military conflict on the border with Djibouti. According to the World Bank was 320,000 Eritreans in the army service last year. In principle, both men and women up to age 50 be available to be called up. Several reports say that in principle no longer be granted an exit permit from Eritrea, which is interpreted as a further sign that the mobilization strengthened.
The compulsory military training in the last year of school. This will send students to the military träningslägret Sawa in western Eritrea. In a recent report from the British asylum authorities, police raids last spring to gather up and punish the young people who deviated from military service.
Among the refugees are young deserters. The vast majority get to walk across the long borders with Sudan or Ethiopia. The detected at the limit risk being shot.
In order to move to Europe to pay those who can afford tens of thousands of crowns to the smugglers. Other stops in any of the refugee camps in eastern Sudan and in Ethiopia.
Altogether there are now about 100,000 Eritrean refugees in Sudan. Many of these came to Sudan during the Eritrean liberation war from 1960 until independence in 1993.
That so many now are looking forward to Europe, in addition to the situation in Eritrea due to the conditions in Sudan and Ethiopia deteriorated. The increase in the number of asylum seekers, however, indicate that the disappointment is great how it developed after the war against Ethiopia.
To Sweden last year, 857 asylum seekers. The same year was 764 Eritreans residence, while 352 were rejected.
In an interview with news channel Al-Jazira said Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki that the information on the number of refugees were exaggerated and influenced by U.S. propaganda.
The most recent refugee wave states according to international reports depend on the threat of lack of food combined with the fact that the military mobilization in the country strengthened.
- Young people see a long life as soldiers in front of them with oppression and mistreatment of an army in which generals can also use them as private workforce, "says Ginbot Abraha, Eritreans for Human Rights.
Nobody knows for sure what will happen in the border conflict with Ethiopia, where Sweden believes that Eritrea has the right, after the UN withdrew its presence last year. Moreover arose another military conflict on the border with Djibouti. According to the World Bank was 320,000 Eritreans in the army service last year. In principle, both men and women up to age 50 be available to be called up. Several reports say that in principle no longer be granted an exit permit from Eritrea, which is interpreted as a further sign that the mobilization strengthened.
The compulsory military training in the last year of school. This will send students to the military träningslägret Sawa in western Eritrea. In a recent report from the British asylum authorities, police raids last spring to gather up and punish the young people who deviated from military service.
Among the refugees are young deserters. The vast majority get to walk across the long borders with Sudan or Ethiopia. The detected at the limit risk being shot.
In order to move to Europe to pay those who can afford tens of thousands of crowns to the smugglers. Other stops in any of the refugee camps in eastern Sudan and in Ethiopia.
Altogether there are now about 100,000 Eritrean refugees in Sudan. Many of these came to Sudan during the Eritrean liberation war from 1960 until independence in 1993.
That so many now are looking forward to Europe, in addition to the situation in Eritrea due to the conditions in Sudan and Ethiopia deteriorated. The increase in the number of asylum seekers, however, indicate that the disappointment is great how it developed after the war against Ethiopia.
To Sweden last year, 857 asylum seekers. The same year was 764 Eritreans residence, while 352 were rejected.
In an interview with news channel Al-Jazira said Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki that the information on the number of refugees were exaggerated and influenced by U.S. propaganda.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
"I was tortured in prison" Simret Sium setit newspaper journalist

Dawit Isaak has been a prisoner in Eritrea since the fall of 2001.
His colleague Semret Seyoum was arrested around the same time.
- It was dark around the clock. My hands were bound and tortured me, says Semret Seyoum to Expressen.
Their only crime was that they written articles.
In autumn 2001 the Eritrean government closed down all the free newspapers and several journalists were imprisoned.
One of the newspapers affected were Setit launched in August 1997.
Semret Seyoum and Dawit Isaak, two of the founders.
- We did not think it was dangerous. The Government had introduced a law on press freedom, says Semret Seyoum, 41.
It was until 2001 when they are thrown in jail without warning.
- It was only because we were journalists. We had not done anything other than to write articles, "says Semret Seyoum.
"Underground cell"
He and Dawit Isaak was arrested around the same time. They were in different prisons.
- The time in prison were terrible difficult. I was locked up in a small underground cell. It was dark around the clock. My hands were tied the whole time and they tortured me, says Semret Seyoum.
He still do not know why he went to prison. He do not know why he was released in January 2003.
- In my country do not know why they are imprisoned, or why they released, "says Semret Seyoum.
"Bildt should go to Eritrea"
He is reporting on Mr Dawit Isaak and has two calls to the Foreign Ministry.
- Think again on quiet diplomacy is the right way. It may work on others but it has almost been eight years. Secondly, it should be Carl Bildt go and discuss with the Eritrean president.
At 12.00 on Sunday discussed the case Dawit Isaak in "Published" in P1. Expressen editor in chief Thomas Mattsson and Leif Öbrink who is chairman of the support committee for Dawit Isaak will participate
Imprisoned - with Dawit

GÖTEBORG. The former Minister Haile Woldensae imprisoned while journalist Dawit Isaak.
His son does not know if the father lives, but is sure that neither he nor Isaak will be released as long as the dictator Isaias Afewerki reigns.
- It recognizes he defeated, "said Haile Fenkl
26-year-old fled alone to Sweden via Sudan in 2002. Today, he is a Swedish citizen, read on education, extra work in the health and lives in a student one on Hisingen in Gothenburg.
- I am very grateful to Sweden, "he says. Here I live in luxury compared to how they have it in Eritrea. Where all who live in a prison.
New war
Fenkl Hailes parents were war heroes in the war against Ethiopia, and worked for a free and democratic Eritrea. When the interim government was appointed in 1993 became a father Haile Woldensae first finance minister, then foreign minister, and finally for Industry and Trade.
When the Constitution was completed and the first free elections were held showed President Afewerki its true. He went to war against Ethiopia again, without asking the government.
- He was not interested in any election and needs war to maintain its power, says Fenkl.
His father ended up in the cold, and all opposition.
In August 2001 was arrested and imprisoned 2000 - 3000 students because of osämja on a government funded project. Fenkl Haile was 19 years and one of them. He interned in a camp in a desert during a half months.
Arrested at home
- We were in a house built of sheet metal. It was 43 degrees Celsius and we gradually broke down, describing him.
He and the others were released after they signed a kind of recognition.
Meanwhile, the regime struck against Fenkls father. Haile Woldensae arrested at his home in the morning September 18, 2001 after he and other regime critics, wrote an open letter in the press in which they demanded democracy. Shortly thereafter arrested the Swedish-Eritrean citizen Dawit Isaak, as well as a large group of other journalists.
