Feb 27, 2006, 18:51
The Government of Eritrea has been closely following the latest statements on the Eritrea-Ethiopia issue as publicized whether by the UN Security Council or even in the name of “witnesses of the Algiers Agreement”.
As expressed time and again, the final and binding decision of the Boundary Commission marks the legal conclusion of the Eritrea-Ethiopia issue once and for all. In light of the fact that the technicalities of the border demarcation and the detailed directives of implementation have been long worked out by the very commission, entertaining further “initiatives and consultations” would be utterly irrelevant. The Government of Eritrea looks forward solely to the professional dispensation of the final technicalities based on the directives of the Boundary Commission, nothing less and nothing more.
Any attempts to derail the dispensation of the border demarcation from its legal course or even entertain other “alternative mechanisms' suggestive of dragging behind or holding up the process will have no legal bearings or serve any other purpose than to prompt events that would set off a dangerous precedent. Thus, the Government of Eritrea does not recognize nor accept these deviations.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 27 February 2006 Asmara
Information is the best weapon to defend human rights. We are what We know and the more we know the more we succed in all we do.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
الأمم المتحدة تدعو إلى محادثات بين إثيوبيا وإريتريا

التوتر تصاعد على الحدود بين البلدين في الفترة الأخيرة(الفرنسية-أرشيف)دعا مجلس الأمن الدولي إثيوبيا وإريتريا إلى إجراء محادثات لتسوية النزاع الحدودي بينهما.
وقال دبلوماسيون في المنظمة الأممية إن المحادثات التي من المقرر أن تعقدها اللجنة الحدودية الإريترية الإثيوبية مطلع الشهر القادم في العاصمة البريطانية تهدف إلى التوصل إلى قرار بشأن اقتراح حول ترسيم حدود جديدة بين الدولتين.
وأشاروا إلى إنه إذا ما وافقت الدولتان على حضور الاجتماع فإنه سيتم الضغط عليهما للقبول بقرار اللجنة بشأن الحدود والتنفيذ الكامل لاتفاقية الجزائر التي وقع عليها البلدان عام 2000.
وتنص اتفاقية الجزائر التي وقعت عليها إثيوبيا وإريتريا على وقف لإطلاق النار وقبول بخط ترسيم للحدود كما تحدده اللجنة الحدودية.
غير أن إثيوبيا تراجعت عن تنفيذ الاتفاق قبل عامين ورفضت اقتراح اللجنة للترسيم بينما قبلته إريتريا. وشهدت الفترة الأخيرة وجود حشود عسكرية لكلا البلدين على جانبي الحدود تم خفضها بضغوط من الأمم المتحدة.
يذكر أن النزاع الحدودي بين البلدين أسفر عن مقتل نحو 80 ألف شخص بين عامي 1998 و2000.
Young Eritrean students forced to Wia for military training
Reliable sources from Eritrea indicate that youngsters, who are over 18 years of age and who are studying in schools should be stopped and be sent to Wia for military training.
Wia is a desert camp near the Red Sea port of Massawa, in a region where daytime temperatures hover about 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius). Sending this young students to such area is meant to terrorize them. Families of the students are asking the regime as to why this action is taken and specially in the town of keren there are arrests taking place are signals coming out that parents to this children are trying to oppose the action and express their opposition to the leadership. .
In fear of public unrest the regime is strengthening security in the cities and villages.
To read more about wia camp please go through the following testimony.
Wia is a desert camp near the Red Sea port of Massawa, in a region where daytime temperatures hover about 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius). Sending this young students to such area is meant to terrorize them. Families of the students are asking the regime as to why this action is taken and specially in the town of keren there are arrests taking place are signals coming out that parents to this children are trying to oppose the action and express their opposition to the leadership. .
In fear of public unrest the regime is strengthening security in the cities and villages.
To read more about wia camp please go through the following testimony.
Välbesökt 24-timmarsvaka till stöd för Dawit
- Vi upplever att protesterna här i Sverige når fram till den eritreanska regeringen.Det sa biståndsminister Carin Jämtin när hon medverkade i den manifestation som Journalistförbundet tillsammans med Tidningsutgivarna, Reportrar utan gränser, Sveriges Tidskrifter, Publicistklubben och stödföreningen Free Dawit Isaak anordnade på Sergels Torg igår. 

Lars LeijonborgLars Leijonborg, partiledare för Folkpartiet, var kritisk till regeringens tysta diplomati. Han menade på att den tysta diplomatin inte fungerar och att det är dags för klarspråk.´ Han uppmanade utrikesminister Laila Freivalds att besöka Eritrea och på plats göra klart för regeringen att vi inte finner oss i sig behandlingen av Dawit Isaak. - Dawit är en hjälte, sa han i sin appell. Vi kräver att Dawit blir fri nu!
Gellert Tamas, författare och vice ordförande i Svenska PEN kritiserade också regeringens arbete med fallet Dawit och uppmanade även medierna att bryta tystnaden som varit och Stig Fredriksson, ordförande i Publicistklubben, talade om pressfriheten i världen och hur vanligt det är att journalister dödas för att de försöker utöva sitt arbete. Han berättade att The Committé to Protect Journalists, CPJ, i en undersökning räkna fram att majoriteten av de journalister som dödats, inte har dödats i krig utan mördats på grund av innehållet i sin rapportering. En undersökning som startar idag, berättade Arne König, vice ordförande i Journalistförbundet och ordförande i EFJ (European Federation of Journalists), om. Det är INSI, International News Safety Institute som startat ett projekt som kallas "Who kill journalists and why?".

Arne König
Under de senaste 15 åren har 1300 journalister och mediaarbetare har dödats medan de varit i tjänst. Förra året var ett av det blodigaste. I projektet, som består av journalister och professorer i bland annat konfliktforskning, ska man undersöka varför journalister dödats i sitt arbete och presentera detta i en rapport. Du kan läsa mer om projektet här: http://www.newssafety.com/. Arne König berättade också att Journalistförbundet bjudit in Dawit Isaak till kongressen om tre veckor på Djurönäset. Inbjudan postades idag och om han kommer finnas där återstår att se. Journalistförbundet har inte slutat hoppas och kommer att fortsätta sitt arbete för att Dawit Isaak och hans kollegor skall frigivas.

Ola GäverthOla Gäverth, ordförande i Journalistklubben vid Sveriges Radio berättade att klubben ställt in möten för att kunna medverka på Sergels torg under dagen. - Dawit är symbol för något mycket större. Den här manifestationen handlar om yttrandefriheten, grunden för hela vår verksamhet. Bland övriga talare hördes Eva Elmsäter, ordförande Reportrar utan gränser, Bengt Braun, ordförande i Tidningsutgivarna,
EU-parlamentarikern Cecilia Malmström, Journalistförbundets ordförande Agneta Lindblom Hulthén, journalisten Khaled Abdu, kommunikationschef Karin Hallgren,TCO, Yvonne Lundén, SKTFs förbundsstyrelse, Henrik von Sydow, riksdagsledamot (m), skådespelerskan Görel Crona, Christina Jutterström, VD Sveriges Television, Peter Örn, VD Sveriges Radio, Håkan Bravinger, Författarförbundet, Leif Öbrink, stödkommittén Free Dawit Isaak, Siv Norlin, förste vice ordförande i fackförbundet ST med flera. Dawit Isaak greps i september 2001, tillsammans med flera kollegor. Samtidigt förbjöd den eritreanska regimen all privatägd och oberoende media. Den 3 maj har Dawit Isaak suttit fängslad 1319 dagar - utan rättegång! Vi kräver att Dawit Isaak och hans kollegor släpps fria och att Eritrea respekterar pressfrihet och mänskliga rättigheter. Pressfrihetens Dag har proklamerats av FN och manifesteras över hela världen. Bakom den dygnslånga manifestationen i Stockholm står Journalistförbundet, Reportrar utan gränser, Publicistklubben, Sveriges Tidskrifter, Tidningsutgivarna och Stödföreningen Free Dawit Issack

Khaled , Cecilia , Leif

Gellert , Agnetta , Görel
Svenska Journalistförbundet
Telefon: 08-613 75 00Fax: 08-21 26 80E-post: kansliet@sjf.se

Biståndsminister Carin Jämtin
Manifestationen började redan vid midnatt den 3 maj - Pressfrihetens Dag - och pågår i 24 timmar. Intresset var stort och ett flertal medier och många människor besökte manifestationen under hela dagen. Där hölls appeller hölls av ett flertal olika talare, bland annat Carin Jämtin som berättade om regeringens kontinuerliga arbete med att få Eritreas regering att släppa den svensk-eritreanska journalisten Dawit Isaak. Hon berättade bland annat att utrikesminister Laila Freivalds tagit upp fallet med Rwandas utrikesminister. Carin Jämtin sa att regeringen upplever att protesterna når fram. Om den eritreanska regeringen är mottagliga för protesterna kan vi bara svara på den dagen vi får träffa Dawit och framförallt den dagen han blir fri. Hon kunde inte utlova några starkare reaktioner från regeringen. - Det finns olika öppningar som jag inte vill gå in på, fortsatte hon. Man kan inte säga att vi gjort tillräckligt förrän han är frigiven. På frågan om det skulle vara aktuellt att dra in det svenska biståndet till Eritrea svarade hon: - Biståndet Sverige ger är framförallt ett humanitärt bistånd. Om vi stoppade det humanitära biståndet skulle det försvåra de eritreanska kontakterna vi har byggt upp.
Lars LeijonborgLars Leijonborg, partiledare för Folkpartiet, var kritisk till regeringens tysta diplomati. Han menade på att den tysta diplomatin inte fungerar och att det är dags för klarspråk.´ Han uppmanade utrikesminister Laila Freivalds att besöka Eritrea och på plats göra klart för regeringen att vi inte finner oss i sig behandlingen av Dawit Isaak. - Dawit är en hjälte, sa han i sin appell. Vi kräver att Dawit blir fri nu!
Gellert Tamas, författare och vice ordförande i Svenska PEN kritiserade också regeringens arbete med fallet Dawit och uppmanade även medierna att bryta tystnaden som varit och Stig Fredriksson, ordförande i Publicistklubben, talade om pressfriheten i världen och hur vanligt det är att journalister dödas för att de försöker utöva sitt arbete. Han berättade att The Committé to Protect Journalists, CPJ, i en undersökning räkna fram att majoriteten av de journalister som dödats, inte har dödats i krig utan mördats på grund av innehållet i sin rapportering. En undersökning som startar idag, berättade Arne König, vice ordförande i Journalistförbundet och ordförande i EFJ (European Federation of Journalists), om. Det är INSI, International News Safety Institute som startat ett projekt som kallas "Who kill journalists and why?".