Torture in Prison
Some among them have died in captivity, others fate is uncertain.
If Haile Woldensae liver, he is 62 years old. He suffers from diabetes and may be in a secret prison in the town Eirairo where torture occurs.
Fenkl Haile believe that Dawit Isaak is kept alive. He is an important pawn in the dictator's game with the West.
- It is about aid, he believes. Dawit Isaak is his hostage, his bargaining chip.
> swap
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
My online chat with the DN swedish newspaper readers
Google translation of my online chat with DN readers.
Sam: Hi Khaled! I just want to ask if you know about the neighboring country of Ethiopia is different in terms of media and freedom of the media? Or is it that in eritrea.
Khaled Abdu: It is not as in Eritrea. They have at least independent newspapers and journalists are active. I can say that it is much better in Ethiopia.
Saba: Hi Abdu! If I ask you first to look backward and then forward - beyond the situation today. We know that Dawit Isaak lacked training and experience as a journalist. Did you journalist training course when you started working with the magazine in Eritrea? How many trained journalists were among the newspapers that began in the country of 2000-2001?
Khaled Abdu: Eritrea as a country had no journalistic utbuildning at all as both the government media and independent journalists had another utbuilding but the information ministry had requirements to work as a journalist and we got permission to work as journalists.
Erik: Hey, how does everything over there?
Khaled Abdu: Erik, it's total collapse in the economy and in politics there. Every day thousands leave the country and people are starving, so the situation has become worse and worse
dddd: Has he (Dawit Isaak, ed's note) in the last three years been able to contact his family?
Khaled Abdu: He contacted the family only once when he was released.
Mårten Sjögren: Why is Sweden's silence when we should act?
Khaled Abdu: Quiet diplomacy silence all voices. So with quiet diplomacy, we can not know how much is done. Is not 8 years?
Garfield: Hey Khaled! Would it help Dawit Isaak on Sweden acted more to resolve the dispute over Badme?
Khaled Abdu: Hi Gustaf, I do not think so because it is two different things. Dawit is in prison not because of border conflict, but the dictator wants to stay in power illegally and are satisfied with the "no peace no war" situation.
Jermia: Saba, education? It is about justice. You mean outbidade journalists börsitta in jail?
Khaled Abdu: I mean not that I meant only that we had no journalistic utbuildning in Eritreas college when we started working as journalists.
Ask: Is it true that you journalists did not have experience or training? You have to follow its rules.
Khaled Abdu: What rules are you talking about? If we have not followed the rules then it is a trial to decide, not you or I or the dictator.
Luke: Hello, I was just wondering why he was detained over huvuvud time? If he had done a crime, then he should surely not be exempt? But if he had not done any crime, then he should surely not be in prison? How is it in Eritrea? Infrastructure?
Khaled Abdu: He is in prison only because he tried to do what a journalist would do. He intervujade reformists as all other detained journalists and the dictator says they have played a negative role to disrupt the people's opinion, but it's just false accusation <. Br>
Mårten Sjögren: Hi mr.k. .. Why is David in Eritrean prison?
Khaled Abdu: For that Eritrea is the wrong place to work as a journalist.
Jermia: Hello, Is there any strong opposition outside of Eritrea?
Khaled Abdu: There is an alliance of Ethiopia and there are many civic organizations that are in opposition.
Johanna: Hey, why has it taken so incredibly long time before Sweden realize that we may have to do something drastic because we are after 8 years realize that the soft methods do not work?
Khaled Abdu: I think it was a political issue before, now the situation is different and should we have Dawit alive we must act now even if it is late.
Jake: Is all the media under state control in Eritrea today?
Khaled Abdu: Yes, we have no free media at all.
Jermia: Hello Again! Why is supporting so many eritraner in the diaspora president?
Khaled Abdu: Most are tangible interests in Eritrea, they have invested and they want to defend their interests.
Adam Olsson: How can we as a government either forget or dark a Swedish citizens' rights in the entire 8 years? How can you feel safe in a democracy where not everyone has the same conditions?
Khaled Abdu: The question can be sent to the politicians but as I see it it is terrible to be imprisoned in countries such as Eritrea and politicians are reacting in this way.
Erik: When people leave the country, was traveling them?
Khaled Abdu: The Ethiopian refugee camps, we have more than 30,000 Eritreans in Sudan and more than twice. In Sweden, only we have more than 3000 Eritreans who have come after 2001.
Olivia: How is life in prison over there?
Khaled Abdu: Emergency fact. No family contact at all and you never know if they live or have already died.
Jermia: The opposition that I have met in Sweden e probably not strong, and is not a solid agenda. Did you watch it?
Khaled Abdu: Yes, I am active on this issue but if the opposition is not strong then dictator's time longer so it's a dilemma we must do something about.
Jermia: interest? Can they not see that people are starving? the e the scares me is not the president.
Khaled Abdu: I with Jermia, there are double standards even when they have their children here why should they care about the people starving in Eritrea. Most are selfish.
Bosse: Vaför this campaign Dawit, when not heard a jota on Roland Larssons captivity of the FARC guerrillas? It was an interesting contrast.
Khaled Abdu: Bosse, good that Roland is free but we can discuss your question after we save Dawit life is in danger.
Jake: Do you believe that a threat to strangle aid to Eritrea could "force" until the release of Dawit?
Khaled Abdu: At least it can shorten the dictator's time in power. Assistance will be used to monitor the safety and build new prisons, that is what worries me.
Hendra Ali: It is I who is called Mårten Sjögren ... and I wonder if you know what is planned to let David free?
Khaled Abdu: I do not think there is some plan to free him.
Yonas: Do you think poetic cut will listen to the media? Thanks Khaled.
Khaled Abdu: What is important for the dictator is money as such pressure can in the long term impact on the situation in Eritrea.
Gustav: Do you think it is right to Eritra receive assistance from the EU?
Khaled Abdu: There must be conditional, otherwise why should the EU provide assistance to a country that denies visas to MEPs?
Carl: Hi Khaled, I wonder what Dawit actually did in Eritrea?
Khaled Abdu: He worked as a journalist in the wrong country. Working as a journalist in a dictatorial country is the wrong choice I think.
Gustav Fredric: Has anyone seen Dawit or has had any kind of contact with him during the jail time?
Khaled Abdu: It is not allowed to see other people. Even those who are in prison do not know each other because they have numbers instead of names. But Dawit was free in a few days in 2005 when he had contact with the family in Sweden by telephone.
Saba: Hi again. Unfortunately, you have not answered my question about your and your colleagues ev. training and experience to run a newspaper. I think it is a central issue of how the facts developed in 2001 and it is also an important issue on the future of Eritrea the possibility of a real independent free media, which many of us dream about. I want an honest answer please.
Khaled Abdu: Hi Saba, I have read at the University of Asmara, but as I said before we had no journalistic training in college, so how can we train ourselves to journalists when there is no such training. If the requirement is then most who work for government media also low, so how can they conduct their business?
Fredrik Norén: How big is the popular support for the regime in Eritrea? Is there any organized opposition?
Khaled Abdu: Support? If you defend material interests and forget the situation and how people are affected, should I count it as a support? So they are not real fans. If the opposition, yes we have been in neighboring Ethiopia.
Ulrika Lif: Hi! In idéskriften "It is fortunate that the generals do not read children's books" from Children Ängens World Library (2005) are some examples of child literature functioned as a valve, when the critical adult literature banned or censorship "when the dictatorship and oppression prevailed in different parts of the world. Do you have a picture of how it looks on children literature in Eritrea today?
Khaled Abdu: We have not much children's literature in Eritrea. But everything is politicized and we can often see young children forced to participate in political demonstrations.
Mikaela: Hi again, why talk about removing the bread from the poor, thus stopping the assistance ... to reach the President did not order, or vice versa ... how is it intended? Khaled Abdu: I often say that do not send money, send food to the poor can eat, but money can be used for other goals.
Roland: Why does not Dawit their own responsibility for their actions? Get it as a överrasking him that Eritrea is not freedom of expression?
Khaled Abdu: We can not know what will happen the next day so he was a victim.
Hasse: How fragmented is the Eritreans in Sweden for support to the regime? Are there groups that support the regime?
Khaled Abdu: Supports regime? I do not believe they are defending their material interests. Most have invested down there and do not want to risk to express a negative view of the dictator.
Mikaela: Why is it so important to defend a David, when you have one hundred adolescent who lose their lives as soldiers to defend the country?
Khaled Abdu: To Dawit is a Swedish citizen, otherwise I am with and have said before in Jönköping Posten that if it is not regime change then it is hopeless for the people down there.
Anders: Where are you from Abdu actually, someone said you are from Ethiopia?
Khaled Abdu: I am from Eritrea. If I were Ethiopians, I would have worked as a journalist in Ethiopia and would not sit and discuss such terrible things about Eritrea.
Zahra: Hi Khaled, my question is that I want to ask you if Abdu Kaled of the Ministry of information does have exprience to be a journalist in Eritrea?
Khaled Abdu: Ali Abdu, he has no journalistic education.
Saba: Thank you for your answer! Sweden would then and also now offer Eritrea aid to education in the media. I read this a year, a German media institution had been training for Eritreans in Eritrea. What do you think about it?
Khaled Abdu: Saba, if you receive training but are not free to utryska then is education värdlös.
Bosse: Okay, let me rephrase myself: why this mammoth campaign for Dawit Isaak? This campaign is unprecedented. Help me understand!
Khaled Abdu: campaign help Eritreans in the whole of the note of the situation so we are grateful for the campaign.
Johny: The regime is to say the least brutal of human rights. How can such a regime living without opposition? Are not there any resistance movement in the country?
Khaled Abdu: We have thousands in prison for calling for reform but we have the opposition in neighboring countries, Ethiopia and Sudan.
Johny: What do you think about the religious discrimination that is going on in Eritrea? Many Christians have been imprisoned and it is forbidden to talk about the gospel in the country when it branded as "penta". What do you think of this?
Khaled Abdu: The dictator has officially said that the gospel or "penta" is not allowed but it is not just "penta" without all the religious are the victims of the regime wants us to fear him not God. All who fear God more than the dictator sacrifice themselves.
Sam: Hi Khaled! I just want to ask if you know about the neighboring country of Ethiopia is different in terms of media and freedom of the media? Or is it that in eritrea.
Khaled Abdu: It is not as in Eritrea. They have at least independent newspapers and journalists are active. I can say that it is much better in Ethiopia.
Saba: Hi Abdu! If I ask you first to look backward and then forward - beyond the situation today. We know that Dawit Isaak lacked training and experience as a journalist. Did you journalist training course when you started working with the magazine in Eritrea? How many trained journalists were among the newspapers that began in the country of 2000-2001?
Khaled Abdu: Eritrea as a country had no journalistic utbuildning at all as both the government media and independent journalists had another utbuilding but the information ministry had requirements to work as a journalist and we got permission to work as journalists.
Erik: Hey, how does everything over there?
Khaled Abdu: Erik, it's total collapse in the economy and in politics there. Every day thousands leave the country and people are starving, so the situation has become worse and worse
dddd: Has he (Dawit Isaak, ed's note) in the last three years been able to contact his family?
Khaled Abdu: He contacted the family only once when he was released.
Mårten Sjögren: Why is Sweden's silence when we should act?
Khaled Abdu: Quiet diplomacy silence all voices. So with quiet diplomacy, we can not know how much is done. Is not 8 years?
Garfield: Hey Khaled! Would it help Dawit Isaak on Sweden acted more to resolve the dispute over Badme?
Khaled Abdu: Hi Gustaf, I do not think so because it is two different things. Dawit is in prison not because of border conflict, but the dictator wants to stay in power illegally and are satisfied with the "no peace no war" situation.
Jermia: Saba, education? It is about justice. You mean outbidade journalists börsitta in jail?
Khaled Abdu: I mean not that I meant only that we had no journalistic utbuildning in Eritreas college when we started working as journalists.
Ask: Is it true that you journalists did not have experience or training? You have to follow its rules.
Khaled Abdu: What rules are you talking about? If we have not followed the rules then it is a trial to decide, not you or I or the dictator.
Luke: Hello, I was just wondering why he was detained over huvuvud time? If he had done a crime, then he should surely not be exempt? But if he had not done any crime, then he should surely not be in prison? How is it in Eritrea? Infrastructure?
Khaled Abdu: He is in prison only because he tried to do what a journalist would do. He intervujade reformists as all other detained journalists and the dictator says they have played a negative role to disrupt the people's opinion, but it's just false accusation <. Br>
Mårten Sjögren: Hi mr.k. .. Why is David in Eritrean prison?
Khaled Abdu: For that Eritrea is the wrong place to work as a journalist.