Arne König
Under de senaste 15 åren har 1300 journalister och mediaarbetare har dödats medan de varit i tjänst. Förra året var ett av det blodigaste. I projektet, som består av journalister och professorer i bland annat konfliktforskning, ska man undersöka varför journalister dödats i sitt arbete och presentera detta i en rapport. Du kan läsa mer om projektet här: http://www.newssafety.com/. Arne König berättade också att Journalistförbundet bjudit in Dawit Isaak till kongressen om tre veckor på Djurönäset. Inbjudan postades idag och om han kommer finnas där återstår att se. Journalistförbundet har inte slutat hoppas och kommer att fortsätta sitt arbete för att Dawit Isaak och hans kollegor skall frigivas.

Ola GäverthOla Gäverth, ordförande i Journalistklubben vid Sveriges Radio berättade att klubben ställt in möten för att kunna medverka på Sergels torg under dagen. - Dawit är symbol för något mycket större. Den här manifestationen handlar om yttrandefriheten, grunden för hela vår verksamhet. Bland övriga talare hördes Eva Elmsäter, ordförande Reportrar utan gränser, Bengt Braun, ordförande i Tidningsutgivarna,
EU-parlamentarikern Cecilia Malmström, Journalistförbundets ordförande Agneta Lindblom Hulthén, journalisten Khaled Abdu, kommunikationschef Karin Hallgren,TCO, Yvonne Lundén, SKTFs förbundsstyrelse, Henrik von Sydow, riksdagsledamot (m), skådespelerskan Görel Crona, Christina Jutterström, VD Sveriges Television, Peter Örn, VD Sveriges Radio, Håkan Bravinger, Författarförbundet, Leif Öbrink, stödkommittén Free Dawit Isaak, Siv Norlin, förste vice ordförande i fackförbundet ST med flera. Dawit Isaak greps i september 2001, tillsammans med flera kollegor. Samtidigt förbjöd den eritreanska regimen all privatägd och oberoende media. Den 3 maj har Dawit Isaak suttit fängslad 1319 dagar - utan rättegång! Vi kräver att Dawit Isaak och hans kollegor släpps fria och att Eritrea respekterar pressfrihet och mänskliga rättigheter. Pressfrihetens Dag har proklamerats av FN och manifesteras över hela världen. Bakom den dygnslånga manifestationen i Stockholm står Journalistförbundet, Reportrar utan gränser, Publicistklubben, Sveriges Tidskrifter, Tidningsutgivarna och Stödföreningen Free Dawit Issack

Khaled , Cecilia , Leif

Gellert , Agnetta , Görel
Svenska Journalistförbundet
Telefon: 08-613 75 00Fax: 08-21 26 80E-post: kansliet@sjf.se
Testimony: The Execution of Mogos Gebreselase By Anon (submitted by Elsa Chyrum) Feb 24, 2006, 06:59 PST
The history of Eritrea’s youth is a story of humiliation, exile, detention and death. Thus, when it comes to youth, it is hard to expect any good news. It has been over ten years since Eritrean parents have been shedding tears in Eritrea—a nation which could win a Nobel prize, a marathon and an Oscar for its human rights abuses. Thanks to the government of Eritrea, there is an abundance of sadness, hunger and bareness and too little of peace and tranquillity. The Eritrean people know that the blood of Eritrea’s youth is as cheap as that of dogs, shed everywhere. Todate, there has been no restraint on the dying and jailing of the youth and, consequently, the youth are abandoning their country and families and flowing to exile.
The story of Mogos Gebreselase is part and parcel of this history. I met Mogos in October 1998 in the hamlet of Elala, around Shambeko. While serving the nation in our units, I came to learn that he was born and raised in Asmara. Due to his intense patriotism, he had enlisted in the armed struggle in 1990. An astute and conscientious person, he was not one to utter, “yes, ok” indisicriminately.
Mogos Gebreselase was a tireless and principled person who respected military rules and discipline. But because he was an ethical person, he could not get along with his superiors. This is not surprising: a sharp and astute person like him could not tolerate the debauchery of those in charge. In 2001, anonymous members of the army sent a letter that exposed the corruption of those in charge to the Defense Ministry ([known as] Beleza.) Instead of trying to investigate the veracity of the claims against the accused, Major Afwerki Habtegiorgis (“Ababu”), the major’s friends within the Defense Minstry sent back the letter to the major advising him to take caution. And the major initiated the process of sharpening his knife to slay his enemies.
In an effort to save himself, a panicked Major Afwerki began the process of identifying those he considered his enemies. He called on all the soldiers in his charge to submit to handwriting investigation. In the end, Mogos Gebreselase and seven other members of our division were detained. No one in the rank and file knew about this, but Mogos and the others were sent to detention.
Mogos and the other seven individuals were sent for so-called rehabilitation to Adi Gawel. All in the army knew that Mogos’s fate could not be good. This is because his superiors always looked at him with contempt. Certainly, those of you reading this will be saddened by the arrest of Mogos and the other seven individuals. But that’s not all. What is truly saddening is that Mogos Gebreselasee, the innocent youth, was trapped by Major Afwerki and was killed by an execution squad. Just like that: those in charge are warlords, killing and sparing people at a whim.
Eritrea is losing many of her innocent children like Mogos. And the exploitation and aggression continues throughout all of Eritrea. But tomorrow, they will tell a tale of how they [those they killed] were martyred heroically. A day will come when the story of all this aggression shall be told. But people like Major Afwerki and the government which is using them to vanish the people cannot have a moment of rest. [This is] because they are accountable for the blood of the innocent.
Elsa Chyrum is an Eritrean human rights activist. The original article was written in Tigrigna and is published by Awate. Translated to English by Awate staff.
The story of Mogos Gebreselase is part and parcel of this history. I met Mogos in October 1998 in the hamlet of Elala, around Shambeko. While serving the nation in our units, I came to learn that he was born and raised in Asmara. Due to his intense patriotism, he had enlisted in the armed struggle in 1990. An astute and conscientious person, he was not one to utter, “yes, ok” indisicriminately.
Mogos Gebreselase was a tireless and principled person who respected military rules and discipline. But because he was an ethical person, he could not get along with his superiors. This is not surprising: a sharp and astute person like him could not tolerate the debauchery of those in charge. In 2001, anonymous members of the army sent a letter that exposed the corruption of those in charge to the Defense Ministry ([known as] Beleza.) Instead of trying to investigate the veracity of the claims against the accused, Major Afwerki Habtegiorgis (“Ababu”), the major’s friends within the Defense Minstry sent back the letter to the major advising him to take caution. And the major initiated the process of sharpening his knife to slay his enemies.
In an effort to save himself, a panicked Major Afwerki began the process of identifying those he considered his enemies. He called on all the soldiers in his charge to submit to handwriting investigation. In the end, Mogos Gebreselase and seven other members of our division were detained. No one in the rank and file knew about this, but Mogos and the others were sent to detention.
Mogos and the other seven individuals were sent for so-called rehabilitation to Adi Gawel. All in the army knew that Mogos’s fate could not be good. This is because his superiors always looked at him with contempt. Certainly, those of you reading this will be saddened by the arrest of Mogos and the other seven individuals. But that’s not all. What is truly saddening is that Mogos Gebreselasee, the innocent youth, was trapped by Major Afwerki and was killed by an execution squad. Just like that: those in charge are warlords, killing and sparing people at a whim.
Eritrea is losing many of her innocent children like Mogos. And the exploitation and aggression continues throughout all of Eritrea. But tomorrow, they will tell a tale of how they [those they killed] were martyred heroically. A day will come when the story of all this aggression shall be told. But people like Major Afwerki and the government which is using them to vanish the people cannot have a moment of rest. [This is] because they are accountable for the blood of the innocent.
Elsa Chyrum is an Eritrean human rights activist. The original article was written in Tigrigna and is published by Awate. Translated to English by Awate staff.
Seminarium: Eritrea är“ mellan hopp och förtvivlan
Krig, enpartistat, diktatur och svåra förhållanden med svält och fattigdom. En svensk journalist Dawit Isaak sitter sedan tre år i fängelse för sina åsikters skull. När landet Eritrea förekommer i svensk massmedia är bilden mest elände och problem.
Men varför blev det så här och hur stimulerar vi bäst demokrati och utveckling i regionen?
Arrangörer: Silc (Svenskt Internationellt Liberalt Centrum) i samarbete med Eritrean Association for Peace and Democracy
Moderatorer: Birgitta Ohlsson, riksdagsledamot (fp) & folkpartiets biståndstalesman och Erik Jennische, generalsekreterare Silc
NÃr? Torsdagen den 9 mars
Tid? 17.00-20.00
Var? Sveriges Riksdag, Mynttorget 2, ledamotshuset, folkpartiets klubbrum
Anmmälan? Senast 9 mars 12.00 via erik.jennische@liberal.se (medtag ID-kort till riksdagen) 17.00-17.15
Inledning Ibrahim Abdella från Eritrean Association for Peace and Democracy och Birgitta Ohlsson riksdagsledamot (fp)
17.15-17.35 Mänskliga rättigheter i Eritrea Maja Åberg, från Amnesty ger en övergripande bild av läget vad gäller mänskliga rättigheter i landet.
17.35-17.55 Mänskliga rättigheter och Dawit Isaak Johan Karlsson, Silc-aktivist och författare till boken "Dawit och friheten - om den svenske samvetsfången och Eritreas inställda demokratisering" berättar om mänskliga rättigheter i Eritrea utifrån fallet Dawit Isaak.
17.55-18.15 Kvinnans situation i Eritrea Hayot Ibrahim berättar om kvinnors rättigheter och position i Eritrea
18.15-18.45 Eritreas framtid och demokratin Mr. Hussein Khalifa, Secretary General of the Eritrean Democratic Alliance
18.45-19.15 Civilsamhället och demokratin i Eritrea Dr. Numan redogör för hur man kan stimulera övergången från diktatur till demokrati och civilsamhällets roll i detta.
19.15-20.00 Paneldiskussion och frågestund
Varmt välkomna!
Men varför blev det så här och hur stimulerar vi bäst demokrati och utveckling i regionen?
Arrangörer: Silc (Svenskt Internationellt Liberalt Centrum) i samarbete med Eritrean Association for Peace and Democracy
Moderatorer: Birgitta Ohlsson, riksdagsledamot (fp) & folkpartiets biståndstalesman och Erik Jennische, generalsekreterare Silc
NÃr? Torsdagen den 9 mars
Tid? 17.00-20.00
Var? Sveriges Riksdag, Mynttorget 2, ledamotshuset, folkpartiets klubbrum
Anmmälan? Senast 9 mars 12.00 via erik.jennische@liberal.se (medtag ID-kort till riksdagen) 17.00-17.15
Inledning Ibrahim Abdella från Eritrean Association for Peace and Democracy och Birgitta Ohlsson riksdagsledamot (fp)
17.15-17.35 Mänskliga rättigheter i Eritrea Maja Åberg, från Amnesty ger en övergripande bild av läget vad gäller mänskliga rättigheter i landet.