Jermia: Hello, Is there any strong opposition outside of Eritrea?
Khaled Abdu: There is an alliance of Ethiopia and there are many civic organizations that are in opposition.
Johanna: Hey, why has it taken so incredibly long time before Sweden realize that we may have to do something drastic because we are after 8 years realize that the soft methods do not work?
Khaled Abdu: I think it was a political issue before, now the situation is different and should we have Dawit alive we must act now even if it is late.
Jake: Is all the media under state control in Eritrea today?
Khaled Abdu: Yes, we have no free media at all.
Jermia: Hello Again! Why is supporting so many eritraner in the diaspora president?
Khaled Abdu: Most are tangible interests in Eritrea, they have invested and they want to defend their interests.
Adam Olsson: How can we as a government either forget or dark a Swedish citizens' rights in the entire 8 years? How can you feel safe in a democracy where not everyone has the same conditions?
Khaled Abdu: The question can be sent to the politicians but as I see it it is terrible to be imprisoned in countries such as Eritrea and politicians are reacting in this way.
Erik: When people leave the country, was traveling them?
Khaled Abdu: The Ethiopian refugee camps, we have more than 30,000 Eritreans in Sudan and more than twice. In Sweden, only we have more than 3000 Eritreans who have come after 2001.
Olivia: How is life in prison over there?
Khaled Abdu: Emergency fact. No family contact at all and you never know if they live or have already died.
Jermia: The opposition that I have met in Sweden e probably not strong, and is not a solid agenda. Did you watch it?
Khaled Abdu: Yes, I am active on this issue but if the opposition is not strong then dictator's time longer so it's a dilemma we must do something about.
Jermia: interest? Can they not see that people are starving? the e the scares me is not the president.
Khaled Abdu: I with Jermia, there are double standards even when they have their children here why should they care about the people starving in Eritrea. Most are selfish.
Bosse: Vaför this campaign Dawit, when not heard a jota on Roland Larssons captivity of the FARC guerrillas? It was an interesting contrast.
Khaled Abdu: Bosse, good that Roland is free but we can discuss your question after we save Dawit life is in danger.
Jake: Do you believe that a threat to strangle aid to Eritrea could "force" until the release of Dawit?
Khaled Abdu: At least it can shorten the dictator's time in power. Assistance will be used to monitor the safety and build new prisons, that is what worries me.
Hendra Ali: It is I who is called Mårten Sjögren ... and I wonder if you know what is planned to let David free?
Khaled Abdu: I do not think there is some plan to free him.
Yonas: Do you think poetic cut will listen to the media? Thanks Khaled.
Khaled Abdu: What is important for the dictator is money as such pressure can in the long term impact on the situation in Eritrea.
Gustav: Do you think it is right to Eritra receive assistance from the EU?
Khaled Abdu: There must be conditional, otherwise why should the EU provide assistance to a country that denies visas to MEPs?
Carl: Hi Khaled, I wonder what Dawit actually did in Eritrea?
Khaled Abdu: He worked as a journalist in the wrong country. Working as a journalist in a dictatorial country is the wrong choice I think.
Gustav Fredric: Has anyone seen Dawit or has had any kind of contact with him during the jail time?
Khaled Abdu: It is not allowed to see other people. Even those who are in prison do not know each other because they have numbers instead of names. But Dawit was free in a few days in 2005 when he had contact with the family in Sweden by telephone.
Saba: Hi again. Unfortunately, you have not answered my question about your and your colleagues ev. training and experience to run a newspaper. I think it is a central issue of how the facts developed in 2001 and it is also an important issue on the future of Eritrea the possibility of a real independent free media, which many of us dream about. I want an honest answer please.
Khaled Abdu: Hi Saba, I have read at the University of Asmara, but as I said before we had no journalistic training in college, so how can we train ourselves to journalists when there is no such training. If the requirement is then most who work for government media also low, so how can they conduct their business?
Fredrik Norén: How big is the popular support for the regime in Eritrea? Is there any organized opposition?
Khaled Abdu: Support? If you defend material interests and forget the situation and how people are affected, should I count it as a support? So they are not real fans. If the opposition, yes we have been in neighboring Ethiopia.
Ulrika Lif: Hi! In idéskriften "It is fortunate that the generals do not read children's books" from Children Ängens World Library (2005) are some examples of child literature functioned as a valve, when the critical adult literature banned or censorship "when the dictatorship and oppression prevailed in different parts of the world. Do you have a picture of how it looks on children literature in Eritrea today?
Khaled Abdu: We have not much children's literature in Eritrea. But everything is politicized and we can often see young children forced to participate in political demonstrations.
Mikaela: Hi again, why talk about removing the bread from the poor, thus stopping the assistance ... to reach the President did not order, or vice versa ... how is it intended? Khaled Abdu: I often say that do not send money, send food to the poor can eat, but money can be used for other goals.
Roland: Why does not Dawit their own responsibility for their actions? Get it as a överrasking him that Eritrea is not freedom of expression?
Khaled Abdu: We can not know what will happen the next day so he was a victim.
Hasse: How fragmented is the Eritreans in Sweden for support to the regime? Are there groups that support the regime?
Khaled Abdu: Supports regime? I do not believe they are defending their material interests. Most have invested down there and do not want to risk to express a negative view of the dictator.
Mikaela: Why is it so important to defend a David, when you have one hundred adolescent who lose their lives as soldiers to defend the country?
Khaled Abdu: To Dawit is a Swedish citizen, otherwise I am with and have said before in Jönköping Posten that if it is not regime change then it is hopeless for the people down there.
Anders: Where are you from Abdu actually, someone said you are from Ethiopia?
Khaled Abdu: I am from Eritrea. If I were Ethiopians, I would have worked as a journalist in Ethiopia and would not sit and discuss such terrible things about Eritrea.
Zahra: Hi Khaled, my question is that I want to ask you if Abdu Kaled of the Ministry of information does have exprience to be a journalist in Eritrea?
Khaled Abdu: Ali Abdu, he has no journalistic education.
Saba: Thank you for your answer! Sweden would then and also now offer Eritrea aid to education in the media. I read this a year, a German media institution had been training for Eritreans in Eritrea. What do you think about it?
Khaled Abdu: Saba, if you receive training but are not free to utryska then is education värdlös.
Bosse: Okay, let me rephrase myself: why this mammoth campaign for Dawit Isaak? This campaign is unprecedented. Help me understand!