17.35-17.55 Mänskliga rättigheter och Dawit Isaak Johan Karlsson, Silc-aktivist och författare till boken "Dawit och friheten - om den svenske samvetsfången och Eritreas inställda demokratisering" berättar om mänskliga rättigheter i Eritrea utifrån fallet Dawit Isaak.
17.55-18.15 Kvinnans situation i Eritrea Hayot Ibrahim berättar om kvinnors rättigheter och position i Eritrea
18.15-18.45 Eritreas framtid och demokratin Mr. Hussein Khalifa, Secretary General of the Eritrean Democratic Alliance
18.45-19.15 Civilsamhället och demokratin i Eritrea Dr. Numan redogör för hur man kan stimulera övergången från diktatur till demokrati och civilsamhällets roll i detta.
19.15-20.00 Paneldiskussion och frågestund
Varmt välkomna!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
ሕጂኸ እንታይ ይገበር!!!!
ዝሓለፈ ሰሙን ኣብዚ ኣብ ከተማ ስቶክሆልም ዓቢ መዛረቢ ኣርእስቲ ኮይኑ ዝቐነየ ኣኼባ በዓል ስልጣን ህግደፍ ኣልኣሚን መሐመድስዒድ ዩኣልኣሚን ኣብዚ ናብ ህዝቢ ዝገበሮ ኣኼባ ከም ወኪል እቲ ኣረሚናዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ዘይኮነ ከም ወኪል ቅንጅት ናይ ኢትዩጵያን ናይ ሱዳን ተቓወምቲን ኩይኑ እዩ ኣምሲዩ..ኣብቲ ዝሃቦ መግለጺ ዶ ክንብሎ ወላ ባዶ ጃህራ ንልዕሊ 2 ሰዓታትን ፈረቓን ብዛዕባ ቅንጅት ተበዲልናዮ ዝብልዎ በደልን ነቲ ዝበደሎም መንግስቲ ኢህወደግ ኸኣ ስራት ህግደፍ ብኸመይ ከምዝቕጽዑ ካብ ቓል ኣልኣሚን መሓመድ ስዒድ ከምቲ ናብ ስልጣን ዘምጻኽሞም እስኹም ኢኹም ተልዕልዎም ትኽእሉ ኢሎም ቅንጅት ስለዝመጹናን ንሕና ኸኣ ሓባራዊ ረብሓና እምበር ካልእ ስለዘየገድሰና ነቲ መዓልቱ ዝቖጽር ዘሎ ስርዓት ኣሊና ቅንጅት መሪሕነት ከምዝሕዙ ክንገብር ኢና ብዝብል ስዲ ሕልሚ ዘይሚዛናዊ ገምጋም ዶ ክንብሎ ወላ ህውተታ ኣብታ ንበይኑ ዝነብረላ ዓለም ጥራሕ ዝሰርሕ ሎጂክ ብምቕራብ ነዚ ንምትግባር ናይ ዝኽፈል ኤርትራዊ ደም ኣብ ግምት ብዘይምእታው ጊዑሩ ኣሎ ሳዕቤኑ ኸኣ ብሓባር ክንርእዩ ኢናካብቲ ንልዕሊ 3 ሰዓታት ዝኸደ ኣኼባ ተጾሚቐን ፍርቂ ሰዓት ዘኮነ ጊዜ ጥራሕ ብዛዕባ ኤርትራ ምዝራቡን ከምኡ እውን ነቲ ግፍዓዊ ኣማራራሓ ህግደፍ ብምቅዋም ኣብ ኣፍደገ ብሰለማዊ ኣገባብ ተቓውምኡ ዘስምዕ ዝነበረ ሓርበኛ ህዝብና በቲ ግዕዘይ መልሓሱ እዞም ኣኻልብ ክብል ክትሰምዖ ከለኻ ነቲ መንግስቱ ሃይለማርያም ኣብ ጊዜ ምውዳቑ ዝጥቀመሉ ዝነበረ ብዕሉግ ቃላት እንተስ ናብ ትግርኛ እንተስ ናብ ዓረብ ተርጉሙ ነቶም ክቡር ማህጸን ጀጋኑ ኣዴታትና ዝወለዶም የሕዋት ክዝልፎም ኣምስዩ ግን ሕሱር ማዕረ ነብሱ የሕስረካ ዩ ነገሩ.እስኹምስ ከኣ ሃገር ክትመርሑ!!!ካብ ኩሉ እቲ ዘስደምም ግን እቲ ኣብ ህቶን መልስን ዝሰዓበዩ3 ሰዓታት ዝለፍለፈት መልሓስ ኣልኣሚን ልዕሊ 5 ሕቶታት ክትምልስ ድልውቲ ዘይምኻናዩ.እቶም ሓተትቲ ንኽሓትዎ ዝተዋህቦም ሕቶታት ከጠፍኦም ዝሸምደድዎ ከመስሉ ኣካል ናይቲ ድሩስ ተዋስኦ ኮይኖም ግቡእ ገጸባህርያዊ ተርኦም ተዋሲኦም. ግን ማሸላ ዘሪእካ ስርናይ ስለዘይቦቅል ካብቲ ግዕዘይ መልሓስ ኣልኣሚን ዝተዋህበ መልሲ ወላውን ነቲ ጌጋታት ስርዓት ህግደፍ እንዳፈለጠ ዘስቀጠ ህዝቢዩ ጸቂጥዎ.ኣልኣሚን ንሓንቲ ካብተን ሕቶታት ንጠቅስኣብ ሃገርና ወለዲ ይእሰሩ ኣለው ንሰምዕ ኣለና ኣዚ ሓቂድዩ ንዝብል ሕቶነዛ ሕቶ እዚኣ ክትሕተት ዝፈቐዱ ነቲ ኣብኡ ዝነበረ ሰማዒ ራዕዲ ከእቱውሉን ንኣሽቱ የሕዋቱ ካብ ሃገር እንተወጺኡ ንወለዱ ማእሰርቲ ከስዕበሎም ምኻኑ ንምንጋርዩ ኔሩ.በቲ ግናይ እምበር ጥዑም ምዝራብ ዘይለመደ ልሳን ኣልኣሚን ዝወጸ ቃላት ግን ነቲ ኣብኡ ዝነበረ ሰማዒ ከኣ ኣን ናይ ጭንቀት ባሕሪ ከምዝጥሕል ጥራሕዩ ጌርዎ እሱ ክምለስ ከሎ ብዘይሕፍረት እወ ኣሲርና ኣለና ክንእሰር ኢናውን ኢሉ እዚስ ምስ ምንታይ ይቑጸር ወለድና ክንዲ ብጹሕ ውላድካ ኣይትምሓል ክብሉ ከለዎ ዘሕለፍዎ መልእኽቲ ንኹሉ ንቡር ኣተሓሳስባ ዘለዎ ዜጋ ብሩህዩ እዚኦም ግን ብገለ እዩም መጺኦሙና ሕልንኦም ዝሸጡ ክብረት መራሕቲ ሃይማኖት ዓበይቲ ዓዲ ሙሁራት ተማሃሮ ደቂ ኣንስትዩ ሓረስቶትን ህጻናትን ኣዴታትን ዝጋሃሱ ሰባት ስለዝኹነ ድሕር ሕጂ ዝኸፍኣ ጥራሕ ክገብሩ ምኻኖም ብሩህዩ.ኣብዚ ከይጠቐስናዩ ክንሓልፍ ዘይንደሊ ነገር እንተሃለወ ናይቶም ትሕዝቶ ዘረባ ከይተረድኡ ዘጣቕዑ ዝነበሩ መዳምቕቲዩ ኣብ ኩሉ ቅድሚ ሕጂ ዝተገብረ ኣኼባታት ጣቕዒት ንባዕሉ ከም ሓደ ኣጀንዳ ድዩ ኣትዩ ኢልካ ስጋብ ትጠራጠርዩም ዘጣቕዑ ኔሮም ሎሚ ግን!!!እወ ሎሚ ግን ዝለበሙ ይመስለኒ ነታ መዓልትን ለይትን ከነብርሃ ንጽዕረላ ዝነበርና ግህሰት ሰብኣዊ መሰል ካብ ኣፍ እቲ ጉዕዙይ ጛሽኡም ምስ ሰምዕዎ ከየጣቕዑ ሱቕ ምባሎም ኣብ ህግደፋዊ ዓለም ዓቢ ዝላ ንቕድሚት ኣብ መስርሕ ምቅዋም ስለዝኾነ ድሕሪ ሕጂ እንታይ ንጽበ ንብሎም.ከምወዩ ዝብሃል ሓደሰብ ርእስኻ የላን እንተኢሉካ ሸለል በሎ 2 ሰባት ርእስኻ የላን እንተኢሎሙኻ ሃሰስ በላ ሰለስተ ሰባት የላን እንተኢሎምኻ ግን እመኖምዩሞ እቲ ናይ ሃገርና ሽግር ከኣ ብወለድኹም,ብየሕዋትኩም ብደቂ ሃገርኩም ተነጊርኩም ሸለልን ሃሰስን ክትብሉ ጸኒሕኩም ሕጂ ግን ካብቲ ዓንዴል መልሓስ ኣልኣሚን ሰሚዕክሞ ኣለኹም!!!
እሞ ኸ ደኣ ሕጂ እንታይ ይገበር!!!!
እሞ ኸ ደኣ ሕጂ እንታይ ይገበር!!!!
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Eritrea's Unreported Famine: Report From Eritrea
By Name Withheld Feb 24, 2006, 05:26 PST
I am writing to share with you the famine news [I] am receiving from Eritrea where the seasonal rain has failed to be materialised for the people, farm and the livestock which the majority of the people depend for their livelihood [and which] have perished due to this prevailing drought. In addition to that, the government of Eritrea has decided not to distribute the international aid by banning the aid agencies and the government has not provided any alternative means of supply of food to the starving people.
The geographical area that is affected by this new wave of drought covers most of the country side of the country. However the eastern lowlands which stretch from the Qaruura at the border of Sudan to Buri which lies between Djibouti and the Eastern slopes of the Eritrea landscape are severely affected. The people who live in the traditional province of Sahel, Semhar, Dankalia, and part of Akelegusay and Senhit, Barka are starving and [have] started to die. Most of the victims are children, women and elderly as all youth population of the nation are in military.
It seems there is no one [to] witness the unfolding of this tragedy as the government news service concentrates on political events and there exists no international media living in the areas that are currently affected and those media correspondents of the BBC, VOA, RUETERS are all stationed in the capital and never make an effort to see what is happening outside Asmara, particularly rural areas.
This is my personal information which I have gathered through my contacts with family, friends and others in the affected areas. The population in these parts of the country are historically neglected as results there are few relatives living in exile to support the families. There are few educated members in the overseas to bring the situation to the attention of humanitarian organisations and governments.
It is due to this understanding in mind that I decided to write this note to share with those who care about Eritreans, friends and able Eitreans to appeal to you to make any effort possible on the behalf of our people who are perishing due to starvation, to call to the international community to help us alleviate this urgent situation.
I appeal to you to those who read this note to inform concerned bodies as I have little experience in dealing with this kind of matter and have no influence to contact them. If there is any doubt about the accuracy of the suffering that is taking place in the country, I urge you to make your own assessment of the people of the areas that I have mentioned by contacting the local population independently. Please bear in mind that I have no political affiliation to any political entity and I am sending this note purely from personal desperation I felt, and it is my attempt to highlight the problem
I am writing to share with you the famine news [I] am receiving from Eritrea where the seasonal rain has failed to be materialised for the people, farm and the livestock which the majority of the people depend for their livelihood [and which] have perished due to this prevailing drought. In addition to that, the government of Eritrea has decided not to distribute the international aid by banning the aid agencies and the government has not provided any alternative means of supply of food to the starving people.
The geographical area that is affected by this new wave of drought covers most of the country side of the country. However the eastern lowlands which stretch from the Qaruura at the border of Sudan to Buri which lies between Djibouti and the Eastern slopes of the Eritrea landscape are severely affected. The people who live in the traditional province of Sahel, Semhar, Dankalia, and part of Akelegusay and Senhit, Barka are starving and [have] started to die. Most of the victims are children, women and elderly as all youth population of the nation are in military.
It seems there is no one [to] witness the unfolding of this tragedy as the government news service concentrates on political events and there exists no international media living in the areas that are currently affected and those media correspondents of the BBC, VOA, RUETERS are all stationed in the capital and never make an effort to see what is happening outside Asmara, particularly rural areas.
This is my personal information which I have gathered through my contacts with family, friends and others in the affected areas. The population in these parts of the country are historically neglected as results there are few relatives living in exile to support the families. There are few educated members in the overseas to bring the situation to the attention of humanitarian organisations and governments.
It is due to this understanding in mind that I decided to write this note to share with those who care about Eritreans, friends and able Eitreans to appeal to you to make any effort possible on the behalf of our people who are perishing due to starvation, to call to the international community to help us alleviate this urgent situation.
I appeal to you to those who read this note to inform concerned bodies as I have little experience in dealing with this kind of matter and have no influence to contact them. If there is any doubt about the accuracy of the suffering that is taking place in the country, I urge you to make your own assessment of the people of the areas that I have mentioned by contacting the local population independently. Please bear in mind that I have no political affiliation to any political entity and I am sending this note purely from personal desperation I felt, and it is my attempt to highlight the problem
Thursday, February 23, 2006
مظاهرة سلمية ناجحة في ستوكهم

لجنة التحالف الديمقراطي الإرتري - فرع السـويد
شهدت مدينة ستوكهولم يوم الأحد 19 فبراير 2006 مظاهرة سلمية ناجحة، حيث احتشدت جماهير غفيرة من الإرتريين في موقع حُدد لها من قبل الشرطة السويدية، وهي تحمل الأعلام وشعارات منددة بانتهاكات حقوق الإنسان في إرتريا ومطالبة بإقامة نظام ديمقراطي في إرتريا، غير عابئة برداءة الطقس الذي كان مخيما في ذلك اليوم.
شارك في هذه المظاهرة التي بادر بالدعوة إلى تنظيمها فرع التحالف الديمقراطي الإرتري في السويد، أعضاء التنظيمات السياسية والجمعيات المدنية وكذلك وطنيون إرتريون. ردد المتظاهرون الشعارات باللغات التقرينية والعربية والسويدية والانجليزية، ثم استمعوا إلى كلمة فرع التحالف في السويد.
وكان واضحاً أن الشعارات التي ظل يرددها المتظاهرون بصوت قوي أحدثت تأثيراً في نفوس جزء من الذين مروا عليها ليدخلوا إلى القاعة التي شهدت اجتماع الأمين محمد سعيد سكرتير حزب جشع، حيث ظهر ذلك في وجوههم وطريقة دخولهم إلى قاعة الاجتماع.
وكانت من بين الشعارات التي رددها المتظاهرون :
· لتسلم السلطة إلى الشعب
· ليطلق سراح المعتقلين السياسيين
· لتتوقف الممارسات القمعية والاعتقالات التعسفية بحق الآباء والأمهات.
· لتحترم المعتقدات الدينية ، وليحترم رجال الدين
· ليتوقف الظلم والاضطهاد.
· لتحترم حقوق المرأة الإرترية.
· لِيعُدْ الشباب إلى مدارسهم.
· ليتوقف اللجوء.
· ليسقط نظام جشع القمعي.
هذه وغيرها من الشعارات ظل المتظاهرون يرددونها. كما ألقيت كلمات حماسية عبرت عن مدى معاناة شعبنا في ظل نظام جشع الديكتاتوري. وانتهت التظاهرة التي تواصلت لأكثر من أربع ساعات بالوقوف دقيقة صمت إجلالا وإكباراً لروح شهدائنا الأبرار.
هذا وقد أشادت السلطات السويدية بمستوى الانضباط الذي تميزت به تظاهرة المعارضين الإرتريين، على الرغم من أن الشرطة كانت قد أجرت استعدادات كبيرة تحسباً لوقوع مصادمات بين معارضي نظام جشع ومؤيديه.
النصر للشـعب الإرتري !
المجد والخلود لشهدائنا الأبرار !
لجنة التحالف الديمقراطي الإرتري - فرع السـويد
20 فبراير 2006
Eritrea, Ethiopia may involve in new war
Feb 19,2006(KHARTOUM)
-The troop build-up along the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea means a miscalculation by either side could result in open conflict, the UN warns.
Eritrea is now estimated to have nearly half its armored units in the demilitarized zone on the border.
UN troops say Eritrean restrictions on patrols and helicopter flights mean 60% of the border cannot be monitored.
"When you have reduced monitoring on both sides, there are dangers that the chances of miscalculation increase. And that is our greatest worry," said UN peacekeeping commander Major General Rajender Singh.
"I am not saying that things which are happening today, will lead tomorrow to war. But a situation may in fact deteriorate to that level in which the worst can happen. And the worst is the war, of course."
The UN has reassessed the border situation between the two countries from "stable" to "tense". UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said he was very concerned
It is recalled that he had called on both sides to "exercise maximum restraint and to immediately halt any action that might be misinterpreted by the other side" or that could jeopardize security arrangements agreed in their 2000 peace deal.
The head of UN peacekeeping, Jean-Marie Guehenno, said he had briefed the Security Council members about the gravity of the situation and the engagement of member states was now essential.
Diplomats in Asmara are expressing their deep concerns about the way the Eritrean regime is handling the border issue and other democracy related. “The acts of the Eritrean president are really irresponsible and may lead to an outbreak of war at any time,” said some diplomats.
It is worth mentioning that the Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki said in a letter to the Security Council that it had lost credibility in the international body of UN for failing to force Ethiopia to pull out from the border town of Badme, which was awarded to Eritrea by the boundary commission.
Diplomats say the Eritrean government seems intent on war; and the Eritrean Presidential Adviser Yemane Ghebremeskel described the reports of Eritrean military movements towards the border as "an action aims at defending his country’s sovereignty".
There are also fears that the restrictions on peacekeepers could cause incidents to escalate into something more serious.
Feb 19,2006(KHARTOUM)
-The troop build-up along the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea means a miscalculation by either side could result in open conflict, the UN warns.
Eritrea is now estimated to have nearly half its armored units in the demilitarized zone on the border.
UN troops say Eritrean restrictions on patrols and helicopter flights mean 60% of the border cannot be monitored.
"When you have reduced monitoring on both sides, there are dangers that the chances of miscalculation increase. And that is our greatest worry," said UN peacekeeping commander Major General Rajender Singh.
"I am not saying that things which are happening today, will lead tomorrow to war. But a situation may in fact deteriorate to that level in which the worst can happen. And the worst is the war, of course."
The UN has reassessed the border situation between the two countries from "stable" to "tense". UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said he was very concerned
It is recalled that he had called on both sides to "exercise maximum restraint and to immediately halt any action that might be misinterpreted by the other side" or that could jeopardize security arrangements agreed in their 2000 peace deal.
The head of UN peacekeeping, Jean-Marie Guehenno, said he had briefed the Security Council members about the gravity of the situation and the engagement of member states was now essential.
Diplomats in Asmara are expressing their deep concerns about the way the Eritrean regime is handling the border issue and other democracy related. “The acts of the Eritrean president are really irresponsible and may lead to an outbreak of war at any time,” said some diplomats.
It is worth mentioning that the Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki said in a letter to the Security Council that it had lost credibility in the international body of UN for failing to force Ethiopia to pull out from the border town of Badme, which was awarded to Eritrea by the boundary commission.
Diplomats say the Eritrean government seems intent on war; and the Eritrean Presidential Adviser Yemane Ghebremeskel described the reports of Eritrean military movements towards the border as "an action aims at defending his country’s sovereignty".
There are also fears that the restrictions on peacekeepers could cause incidents to escalate into something more serious.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Admas's Vision
The vision we have here in Admas blog is to infrom our readers about Eritrea and also keep advocating for human right in the country.Eritrea has been the biggest prison for journalist in Africa and the journalists suffering on the barbaric jails of the PFDJ are fellow colleagues who exercised their right to inform the society sacrificing their life and future and we will never forget all our prisoners and we will defend them at any price any time and any where!
تظاهرة سلمية في أوسلو
تدعو قوى المعارضة الإرترية ومنظمات المجتمع المدني العاملة في النرويج كافة الإرتريين الحادبين على تحقيق العدالة والسلام في ربوع البلاد، للخروج في مظاهرة سلمية في مدينة أوسلو يوم الأحد السادس والعشرين من شهر فبراير الجاري، للتنديد بسياسات نظام هقدف وللتعبير عن الرفض والاستهجان لانتهاكاته لحقوق الإنسان وللعمل على فضح أكاذيبه أمام شعبنـا والعالم قاطبة. وننوه على ان هذه التظاهرة السلمية تتزامن مع الاجتماع الذي من المزمع عقده في أوسلو في الزمان والمكان المنوه عنهما أدناه من قبل سكرتير الجبهة الشعبية للديمقراطية والعدالة (هقدف) السيد الأمين محمد سعيد.