Khaled Abdu: campaign help Eritreans in the whole of the note of the situation so we are grateful for the campaign.
Johny: The regime is to say the least brutal of human rights. How can such a regime living without opposition? Are not there any resistance movement in the country?
Khaled Abdu: We have thousands in prison for calling for reform but we have the opposition in neighboring countries, Ethiopia and Sudan.
Johny: What do you think about the religious discrimination that is going on in Eritrea? Many Christians have been imprisoned and it is forbidden to talk about the gospel in the country when it branded as "penta". What do you think of this?
Khaled Abdu: The dictator has officially said that the gospel or "penta" is not allowed but it is not just "penta" without all the religious are the victims of the regime wants us to fear him not God. All who fear God more than the dictator sacrifice themselves.
Khaled Abdu, prisbelönt journalist från Eritrea, svarade på läsarnas frågor om hans hemland.
Publicerat 2009-03-31 10:40
Sam: Hej Khaled! Jag vill bara fråga om du vet om grannlandet Etiopien är annorlunda vad gäller media och frihet för media? Eller är det som i eritrea.
Khaled Abdu: Det är inte som i Eritrea. De har åtminstone oberoende tidningar och journalisterna är aktiva. Jag kan säga att det är mycket bättre i Etiopien.
Saba: Hej Abdu! Om jag ber dig först blicka bakåt och sedan framåt - bortom situationen idag. Vi vet att Dawit Isaak saknade utbildning och erfarenhet som journalist. Hade du journalistutbildning själv när du började jobba med tidningen i Eritrea? Hur många utbildade journalister fanns bland de tidningar som startade i landet 2000-2001?
Khaled Abdu: Eritrea som ett nytt land hade inte journalistisk utbuildning alls så både regeringsmedia och de oberoende journalister hade annan utbuilding men informationsministeriet hade krav för att jobba som journalist och vi fick tillåtelse att jobba som journalister.
Erik: Hej, hur funkar allt där borta?
Khaled Abdu: Erik, det är total kollaps i ekonomin och i politiken där. Varje dag tusentals lämnar landet och folk svälter så situationen har blivit värre och värre
dddd: Har han (Dawit Isaak, red:s anm) under de senaste tre åren kunnat kontakta sin familj??
Khaled Abdu: Han kontaktade familjen bara en gång när han var frisläppt.
Mårten Sjögren: Varför är Sverige tyst när vi borde agera?
Khaled Abdu: Tyst diplomati tystar alla röster. Så med tyst diplomati vi kan inte veta hur mycket är gjort. Räcker inte 8 år?
Gustaf: Hej Khaled! Skulle det kunna hjälpa Dawit Isaak om Sverige agerade mer för att lösa konflikten om Badme?
Khaled Abdu: Hej Gustaf, jag tror inte så för det är två skilda saker. Dawit är i fängelse inte på grund av gränskonflikten utan diktatorn vill behålla makten illegalt och är nöjd med "no peace no war"-situationen.
Jermia: Saba, utbildning? Det handlar om rättvisa. Menar du att outbidade journalister börsitta i fängelse?
Khaled Abdu: Jag menar inte så jag menade bara att vi hade inte journalistisk utbuildning i Eritreas högskola när vi började jobba som journalister.
Ber: Är det sant att ni journalister inte hade erfarenhet eller utbilding? Man måste ju följa landets regler.
Khaled Abdu: Vilka regler pratar du om? Om vi har inte följt reglerna då är det en rättegång som ska avgöra, inte du eller jag eller diktatorn.
Luke: Hejsan , jag undrade bara varför blev han fängslad över huvuvud taget? Om han gjort ett brott så borde han väl ändå inte bli fritagen? Men om han inte gjort något brott så borde han väl ändå inte bli fängslad ? Hur är det i Eritrea ? Infrastruktur ?
Khaled Abdu: Han är fängelsad bara för att han försökte göra vad en journalist skulle göra. Han intervujade reformister som alla andra fängslade journalister och diktatorn säger att de har spelat negativ roll med att splittra folkets opinion men det är bara falsk anklagelse<.br>
Mårten Sjögren: Hej mr.k... varför sitter David i eritreanskt fängelse?
Khaled Abdu: För att Eritrea är fel plats att jobba som journalist.
Jermia: Hej!Finns det någon stark opposition utanför Eritrea?
Khaled Abdu: Det finns en allians i Etiopien och det finns många civila organisationer som är i opposition.
Johanna: Hej, varför har det tagit så otroligt lång tid innan Sverige inser att vi kanske måste göra något drastiskt eftersom vi efter 8 år inser att de mjuka metoderna inte fungerar?
Khaled Abdu: Jag tror det är var en politisk fråga innan, nu är situationen annorlunda och ska vi ha Dawit vid liv vi måste agera nu även om det är sent.
Jake: Är all massmedia under statlig kontroll i Eritrea idag?
Khaled Abdu: Ja, vi har inga fri massmedier alls.
Jermia: Hej Igen! Varför stödjer så många eritraner i diaspora presidenten?
Khaled Abdu: De flesta har materialla intressen i Eritrea, de har investerat och de vill försvara sina intressen.
Adam Olsson: Hur kan man som regering antingen glömma bort eller mörka en svensk medborgares rättigheter i hela 8 år? Hur ska man kunna känna sig säker i en demokrati om alla inte har samma förutsättningar?
Khaled Abdu: Frågan kan skickas till politikerna men som jag ser den det är fruktansvärt att bli fängelsad i länder som Eritrea och politikerna reagerar på det här sättet.
Erik: När folk lämnar landet, var åker dem då?
Khaled Abdu: I Etiopiens flyktingläger vi har mer än 30.000 eritreaner och i Sudan mer än dubbelt. I Sverige bara vi har mer än 3.000 eritreaner som har kommit efter 2001.
Olivia: Hur är livet i fängelset där borta?
Khaled Abdu: Katastrof faktiskt. Ingen familjekontakt alls och man vet aldrig om de lever eller har redan dött.
Jermia: De oppositionella som jag har mött i Sverige e nog inte starka och har ej en gedigen agenda. Har du koll på det?
Khaled Abdu: Ja, jag själv är aktiv i den här frågan men om oppositionen inte är stark då blir diktatorns tid längre så det är ett dilemma vi måste göra nåt åt.
Jermia: Interesse? Ser de inte att folk svälter? det e de som skrämmer mig inte presidenten.
Khaled Abdu: Jag med Jermia, det är dubbelmoral också när de har deras barn här varför ska de bry sig om de som svälter i Eritrea. De flesta är själviska.