تهيب اللجنة المنظمة بكل الإرتريين في النرويج للوقوف صفاً واحداً لإيصال الرسالة المطلوبة إلى النظام وأن تسد أمامه كل المنافذ التي يحاول التسلل منها بهدف اضعاف عزيمة شعبنا الرافضة له ولسياساته المدمرة.
مكان التظاهرة:
Kultur Kirken
Hausmannsgate 14
14:00-16:00 من يوم الأحد- 26-فبراير 2006م
للمزيد من المعلومات يرجى الاتصال بالجهة المنظمة عبر البريد الإلكتروني التالي:
تدعو قوى المعارضة الإرترية ومنظمات المجتمع المدني العاملة في النرويج كافة الإرتريين الحادبين على تحقيق العدالة والسلام في ربوع البلاد، للخروج في مظاهرة سلمية في مدينة أوسلو يوم الأحد السادس والعشرين من شهر فبراير الجاري، للتنديد بسياسات نظام هقدف وللتعبير عن الرفض والاستهجان لانتهاكاته لحقوق الإنسان وللعمل على فضح أكاذيبه أمام شعبنـا والعالم قاطبة. وننوه على ان هذه التظاهرة السلمية تتزامن مع الاجتماع الذي من المزمع عقده في أوسلو في الزمان والمكان المنوه عنهما أدناه من قبل سكرتير الجبهة الشعبية للديمقراطية والعدالة (هقدف) السيد الأمين محمد سعيد.
تهيب اللجنة المنظمة بكل الإرتريين في النرويج للوقوف صفاً واحداً لإيصال الرسالة المطلوبة إلى النظام وأن تسد أمامه كل المنافذ التي يحاول التسلل منها بهدف اضعاف عزيمة شعبنا الرافضة له ولسياساته المدمرة.
مكان التظاهرة:
Kultur Kirken
Hausmannsgate 14
14:00-16:00 من يوم الأحد- 26-فبراير 2006م
للمزيد من المعلومات يرجى الاتصال بالجهة المنظمة عبر البريد الإلكتروني التالي:
Monday, February 20, 2006
تجدد المخاوف من حرب جديدة على الحدود الإثيوبية ـ الإريترية
المهجورة سكان «زلامبيسا» المتنازع عليها يبنون بلدتهم حجرا فوق حجر مع فقدان الأمل
زلامبيسا (إثيوبيا) ـ رويترز: يصعب تمييز الحجارة المتراكمة من أنقاض الحرب عن الحجارة المستخدمة في الاعمار في بلدة زلامبيسا الحدودية الاثيوبية.
ففي عام 1998 غزا جنود اريتريون هذه البلدة الواقعة على الحدود المتنازع عليها مع اثيوبيا ودمروها في بداية حرب استمرت عامين سقط فيها 70 ألف قتيل، واليوم بعد مرور ستة أعوام على اتفاق للسلام يعيد سكان زلامبيسا البالغ عددهم 12 الفا إلى بناء بلدتهم حجرا فوق حجر، لكن الخوف من اندلاع حرب أخرى وذكريات الالم تنغص الامل الذي يدفعهم.
قال رجل الاعمال هايلو زرافة، 70 عاما، علينا أن نتعايش مع ما لدينا الآن ومع احساس بخطر الحرب. وقال «الاريتريون أخذوا كل ممتلكاتي بما في ذلك زوجتي، لم يتركوا مسمارا، الآن لا أملك شيئا غير العدم». ويحملق الجنود الاثيوبيون على أطراف زلامبيسا بقلق الى اعدائهم الاريتريين الذين لا يفصلهم عنهم سوى أخدود رملي عرضه أقل من كيلومترين، هؤلاء الرجال يقفون على حد واحد من أكثر الصراعات السياسية تعقيدا في القرن الافريقي.
ورغم أن البلدين وقعا اتفاقا للسلام في عام 2000 لانهاء الحرب وقبلا قرار لجنة مستقلة بشأن تحديد موقع الحدود، يظل خط الحدود كما هو غير مرئي وغير محدد وغير محسوم.
وبالنسبة لاهالي زلامبيسا فان الحدود يجب أن توجد كفكرة فقط، انها ليست شيئا يحتاج الجيران والاقارب وشركاء التجارة أن يحدد بالجنود والحواجز.
وعندما أصدرت لجنة الحدود قرارا نهائيا ملزما في عام 2002 جاء مؤيدا لمزاعم اريتريا أصيبت اثيوبيا باحباط.
ويقول ملس زيناوي رئيس وزراء اثيوبيا منذئذ انه يقبل القرار لكنه يريد التفاوض مع اريتريا على آليات ترسيم الحدود التي ستغير جنسية بعض الناس.
وتقول اريتريا ان الاتفاق اتفاق وهي غاضبة لان القوى العالمية لا تلوي ذراع اثيوبيا. وتدهورت الازمة خلال العام الماضي حيث تزايدت المعارك الكلامية ونقل الجنود بالقرب من الحدود وتم سحبهم فيما بعد. وبالنسبة لزلامبيسا فان الحرب قد توقف اعمارا يزيد عمره على عام وتقضي على امال تجديد التجارة التي كانت مزدهرة على الطريق المتعرج للعاصمة الاريترية أسمرة.
وتقع زلامبسيا على ارتفاع 2400 متر على المرتفعات الشمالية القاحلة في أرض من وديان تغمرها المياه وقمم جبلية عطشى. ونبات الصبار وبعض الشجيرات المتناثرة هي التي تشكل المساحات الخضراء الضئيلة تحت السماء المنبسطة. ولا تتفق برودة الجبل مع شمس متوهجة ربما دفعت الاغريق لان يطلقوا على البلاد «أرض الوجوه المحترقة» الذي جاء منه اسم اثيوبيا.
زلامبيسا (إثيوبيا) ـ رويترز: يصعب تمييز الحجارة المتراكمة من أنقاض الحرب عن الحجارة المستخدمة في الاعمار في بلدة زلامبيسا الحدودية الاثيوبية.
ففي عام 1998 غزا جنود اريتريون هذه البلدة الواقعة على الحدود المتنازع عليها مع اثيوبيا ودمروها في بداية حرب استمرت عامين سقط فيها 70 ألف قتيل، واليوم بعد مرور ستة أعوام على اتفاق للسلام يعيد سكان زلامبيسا البالغ عددهم 12 الفا إلى بناء بلدتهم حجرا فوق حجر، لكن الخوف من اندلاع حرب أخرى وذكريات الالم تنغص الامل الذي يدفعهم.
قال رجل الاعمال هايلو زرافة، 70 عاما، علينا أن نتعايش مع ما لدينا الآن ومع احساس بخطر الحرب. وقال «الاريتريون أخذوا كل ممتلكاتي بما في ذلك زوجتي، لم يتركوا مسمارا، الآن لا أملك شيئا غير العدم». ويحملق الجنود الاثيوبيون على أطراف زلامبيسا بقلق الى اعدائهم الاريتريين الذين لا يفصلهم عنهم سوى أخدود رملي عرضه أقل من كيلومترين، هؤلاء الرجال يقفون على حد واحد من أكثر الصراعات السياسية تعقيدا في القرن الافريقي.
ورغم أن البلدين وقعا اتفاقا للسلام في عام 2000 لانهاء الحرب وقبلا قرار لجنة مستقلة بشأن تحديد موقع الحدود، يظل خط الحدود كما هو غير مرئي وغير محدد وغير محسوم.
وبالنسبة لاهالي زلامبيسا فان الحدود يجب أن توجد كفكرة فقط، انها ليست شيئا يحتاج الجيران والاقارب وشركاء التجارة أن يحدد بالجنود والحواجز.
وعندما أصدرت لجنة الحدود قرارا نهائيا ملزما في عام 2002 جاء مؤيدا لمزاعم اريتريا أصيبت اثيوبيا باحباط.
ويقول ملس زيناوي رئيس وزراء اثيوبيا منذئذ انه يقبل القرار لكنه يريد التفاوض مع اريتريا على آليات ترسيم الحدود التي ستغير جنسية بعض الناس.
وتقول اريتريا ان الاتفاق اتفاق وهي غاضبة لان القوى العالمية لا تلوي ذراع اثيوبيا. وتدهورت الازمة خلال العام الماضي حيث تزايدت المعارك الكلامية ونقل الجنود بالقرب من الحدود وتم سحبهم فيما بعد. وبالنسبة لزلامبيسا فان الحرب قد توقف اعمارا يزيد عمره على عام وتقضي على امال تجديد التجارة التي كانت مزدهرة على الطريق المتعرج للعاصمة الاريترية أسمرة.
وتقع زلامبسيا على ارتفاع 2400 متر على المرتفعات الشمالية القاحلة في أرض من وديان تغمرها المياه وقمم جبلية عطشى. ونبات الصبار وبعض الشجيرات المتناثرة هي التي تشكل المساحات الخضراء الضئيلة تحت السماء المنبسطة. ولا تتفق برودة الجبل مع شمس متوهجة ربما دفعت الاغريق لان يطلقوا على البلاد «أرض الوجوه المحترقة» الذي جاء منه اسم اثيوبيا.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Public Announcement by organizing Committee
Eritrean association for peace and democracy invites all opposition political and civil society organizations to a conference on human rights and democracy in Eritrea on 9th and 11th March, in the city of Stockholm Sweden.
The organization has been organizing seminars and conferences since its foundation involving Eritreans in serious discussions on issues of peace, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
The objectives of such conferences are first to influence the Swedish political opinion so that its support promote transition to democracy and justice in Eritrea and it should also be conditioned to the demands of human rights and democracy in Eritrea.
The second objective is to stimulate debate among Eritreans and raise the awareness of the people that the human rights violations in Eritrea concerns all of us. Such seminars objectives is to enhance the knowledge about the values of democracy that are crucial to peaceful co-existence in Eritrea.
Invited keynote speakers at this conference
Dr. Johan Carlsson , from the university of Guthenbourg ( Göteborg)
Mr. Mussie Semere, Lawyer from Manheim University, Germany
Dr. Numan Hubadin, from Eritrean medical association- Sudan
Miss Hayot Ibrahim, Political scientist from Uppsala University
Mr. Hussein Khalifa, Secretary General of the EDA ( Eritrean Democratic Alliance)
Amnesty International, Sweden Branch
9th March, 2006, Where? When ? What time?
Place ant time will be announced later.
Introduction and presentation by Bigitta Ohlsson ( parliamentarian) och Ibrahim Abdella
HR report on Eritrea by Amnesty International
Prospects for peace and democracy in Eritrea by Mr. Hussein Khalifa EDAs’ General Secretary
The rights of women in Eritrea by Miss Hayot Ibrahim, political scientist
The development of civil society in Eritrea by Dr. Numan Buhadin
11th March, 2006, Where? When? What time ?
Program leader:- Mr. Arhe Hamednaca, EAPD Chairman
Date:- Saturday 11th March, 2006
Place:- Kista Träff or Kista Hall
Time:- 10.30 – 19.00
Program leader:- Arhe Hamednaca, chairman of the Association
10.30-11.00 - Opening and presentation of the conference
11.00- 11.45 - The philosophy of Human rights and their implementation, by Mussie Semere
Moderator: Fesseha Nair
Language: Tigrinya
11-45- 12.30 Civil society participation in democratization, by Dr. Numan Hubadin
Moderator: Abdulkarim Mustafa
Language: Arabic
12.30- 13.00 Break
13.00- 14.00 The experience of EDA, its strength, weakness, motives, strategies, policies and programmes, by Mr. Hussein Khalifa- Secretary General of EDA
Moderator:- Ibrahim Abdella
Language: Arabic/Tigrinya
14.00- 15.00 Lunch
15.00- 15.45 The rights of women and their participation in politics by Miss Hayot Ibrahim
Language: Swedish
15.45- 18.00 Public discussion/ panellists
Moderator:- Ibrahim Abdella
Language:- Arabic, Tigrinya and Swedish
18.30- 19.00 Evaluation and conclusion
ሕዝባዊ ሓበረታ
ብ ኣዳለውቲ ኮንፈረንስ
ኤርትራዊ ማሕበር ሰላምን ዲሞክራስያን፣ ሓሙስ ዕለት 9 መጋቢት፣ ከምኡ ድማ ቀዳም ዕለት 11 መጋቢት ሰሚናራት መዲቡ ስለዘሎ፣ ንኹሎም፣ ፖሊቲካውን፣ ብርገሳውን ውድባትን ማሕበራትን ብኽብሪ፣ ይዕድም። ናይ ነፍስ ወከፍ ኣኸባ መደባት ኣብ ታሕቲ ተጠቂሱ፣ ኣሎ።
ማሕበር ሰላምን ደሞክራስያን ካብ ዝምስረት ጀሚሩ፣ሰሚናራትን፣ ኮንፈረንሳትን፣ እናዳለወ ኣብ ኣገደስቲ ሕቶታት፣ ናይ ሰላምን፣ደሞክራስያን፣ ሰብ ኣዊ መሰላትን፣ ግዝኣተ-ሕግን፣ንግዱሳት ኤርትራውያን፣ ክዝትዩን፣ክረዳዳኡን፣ ከዕድሞም፣ጸኒሑ፣ እዩ።
ዕላማታት ኮንፈረንስ፣ንፖሊቲካዊ ርእይቶ ሰዊደን፣ ኣብ ኤርትራ ንደሞክራስያውን፣ ፍትሓውን ስር ዓት፣ዝድግፍ መርገጽ ክወስዱ፣እቲ ዝዋሃብ ሓገዝ ድማ ብቅድመ-ኩነት ሰባዊ መስላትን፣ ደሞክራስያን፣ምስዘይክበር፣ክኽልከል። ካልኣይ ዕላማ ድማ፣ ኣብ መንጎ ኤርትራውያን፣ ክተዕን፣ዝርርብን፣ንምልዕዓልን፣ኣፍልጦ ሕዝቢ ብዛዕባ ሰብኣዊ መሰላትን ደሞክራስያን ሓፍ ንምባል ኢዩ።
ዕዱማት ኣቅረብቲ መደረ
ደር. ዮሃን ካርልሶን ካብ ጋተንቡርግ ዩኒቨርሲቲ
ኣቶ ሙሴ ሰመረ፣ ናይ ሕጊ ምሁር ካብ ማንሃይም ዩኒቨርሲቲ ጀርመን
ደር. ኑዕማን ሁባዲን፣ ሓኪም፣ ኣባል መሪሕነት ማሕበር፣ ሓካይም ኤርትራውያን፣ኣብ ካርቱም
ወይዘሪት፣ ሃዮት ኢብራሂም ፣ ፖሊቲካዊ ሳይንስ ካብ ኡፕሳላ ዩኒቨርሲቲ
ተጋ. ሓው ሁሰይን ካሊፋ፣ ዋና ጻሓፊ፣ ደሞክራስያዊ ኪዳን ኤርትራ
ኣምነስቲ፣ኢንተርናተርናሽናል፣ጨንፈር ስዊደን
ወሮ፣ መርየም ዑስማን ሸረፋይ፣ ኣባል ባይቶ ስዊደን- ሰልፊ ሶሽያል ደሞክራስያ
ሓሙስ 9 መጋቢት 2006 ኣበይ፧ መኣስ፣ ሰዓት ክንደይ
ቦታን ግዜን ጸኒሑ ክሕበር ኢዩ፡፤
መደብ ኣኼባ
መኽፈትን መቅድምን ኣኸባ ብ ቢርጊታ ኡልሶንን ብኢብራሂም ዓብዳላ
ጸብጻብ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ኣብ ኤርትራ፣ ብ ኣምነስቲ ኢንተርናሽናል
ትጽብታት ሰላምን ደሞክራስያን ኣብ ኤርትራ፣ ብተጋ፣ ሑሰይን ካሊፋ፣ ዋና ጸሓፊ፣ደሞክራስያዊ ኪዳን ኤርትራ
መሰል፣ ደቀ-ኣንስትዮ፣ ብወይዘሪት፣ ሓዮት ኢብራሂም ፖሊቲካዊ፣ሳይንስ ካብ ኡፕሳላ
ብርገሳዊ ማሕበራትን፣ ኣማዓባብላኦምን ኣብ ኤርትራ ፣ ብደር፣ ኑዕማን ባሓዲን
ሰሚናር ብቋንቋ፣ኢንግሊዘኛን፣ ስዊደንን፣ክካየድ ኢዩ።
ቀዳም 11 መጋቢት 2006፣ ኣበይ፣ መኣስ፣ ግዜ
መራሕ- ኮንፈረንስ ኣርሀ ሓመድናካ፣ ኣቦ ወንበር ማሕበር
ዕለት፣- ቀዳም 11መጋቢት 2006
ቦታ፣ ሺስታ ትረፍ Kista Träff Tb 11 mot Akalla
ግዜ፣ 10.30 – 19.00
መደብ ኣኼባ
10.30- 11.00 መኽፈትን መቅድምን ኮንፈረንስ
11.00 -11.45 ፍልስፍና ሰብኣዊ መሰላትን፣ ኣዘወታትራኦምን፣ ብሙሴ ሰመረ
ኣቅራቢ፣ ፍስሓ ናይር
ቋንቋ፣ ትግርኛ
11.45 -12.30 ብርገሳዊ ማሕበራትን ተራኦምን፣ ኣብ ደሞክራስያዊ መስርሕ፣ ድር. ኑዕማን ሁባዲን
ኣቅራቢ፣ ኣብዱልከሪም ሙስታፋ
ቋንቋ፣ ዓረብኛ
12.30 -13.00 ዕረፍቲ
13.00 – 14.00 ተመክሮ፣ምሕዝነታዊ ኣስራርሓ ደሞክራስያዊ ኪዳን ኤርትራ፣ ናቱ ሓያልነትን፣ ድኽመታትን፣ድርኺታትን፣ ስትራተጅታትን፣ቅዋማትን፣ መደባትን፣ ብ ተጋ፣ ሑሰይን ካሊፋ ዋና ጸሓፊ ኪዳን
ኣቅራቢ፣- ኢብራሂም ዓብደላ
ቋንቋ፣ ዓረብኛ
14.00- 15.00 ናይ ምሳሕ ዕረፍቲ
15.00 -15.45 መሰል ጓል-ኣንስተይቲ፣ፖሊቲካዊ ተስታፍነታን ኣብ ሃገረ ስዊደን፣ ብሓዮት ኢብራሂም
ቋንቋ ፣ ስዊደን
15.45 18.00 ፓነላዊ ክተዕ፣ ሕዝባዊ ሕቶታትን መልሰን
ኣዋሃሃዲ፣ ኣቶ፣ኢብራሂም ዓብደላ
ቋንቋታት፣ ዓረብኛ፣ ትግርኛ፣ ስዊደን
18.30- 19.00 ሚዛን፣ ኣኼባን መደምደምታን
ብደሓን ምጹ
ኣዳለውቲ ሰሚናራትን ኮንፈረንሳትን
ማሕበር ሰላምን ደሞክራስያን ኤርትራ ስቶኮሆልም
The organization has been organizing seminars and conferences since its foundation involving Eritreans in serious discussions on issues of peace, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
The objectives of such conferences are first to influence the Swedish political opinion so that its support promote transition to democracy and justice in Eritrea and it should also be conditioned to the demands of human rights and democracy in Eritrea.
The second objective is to stimulate debate among Eritreans and raise the awareness of the people that the human rights violations in Eritrea concerns all of us. Such seminars objectives is to enhance the knowledge about the values of democracy that are crucial to peaceful co-existence in Eritrea.
Invited keynote speakers at this conference
Dr. Johan Carlsson , from the university of Guthenbourg ( Göteborg)
Mr. Mussie Semere, Lawyer from Manheim University, Germany
Dr. Numan Hubadin, from Eritrean medical association- Sudan
Miss Hayot Ibrahim, Political scientist from Uppsala University
Mr. Hussein Khalifa, Secretary General of the EDA ( Eritrean Democratic Alliance)
Amnesty International, Sweden Branch
9th March, 2006, Where? When ? What time?
Place ant time will be announced later.
Introduction and presentation by Bigitta Ohlsson ( parliamentarian) och Ibrahim Abdella
HR report on Eritrea by Amnesty International
Prospects for peace and democracy in Eritrea by Mr. Hussein Khalifa EDAs’ General Secretary
The rights of women in Eritrea by Miss Hayot Ibrahim, political scientist
The development of civil society in Eritrea by Dr. Numan Buhadin
11th March, 2006, Where? When? What time ?