Bosse: Vaför denna kampanj för Dawit, när man inte hörde ett jota om Roland Larssons fångenskap hos FARC-gerillan? Det blev en intressant kontrast.
Khaled Abdu: Bosse, bra att Roland är fri men vi kan diskutera din fråga efter vi räddar Dawits liv som är i fara.
Jake: Tror du att ett hot om att strypa biståndet till Eritrea skulle kunna "tvinga" fram ett frisläppande av Dawit?
Khaled Abdu: Åtminstone kan det förkorta diktatorns tid vid makten. Biståndet utnyttjas för att kontrollera säkerheten och bygga nya fängelser, det är det som bekymrar mig.
Hendren Ali: Det är jag som går under namnet Mårten Sjögren... och jag undrar om du vet vad som planeras för att släppa David fri?
Khaled Abdu: Jag tror inte att det finns nån plan för att befria honom.
Yonas: Tror du diktaruren kommer lyssna på massmedierna? Tack Khaled.
Khaled Abdu: Vad som är viktigt för diktatorn är pengar så sådana påtryckningar kan på lång sikt påverka situationen i Eritrea.
Gustav: Tycker du att det är rätt att Eritra får bistånd från EU?
Khaled Abdu: Det måste vara villkorligt, annars varför ska EU ge bistånd till ett land som nekar visum till europaparlamentariker?
Carl: Hejsan Khaled jag undrar vad Dawit egentligen gjorde i Eritrea?
Khaled Abdu: Han jobbade som journalist i fel land. Att jobba som journalist i ett diktatoriskt land är fel val tror jag.
Gustav Fredrics: Har någon träffat Dawit eller har man haft någon slags kontakt med honom under fängelsetiden?
Khaled Abdu: Det är inte tillåtet att träffa andra. Även de som är i fängelse känner inte varandra för de har nummer istället för namn. Men Dawit var fri på några dagar 2005 då hade han kontakt med familjen i sverige per telefon.
Saba: Hej igen. Du har tyvärr inte svarat på min fråga om din och dina kollegers ev. utbildning och erfarenhet att driva en tidning. Jag tycker det är en central fråga om hur sakförhållandet utvecklades 2001 och det är också en viktig fråga om framtida Eritreas möjlighet till en verklig oberoende fri media, som många av oss drömmer om. Jag vill ha en ärlig svar tack.
Khaled Abdu: Hej saba, jag har själv läst på universitet i Asmara men som jag sa innan vi hade inte journalistisk utbildning på högskolan så hur ska vi kunna utbilda oss till journalister när det finns inte en sådan utbildning. Om kravet sätts då är de flesta som jobbar för regeringsmedia också lågutbildade så hur kan de bedriva deras verksamhet?
Fredrik Norén: Hur stort är det folkliga stödet för regimen i Eritrea? Finns det någon organiserad opposition?
Khaled Abdu: Stödet? Om man försvarar materiella intressen och glömmer situationen och hur människor drabbas, ska jag räkna det som en stöd? Så de är inte riktiga supportrar. Om oppositionen, ja det har vi i grannlandet Etiopien.
Ulrika Lif: Hej! I idéskriften "Det är tur att generaler inte läser barnböcker" från Barnängens världsbibliotek (2005) visas några exempel på att barnlitteraturen fungerat som en "ventil, när den kritiska vuxenlitteraturen förbjudits eller censurerats" när diktatur och förtryck varit rådande i olika delar av världen. Har du någon bild av hur det ser ut för barnlitteraturen i Eritrea i dag?
Khaled Abdu: Vi har inte mycket barnlitteratur i Eritrea. Men allt är politiserat och vi kan se ofta små barn tvingas delta i politiska manifestationer.
Mikaela: Hej igen, varför pratar man om att ta bort brödet från de fattiga, alltså stoppa bistå når inte presidenten så, tvärtom ...eller hur har man tänkt? Khaled Abdu: Jag säger ofta att skicka inte pengar, skicka mat så att de fattiga kan äta men pengar kan användas för andra mål.
Roland: Varför tar inte Dawit sitt eget ansvar för sina handlingar? Kom det som en överrasking för honom att Eritrea är utan yttrandefrihet?
Khaled Abdu: Man kan inte veta vad som händer näst dag så han var ett offer.
Hasse: Hur splittrade är eritreaner i Sverige angående stöd till regimen? Finns det grupper som stödjer regimen?
Khaled Abdu: Stödjer regimen? Tror jag inte men de försvarar sina materiella intressen. De flesta har investerat där nere och vill inte riskera att utrycka sig negativt om diktatorn.
Mikaela: Varför är det så viktig att försvara en David, när man har hundra tonåriga som går miste om livet som soldater för att försvara landet?
Khaled Abdu: För att Dawit är svensk medborgare, annars jag är med och har sagt innan i Jönköpingsposten att om det sker inte regimskifte då är det hopplöst för folk där nere.
Anders: Var kommer du ifrån Abdu egentligen, nån har sagt att du är från Etiopien?
Khaled Abdu: Jag kommer från Eritrea. Om jag var etiopier jag skulle ha jobbat som journalist i Etiopien och skulle inte sitta och diskutera så hemska saker om Eritrea.
Zahra: Hi Khaled, my question is that i want to ask you if Abdu Kaled of Ministry of information does have exprience to be a journalist in Eritrea?
Khaled Abdu: Ali Abdu, he has no journalistic education.
Saba: Tack för svaret! Sverige borde då och även nu erbjuda Eritrea stöd till utbildning inom media. Jag läste här om året en tysk mediainstitution hade utbildning för eritreaner i Eritrea. Vad tycker du om det?
Khaled Abdu: Saba, om man får utbildning men är inte fri för att utryska sig då är utbildningen värdlös.
Bosse: Okej, låt mig omformulera mig: varför denna mastodontkampanj för just Dawit Isaak? Denna kampanj saknar motstycke. Hjälp mig förstå!
Khaled Abdu: Kampanjen hjälper eritreaner i helhet för det uppmärksammar hur situationen är så vi är tacksamma för kampanjen.
Johny: Regimen är minst sagt brutal vad gäller mänskliga rättigheter. Hur kan en sådan regim leva vidare utan opposition? Finns inte det någon motståndsrörelse i landet?
Khaled Abdu: Vi har tusentals i fängelse för de krävde reform men vi har opposition i grannländerna Etiopien och Sudan.