Program leader:- Mr. Arhe Hamednaca, EAPD Chairman
Date:- Saturday 11th March, 2006
Place:- Kista Träff or Kista Hall
Time:- 10.30 – 19.00
Program leader:- Arhe Hamednaca, chairman of the Association
10.30-11.00 - Opening and presentation of the conference
11.00- 11.45 - The philosophy of Human rights and their implementation, by Mussie Semere
Moderator: Fesseha Nair
Language: Tigrinya
11-45- 12.30 Civil society participation in democratization, by Dr. Numan Hubadin
Moderator: Abdulkarim Mustafa
Language: Arabic
12.30- 13.00 Break
13.00- 14.00 The experience of EDA, its strength, weakness, motives, strategies, policies and programmes, by Mr. Hussein Khalifa- Secretary General of EDA
Moderator:- Ibrahim Abdella
Language: Arabic/Tigrinya
14.00- 15.00 Lunch
15.00- 15.45 The rights of women and their participation in politics by Miss Hayot Ibrahim
Language: Swedish
15.45- 18.00 Public discussion/ panellists
Moderator:- Ibrahim Abdella
Language:- Arabic, Tigrinya and Swedish
18.30- 19.00 Evaluation and conclusion
ሕዝባዊ ሓበረታ
ብ ኣዳለውቲ ኮንፈረንስ
ኤርትራዊ ማሕበር ሰላምን ዲሞክራስያን፣ ሓሙስ ዕለት 9 መጋቢት፣ ከምኡ ድማ ቀዳም ዕለት 11 መጋቢት ሰሚናራት መዲቡ ስለዘሎ፣ ንኹሎም፣ ፖሊቲካውን፣ ብርገሳውን ውድባትን ማሕበራትን ብኽብሪ፣ ይዕድም። ናይ ነፍስ ወከፍ ኣኸባ መደባት ኣብ ታሕቲ ተጠቂሱ፣ ኣሎ።
ማሕበር ሰላምን ደሞክራስያን ካብ ዝምስረት ጀሚሩ፣ሰሚናራትን፣ ኮንፈረንሳትን፣ እናዳለወ ኣብ ኣገደስቲ ሕቶታት፣ ናይ ሰላምን፣ደሞክራስያን፣ ሰብ ኣዊ መሰላትን፣ ግዝኣተ-ሕግን፣ንግዱሳት ኤርትራውያን፣ ክዝትዩን፣ክረዳዳኡን፣ ከዕድሞም፣ጸኒሑ፣ እዩ።
ዕላማታት ኮንፈረንስ፣ንፖሊቲካዊ ርእይቶ ሰዊደን፣ ኣብ ኤርትራ ንደሞክራስያውን፣ ፍትሓውን ስር ዓት፣ዝድግፍ መርገጽ ክወስዱ፣እቲ ዝዋሃብ ሓገዝ ድማ ብቅድመ-ኩነት ሰባዊ መስላትን፣ ደሞክራስያን፣ምስዘይክበር፣ክኽልከል። ካልኣይ ዕላማ ድማ፣ ኣብ መንጎ ኤርትራውያን፣ ክተዕን፣ዝርርብን፣ንምልዕዓልን፣ኣፍልጦ ሕዝቢ ብዛዕባ ሰብኣዊ መሰላትን ደሞክራስያን ሓፍ ንምባል ኢዩ።
ዕዱማት ኣቅረብቲ መደረ
ደር. ዮሃን ካርልሶን ካብ ጋተንቡርግ ዩኒቨርሲቲ
ኣቶ ሙሴ ሰመረ፣ ናይ ሕጊ ምሁር ካብ ማንሃይም ዩኒቨርሲቲ ጀርመን
ደር. ኑዕማን ሁባዲን፣ ሓኪም፣ ኣባል መሪሕነት ማሕበር፣ ሓካይም ኤርትራውያን፣ኣብ ካርቱም
ወይዘሪት፣ ሃዮት ኢብራሂም ፣ ፖሊቲካዊ ሳይንስ ካብ ኡፕሳላ ዩኒቨርሲቲ
ተጋ. ሓው ሁሰይን ካሊፋ፣ ዋና ጻሓፊ፣ ደሞክራስያዊ ኪዳን ኤርትራ
ኣምነስቲ፣ኢንተርናተርናሽናል፣ጨንፈር ስዊደን
ወሮ፣ መርየም ዑስማን ሸረፋይ፣ ኣባል ባይቶ ስዊደን- ሰልፊ ሶሽያል ደሞክራስያ
ሓሙስ 9 መጋቢት 2006 ኣበይ፧ መኣስ፣ ሰዓት ክንደይ
ቦታን ግዜን ጸኒሑ ክሕበር ኢዩ፡፤
መደብ ኣኼባ
መኽፈትን መቅድምን ኣኸባ ብ ቢርጊታ ኡልሶንን ብኢብራሂም ዓብዳላ
ጸብጻብ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ኣብ ኤርትራ፣ ብ ኣምነስቲ ኢንተርናሽናል
ትጽብታት ሰላምን ደሞክራስያን ኣብ ኤርትራ፣ ብተጋ፣ ሑሰይን ካሊፋ፣ ዋና ጸሓፊ፣ደሞክራስያዊ ኪዳን ኤርትራ
መሰል፣ ደቀ-ኣንስትዮ፣ ብወይዘሪት፣ ሓዮት ኢብራሂም ፖሊቲካዊ፣ሳይንስ ካብ ኡፕሳላ
ብርገሳዊ ማሕበራትን፣ ኣማዓባብላኦምን ኣብ ኤርትራ ፣ ብደር፣ ኑዕማን ባሓዲን
ሰሚናር ብቋንቋ፣ኢንግሊዘኛን፣ ስዊደንን፣ክካየድ ኢዩ።
ቀዳም 11 መጋቢት 2006፣ ኣበይ፣ መኣስ፣ ግዜ
መራሕ- ኮንፈረንስ ኣርሀ ሓመድናካ፣ ኣቦ ወንበር ማሕበር
ዕለት፣- ቀዳም 11መጋቢት 2006
ቦታ፣ ሺስታ ትረፍ Kista Träff Tb 11 mot Akalla
ግዜ፣ 10.30 – 19.00
መደብ ኣኼባ
10.30- 11.00 መኽፈትን መቅድምን ኮንፈረንስ
11.00 -11.45 ፍልስፍና ሰብኣዊ መሰላትን፣ ኣዘወታትራኦምን፣ ብሙሴ ሰመረ
ኣቅራቢ፣ ፍስሓ ናይር
ቋንቋ፣ ትግርኛ
11.45 -12.30 ብርገሳዊ ማሕበራትን ተራኦምን፣ ኣብ ደሞክራስያዊ መስርሕ፣ ድር. ኑዕማን ሁባዲን
ኣቅራቢ፣ ኣብዱልከሪም ሙስታፋ
ቋንቋ፣ ዓረብኛ
12.30 -13.00 ዕረፍቲ
13.00 – 14.00 ተመክሮ፣ምሕዝነታዊ ኣስራርሓ ደሞክራስያዊ ኪዳን ኤርትራ፣ ናቱ ሓያልነትን፣ ድኽመታትን፣ድርኺታትን፣ ስትራተጅታትን፣ቅዋማትን፣ መደባትን፣ ብ ተጋ፣ ሑሰይን ካሊፋ ዋና ጸሓፊ ኪዳን
ኣቅራቢ፣- ኢብራሂም ዓብደላ
ቋንቋ፣ ዓረብኛ
14.00- 15.00 ናይ ምሳሕ ዕረፍቲ
15.00 -15.45 መሰል ጓል-ኣንስተይቲ፣ፖሊቲካዊ ተስታፍነታን ኣብ ሃገረ ስዊደን፣ ብሓዮት ኢብራሂም
ቋንቋ ፣ ስዊደን
15.45 18.00 ፓነላዊ ክተዕ፣ ሕዝባዊ ሕቶታትን መልሰን
ኣዋሃሃዲ፣ ኣቶ፣ኢብራሂም ዓብደላ
ቋንቋታት፣ ዓረብኛ፣ ትግርኛ፣ ስዊደን
18.30- 19.00 ሚዛን፣ ኣኼባን መደምደምታን
ብደሓን ምጹ
ኣዳለውቲ ሰሚናራትን ኮንፈረንሳትን
ማሕበር ሰላምን ደሞክራስያን ኤርትራ ስቶኮሆልም
Saturday, February 18, 2006
الي الجاليات الاريترية في بريطانيا والسويد وألمانيا وكندا
عونا ـ 16 شباط فبراير
تشهد بعض الدول الأروبية بعد يومين اجتماعات يرعاها حزب (هقدف) في موسم جديد من الدجل والاكاذيب وتزييف الحقائق يكون في ختامه الشحذ والتسول والسؤال، والقوي الوطنية الحرة والشريفة داخل الجاليات الاريترية في الدول المعنية مطلوب منها تحرك أكبر لتفويت الفرص علي مولد الأكاذيب هذا، إن اجتماعات (هقدف) القمعي أصبحت مملة ومكررة وهي لا تساوي ثمن التذكرة والمصاريف الأخري لوفودها.. إن مقاطعتنا لها وخروجنا في مسيرات ضدها ورشقنا للقائمين عليها بالبيض الفاسد لهو أحد الطرق الصحيحة لكن ذلك وحده لا يكفي.. إن دخول مسئولي (هقدف) في سباق محموم وتوجههم العاجل الي أروبا وأمريكا وكندا لتوسل وترجي الجاليات هناك إنما هو رد مباشر علي الهلع والفزع الذي أحدثته مذكرة "التلاحم الاريتري العالمي ضد الطغيان" خاصة إزاء ما تتضمنته من مطالب لإتخاذ خطوات عملية ضد النظام الذي يعيش خارج التأريخ.. كفي ما أصدرناه من بيانات تنديد وما قرأناه من تقارير الإستنكار والمطلوب أن نتحرك علي المستوي العملي.. إن ما مطلوب الآن وفوراً من الجاليات الاريترية في أستراليا وأروبا وكندا وامريكا هو تحريك دعاوي قضائية والسعي لإستصدار مذكرات توقيف بحق مسئولي الجبهة الشعبية الذين يزورون تلك البلدان بإعتبار أنهم جزء من منظومة تمارس الإجرام المنظم والموثق، وعلي هذه الجاليات أن تستثمر المناخ السائد والقائل بأن الجريمة ضد الانسانية ليس لها مكان.. علي تلك الجاليات أن تطلب فوراً إستشارات قانونية وهي إستشارات مجانية، من رجال القانون والمحامين والمنظمات الانسانية وتحاول أن تقدم كل مالديها من وثائق وحجج وأدوات إقناع.. إذا تمكنا من توقيف مسئول واحد من مسئولي الجبهة الشعبية فإن ذلك بداية النهاية.