Johny: Vad tycker du om den religösa diskriminering som pågår i Eritrea? Åtskilliga kristna har fängslats och det är förbjudet att prata om evangeliet i landet då man stämplas som "pente". Vad tycker du om detta?
Khaled Abdu: Diktatorn har officiellt sagt att evangeliet eller "pente" är inte tillåten men det är inte bara "pente" utan alla religiösa är offer för regimen vill att vi ska frukta honom inte Gud. Alla som fruktar Gud mer än diktatorn offrar sig själva.
Sam: Hej Khaled! Jag vill bara fråga om du vet om grannlandet Etiopien är annorlunda vad gäller media och frihet för media? Eller är det som i eritrea.
Khaled Abdu: Det är inte som i Eritrea. De har åtminstone oberoende tidningar och journalisterna är aktiva. Jag kan säga att det är mycket bättre i Etiopien.
Saba: Hej Abdu! Om jag ber dig först blicka bakåt och sedan framåt - bortom situationen idag. Vi vet att Dawit Isaak saknade utbildning och erfarenhet som journalist. Hade du journalistutbildning själv när du började jobba med tidningen i Eritrea? Hur många utbildade journalister fanns bland de tidningar som startade i landet 2000-2001?
Khaled Abdu: Eritrea som ett nytt land hade inte journalistisk utbuildning alls så både regeringsmedia och de oberoende journalister hade annan utbuilding men informationsministeriet hade krav för att jobba som journalist och vi fick tillåtelse att jobba som journalister.
Erik: Hej, hur funkar allt där borta?
Khaled Abdu: Erik, det är total kollaps i ekonomin och i politiken där. Varje dag tusentals lämnar landet och folk svälter så situationen har blivit värre och värre
dddd: Har han (Dawit Isaak, red:s anm) under de senaste tre åren kunnat kontakta sin familj??
Khaled Abdu: Han kontaktade familjen bara en gång när han var frisläppt.
Mårten Sjögren: Varför är Sverige tyst när vi borde agera?
Khaled Abdu: Tyst diplomati tystar alla röster. Så med tyst diplomati vi kan inte veta hur mycket är gjort. Räcker inte 8 år?
Gustaf: Hej Khaled! Skulle det kunna hjälpa Dawit Isaak om Sverige agerade mer för att lösa konflikten om Badme?
Khaled Abdu: Hej Gustaf, jag tror inte så för det är två skilda saker. Dawit är i fängelse inte på grund av gränskonflikten utan diktatorn vill behålla makten illegalt och är nöjd med "no peace no war"-situationen.
Jermia: Saba, utbildning? Det handlar om rättvisa. Menar du att outbidade journalister börsitta i fängelse?
Khaled Abdu: Jag menar inte så jag menade bara att vi hade inte journalistisk utbuildning i Eritreas högskola när vi började jobba som journalister.
Ber: Är det sant att ni journalister inte hade erfarenhet eller utbilding? Man måste ju följa landets regler.
Khaled Abdu: Vilka regler pratar du om? Om vi har inte följt reglerna då är det en rättegång som ska avgöra, inte du eller jag eller diktatorn.
Luke: Hejsan , jag undrade bara varför blev han fängslad över huvuvud taget? Om han gjort ett brott så borde han väl ändå inte bli fritagen? Men om han inte gjort något brott så borde han väl ändå inte bli fängslad ? Hur är det i Eritrea ? Infrastruktur ?
Khaled Abdu: Han är fängelsad bara för att han försökte göra vad en journalist skulle göra. Han intervujade reformister som alla andra fängslade journalister och diktatorn säger att de har spelat negativ roll med att splittra folkets opinion men det är bara falsk anklagelse<.br>
Mårten Sjögren: Hej mr.k... varför sitter David i eritreanskt fängelse?
Khaled Abdu: För att Eritrea är fel plats att jobba som journalist.
Jermia: Hej!Finns det någon stark opposition utanför Eritrea?
Khaled Abdu: Det finns en allians i Etiopien och det finns många civila organisationer som är i opposition.
Johanna: Hej, varför har det tagit så otroligt lång tid innan Sverige inser att vi kanske måste göra något drastiskt eftersom vi efter 8 år inser att de mjuka metoderna inte fungerar?
Khaled Abdu: Jag tror det är var en politisk fråga innan, nu är situationen annorlunda och ska vi ha Dawit vid liv vi måste agera nu även om det är sent.
Jake: Är all massmedia under statlig kontroll i Eritrea idag?
Khaled Abdu: Ja, vi har inga fri massmedier alls.
Jermia: Hej Igen! Varför stödjer så många eritraner i diaspora presidenten?
Khaled Abdu: De flesta har materialla intressen i Eritrea, de har investerat och de vill försvara sina intressen.
Adam Olsson: Hur kan man som regering antingen glömma bort eller mörka en svensk medborgares rättigheter i hela 8 år? Hur ska man kunna känna sig säker i en demokrati om alla inte har samma förutsättningar?
Khaled Abdu: Frågan kan skickas till politikerna men som jag ser den det är fruktansvärt att bli fängelsad i länder som Eritrea och politikerna reagerar på det här sättet.
Erik: När folk lämnar landet, var åker dem då?
Khaled Abdu: I Etiopiens flyktingläger vi har mer än 30.000 eritreaner och i Sudan mer än dubbelt. I Sverige bara vi har mer än 3.000 eritreaner som har kommit efter 2001.
Olivia: Hur är livet i fängelset där borta?
Khaled Abdu: Katastrof faktiskt. Ingen familjekontakt alls och man vet aldrig om de lever eller har redan dött.
Jermia: De oppositionella som jag har mött i Sverige e nog inte starka och har ej en gedigen agenda. Har du koll på det?
Khaled Abdu: Ja, jag själv är aktiv i den här frågan men om oppositionen inte är stark då blir diktatorns tid längre så det är ett dilemma vi måste göra nåt åt.
Jermia: Interesse? Ser de inte att folk svälter? det e de som skrämmer mig inte presidenten.
Khaled Abdu: Jag med Jermia, det är dubbelmoral också när de har deras barn här varför ska de bry sig om de som svälter i Eritrea. De flesta är själviska.
Bosse: Vaför denna kampanj för Dawit, när man inte hörde ett jota om Roland Larssons fångenskap hos FARC-gerillan? Det blev en intressant kontrast.
Khaled Abdu: Bosse, bra att Roland är fri men vi kan diskutera din fråga efter vi räddar Dawits liv som är i fara.
Jake: Tror du att ett hot om att strypa biståndet till Eritrea skulle kunna "tvinga" fram ett frisläppande av Dawit?
Khaled Abdu: Åtminstone kan det förkorta diktatorns tid vid makten. Biståndet utnyttjas för att kontrollera säkerheten och bygga nya fängelser, det är det som bekymrar mig.
Hendren Ali: Det är jag som går under namnet Mårten Sjögren... och jag undrar om du vet vad som planeras för att släppa David fri?
Khaled Abdu: Jag tror inte att det finns nån plan för att befria honom.
Yonas: Tror du diktaruren kommer lyssna på massmedierna? Tack Khaled.
Khaled Abdu: Vad som är viktigt för diktatorn är pengar så sådana påtryckningar kan på lång sikt påverka situationen i Eritrea.
Gustav: Tycker du att det är rätt att Eritra får bistånd från EU?
Khaled Abdu: Det måste vara villkorligt, annars varför ska EU ge bistånd till ett land som nekar visum till europaparlamentariker?
Carl: Hejsan Khaled jag undrar vad Dawit egentligen gjorde i Eritrea?
Khaled Abdu: Han jobbade som journalist i fel land. Att jobba som journalist i ett diktatoriskt land är fel val tror jag.
Gustav Fredrics: Har någon träffat Dawit eller har man haft någon slags kontakt med honom under fängelsetiden?
Khaled Abdu: Det är inte tillåtet att träffa andra. Även de som är i fängelse känner inte varandra för de har nummer istället för namn. Men Dawit var fri på några dagar 2005 då hade han kontakt med familjen i sverige per telefon.
Saba: Hej igen. Du har tyvärr inte svarat på min fråga om din och dina kollegers ev. utbildning och erfarenhet att driva en tidning. Jag tycker det är en central fråga om hur sakförhållandet utvecklades 2001 och det är också en viktig fråga om framtida Eritreas möjlighet till en verklig oberoende fri media, som många av oss drömmer om. Jag vill ha en ärlig svar tack.
Khaled Abdu: Hej saba, jag har själv läst på universitet i Asmara men som jag sa innan vi hade inte journalistisk utbildning på högskolan så hur ska vi kunna utbilda oss till journalister när det finns inte en sådan utbildning. Om kravet sätts då är de flesta som jobbar för regeringsmedia också lågutbildade så hur kan de bedriva deras verksamhet?
Fredrik Norén: Hur stort är det folkliga stödet för regimen i Eritrea? Finns det någon organiserad opposition?
Khaled Abdu: Stödet? Om man försvarar materiella intressen och glömmer situationen och hur människor drabbas, ska jag räkna det som en stöd? Så de är inte riktiga supportrar. Om oppositionen, ja det har vi i grannlandet Etiopien.
Ulrika Lif: Hej! I idéskriften "Det är tur att generaler inte läser barnböcker" från Barnängens världsbibliotek (2005) visas några exempel på att barnlitteraturen fungerat som en "ventil, när den kritiska vuxenlitteraturen förbjudits eller censurerats" när diktatur och förtryck varit rådande i olika delar av världen. Har du någon bild av hur det ser ut för barnlitteraturen i Eritrea i dag?
Khaled Abdu: Vi har inte mycket barnlitteratur i Eritrea. Men allt är politiserat och vi kan se ofta små barn tvingas delta i politiska manifestationer.
Mikaela: Hej igen, varför pratar man om att ta bort brödet från de fattiga, alltså stoppa bistå når inte presidenten så, tvärtom ...eller hur har man tänkt? Khaled Abdu: Jag säger ofta att skicka inte pengar, skicka mat så att de fattiga kan äta men pengar kan användas för andra mål.
Roland: Varför tar inte Dawit sitt eget ansvar för sina handlingar? Kom det som en överrasking för honom att Eritrea är utan yttrandefrihet?
Khaled Abdu: Man kan inte veta vad som händer näst dag så han var ett offer.
Hasse: Hur splittrade är eritreaner i Sverige angående stöd till regimen? Finns det grupper som stödjer regimen?
Khaled Abdu: Stödjer regimen? Tror jag inte men de försvarar sina materiella intressen. De flesta har investerat där nere och vill inte riskera att utrycka sig negativt om diktatorn.
Mikaela: Varför är det så viktig att försvara en David, när man har hundra tonåriga som går miste om livet som soldater för att försvara landet?
Khaled Abdu: För att Dawit är svensk medborgare, annars jag är med och har sagt innan i Jönköpingsposten att om det sker inte regimskifte då är det hopplöst för folk där nere.
Anders: Var kommer du ifrån Abdu egentligen, nån har sagt att du är från Etiopien?
Khaled Abdu: Jag kommer från Eritrea. Om jag var etiopier jag skulle ha jobbat som journalist i Etiopien och skulle inte sitta och diskutera så hemska saker om Eritrea.
Zahra: Hi Khaled, my question is that i want to ask you if Abdu Kaled of Ministry of information does have exprience to be a journalist in Eritrea?
Khaled Abdu: Ali Abdu, he has no journalistic education.
Saba: Tack för svaret! Sverige borde då och även nu erbjuda Eritrea stöd till utbildning inom media. Jag läste här om året en tysk mediainstitution hade utbildning för eritreaner i Eritrea. Vad tycker du om det?
Khaled Abdu: Saba, om man får utbildning men är inte fri för att utryska sig då är utbildningen värdlös.
Bosse: Okej, låt mig omformulera mig: varför denna mastodontkampanj för just Dawit Isaak? Denna kampanj saknar motstycke. Hjälp mig förstå!
Khaled Abdu: Kampanjen hjälper eritreaner i helhet för det uppmärksammar hur situationen är så vi är tacksamma för kampanjen.
Johny: Regimen är minst sagt brutal vad gäller mänskliga rättigheter. Hur kan en sådan regim leva vidare utan opposition? Finns inte det någon motståndsrörelse i landet?
Khaled Abdu: Vi har tusentals i fängelse för de krävde reform men vi har opposition i grannländerna Etiopien och Sudan.
Johny: Vad tycker du om den religösa diskriminering som pågår i Eritrea? Åtskilliga kristna har fängslats och det är förbjudet att prata om evangeliet i landet då man stämplas som "pente". Vad tycker du om detta?
Khaled Abdu: Diktatorn har officiellt sagt att evangeliet eller "pente" är inte tillåten men det är inte bara "pente" utan alla religiösa är offer för regimen vill att vi ska frukta honom inte Gud. Alla som fruktar Gud mer än diktatorn offrar sig själva.
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