تحية لجالياتنا في أروبا وهي تتصدي للزيف.. تحية للأحرار الشرفاء أينما كانوا ولا نامت أعين الجبناء والمتخاذلين والنفعيين
تشهد بعض الدول الأروبية بعد يومين اجتماعات يرعاها حزب (هقدف) في موسم جديد من الدجل والاكاذيب وتزييف الحقائق يكون في ختامه الشحذ والتسول والسؤال، والقوي الوطنية الحرة والشريفة داخل الجاليات الاريترية في الدول المعنية مطلوب منها تحرك أكبر لتفويت الفرص علي مولد الأكاذيب هذا، إن اجتماعات (هقدف) القمعي أصبحت مملة ومكررة وهي لا تساوي ثمن التذكرة والمصاريف الأخري لوفودها.. إن مقاطعتنا لها وخروجنا في مسيرات ضدها ورشقنا للقائمين عليها بالبيض الفاسد لهو أحد الطرق الصحيحة لكن ذلك وحده لا يكفي.. إن دخول مسئولي (هقدف) في سباق محموم وتوجههم العاجل الي أروبا وأمريكا وكندا لتوسل وترجي الجاليات هناك إنما هو رد مباشر علي الهلع والفزع الذي أحدثته مذكرة "التلاحم الاريتري العالمي ضد الطغيان" خاصة إزاء ما تتضمنته من مطالب لإتخاذ خطوات عملية ضد النظام الذي يعيش خارج التأريخ.. كفي ما أصدرناه من بيانات تنديد وما قرأناه من تقارير الإستنكار والمطلوب أن نتحرك علي المستوي العملي.. إن ما مطلوب الآن وفوراً من الجاليات الاريترية في أستراليا وأروبا وكندا وامريكا هو تحريك دعاوي قضائية والسعي لإستصدار مذكرات توقيف بحق مسئولي الجبهة الشعبية الذين يزورون تلك البلدان بإعتبار أنهم جزء من منظومة تمارس الإجرام المنظم والموثق، وعلي هذه الجاليات أن تستثمر المناخ السائد والقائل بأن الجريمة ضد الانسانية ليس لها مكان.. علي تلك الجاليات أن تطلب فوراً إستشارات قانونية وهي إستشارات مجانية، من رجال القانون والمحامين والمنظمات الانسانية وتحاول أن تقدم كل مالديها من وثائق وحجج وأدوات إقناع.. إذا تمكنا من توقيف مسئول واحد من مسئولي الجبهة الشعبية فإن ذلك بداية النهاية.
تحية لجالياتنا في أروبا وهي تتصدي للزيف.. تحية للأحرار الشرفاء أينما كانوا ولا نامت أعين الجبناء والمتخاذلين والنفعيين
Eritrea terminates activity of six Italian aid groups
February 17, 2006ASMARA -- Eritrea has ordered six Italian aid groups to stop working in the impoverished Horn of Africa nation for failing to meet new registration requirements. Letters received by the agencies this week thanked them for their work in Eritrea but said that they had not met conditions required by May 2005 legislation dealing with NGOs and so must halt operations by January 31. "We kindly officially inform you to terminate your activities as of 31/01/2006," said the letters from the Eritrean ministry of labor and human welfare, which were dated February 9. The letters did not explain why they were dated after the cut-off date for the groups to stop working nor did they say exactly what requirements of the new legislation they had not met. Those requirements include annual licensing, and stipulate that local groups must have operating capital of $1 million and international groups twice as much. The Eritrean official in charge of registration was abroad on Thursday and not available to comment. Officials at the Italian embassy in Asmara declined to comment although other diplomats said that they understood that the six groups were the only ones thus far rejected for registration. "So far 17 NGOs have been registered, six have been refused, and about 10 are still waiting for an answer," said one. In recent months Asmara has been stressing the dangers of dependency on foreign aid and instituted policies intended to cultivate self-reliance. In September it stopped most free distribution of food aid, and called for "food for work" programs to be instituted. Several diplomats said on Thursday, however, that free distribution had resumed in two of Eritrea's six regions recently. The United Nations said that two-thirds of Eritrea's 3.5 million population needed food aid in 2005 and while there are no figures yet for 2006, most of Eritrea's neighbors are suffering from a scorching drought that threatens millions with starvation.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
UK PM targets Ethiopia at summit
By Peter Biles BBC southern Africa correspondent
Blair told Ethiopia's leader of his country's need to settle its problems The UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair, has said he wants to see Ethiopia resolve its internal problems and continue on a democratic path.
He was speaking at the end of a summit of centre-left leaders from across the world in South Africa.
It was also attended by the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi.
This comes after a political crackdown in Ethiopia late last year and the arrest of thousands of opposition supporters.
The seven centre-left government leaders met at a game reserve deep in the African bush near the South African city of Pretoria to discuss their shared political agenda.
We have to try and resolve the situation
Tony Blair
Blair: Much to do in Africa But at a news conference, Mr Blair found himself sitting alongside his Ethiopian counterpart, Mr Zenawi, who has been facing strong international criticism over his handling of the political unrest and violence that followed disputed elections.
'Real issues'
The two leaders used to be close allies. But last month, Britain suspended direct aid amid concerns about Ethiopia's commitment to human rights.
On Sunday, Mr Blair said he had been concerned about what he called "real issues".
The government has been cracking down on protesters since the elections"The government won the election, there was then a reaction to it, there was then, perhaps, if I can say this without being too undiplomatic, an over reaction to that, which often happens," said Mr Blair.
"We have to try and resolve the situation, the human rights issues, but do so - and I want to do so - in a way that supports Ethiopia."
Mr Zenawi said if there had been flaws, Ethiopia would learn from its mistakes and move on. He respected Britain's decision to withhold government aid.
The leaders at this summit in South Africa also discussed the need for progress in trade negotiations.
Mr Blair said a failure on the world trade round would be a devastating blow to the poorest countries, as well to emerging and developed nations.
Blair told Ethiopia's leader of his country's need to settle its problems The UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair, has said he wants to see Ethiopia resolve its internal problems and continue on a democratic path.
He was speaking at the end of a summit of centre-left leaders from across the world in South Africa.
It was also attended by the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi.
This comes after a political crackdown in Ethiopia late last year and the arrest of thousands of opposition supporters.
The seven centre-left government leaders met at a game reserve deep in the African bush near the South African city of Pretoria to discuss their shared political agenda.
We have to try and resolve the situation
Tony Blair
Blair: Much to do in Africa But at a news conference, Mr Blair found himself sitting alongside his Ethiopian counterpart, Mr Zenawi, who has been facing strong international criticism over his handling of the political unrest and violence that followed disputed elections.
'Real issues'
The two leaders used to be close allies. But last month, Britain suspended direct aid amid concerns about Ethiopia's commitment to human rights.
On Sunday, Mr Blair said he had been concerned about what he called "real issues".
The government has been cracking down on protesters since the elections"The government won the election, there was then a reaction to it, there was then, perhaps, if I can say this without being too undiplomatic, an over reaction to that, which often happens," said Mr Blair.
"We have to try and resolve the situation, the human rights issues, but do so - and I want to do so - in a way that supports Ethiopia."
Mr Zenawi said if there had been flaws, Ethiopia would learn from its mistakes and move on. He respected Britain's decision to withhold government aid.
The leaders at this summit in South Africa also discussed the need for progress in trade negotiations.
Mr Blair said a failure on the world trade round would be a devastating blow to the poorest countries, as well to emerging and developed nations.
Protest at UN arrests in Eritrea
Tensions along the border are mountingThe United Nations has protested to Eritrea over the arrest of 13 local staff members employed to monitor the disputed border with Ethiopia.
Another 30 staff are in hiding, in fear of being detained as well.
No official reason has been give for the arrests, but the information minister said he would not allow the UN to give sanctuary to "fugitives".
Recently Eritrea has clamped down on UN operations, in retaliation for the failure to implement a border ruling.
The neighbours fought a brutal war between 1997-2000 which ended with a peace agreement committing both sides to abide by the ruling of an independent commission which demarcated the boundary.
However, Ethiopia has not withdrawn its troops from the disputed border town of Badme, which the commission awarded to Eritrea.
Eritrea wants the international community to put more pressure on Ethiopia to comply with the ruling.
Last year, Eritrea banned UN helicopter flights and called for the expulsion of Western peacekeepers.
Then in January, Eritrea's President Isaias Afewerki refused to allow the team of US diplomats and army officials to visit the border area.
Talking about the weekend detentions, Eritrean Information Minister Ali Abdu said if any person broke the law they were subject to the law, regardless of where they worked.
"We will not allow Unmee to be a sanctuary for fugitives," he said.
The UN Security Council has delayed a decision until March on the future of its peacekeeping troops in the region, pending US efforts to resolve the impasse.
It may scale down the peacekeeping force which currently separates thousands of troops from the two countries who are deployed close to the border, raising fears of renewed conflict.
UN head Kofi Annan reported back in January to the Security Council on resolution 1640, which carries the threat of sanctions against both countries if they do not withdraw troops they had sent to the border.
He presented them with six options, from leaving things as they are to pulling out.
Another 30 staff are in hiding, in fear of being detained as well.
No official reason has been give for the arrests, but the information minister said he would not allow the UN to give sanctuary to "fugitives".
Recently Eritrea has clamped down on UN operations, in retaliation for the failure to implement a border ruling.
The neighbours fought a brutal war between 1997-2000 which ended with a peace agreement committing both sides to abide by the ruling of an independent commission which demarcated the boundary.
However, Ethiopia has not withdrawn its troops from the disputed border town of Badme, which the commission awarded to Eritrea.
Eritrea wants the international community to put more pressure on Ethiopia to comply with the ruling.
Last year, Eritrea banned UN helicopter flights and called for the expulsion of Western peacekeepers.
Then in January, Eritrea's President Isaias Afewerki refused to allow the team of US diplomats and army officials to visit the border area.
Talking about the weekend detentions, Eritrean Information Minister Ali Abdu said if any person broke the law they were subject to the law, regardless of where they worked.
"We will not allow Unmee to be a sanctuary for fugitives," he said.
The UN Security Council has delayed a decision until March on the future of its peacekeeping troops in the region, pending US efforts to resolve the impasse.
It may scale down the peacekeeping force which currently separates thousands of troops from the two countries who are deployed close to the border, raising fears of renewed conflict.
UN head Kofi Annan reported back in January to the Security Council on resolution 1640, which carries the threat of sanctions against both countries if they do not withdraw troops they had sent to the border.
He presented them with six options, from leaving things as they are to pulling out.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
تحويل الآباء والأمهات الي رهائن
عونا ـ 12 شباط فبراير
تفيد أخبار واردة من مدينة كرن بأن السلطات هناك تشن الآن حملة من الاعتقالات ضد الآباء والأمهات الذين هربوا أبناءهم خارج البلاد أو اختفوا في الداخل تفادياً من الذهاب الي معسكر "ساوا" وذلك منذ يوم الأحد الماضي، حيث يتم جمعهم أولا في ملعب كرة القدم (جوكو) ومن ثم ينقلوا الي معسكر احتجاز أقيم خصيصاً بمنطقة "لبنا" بضواحي المدينة، ويأتي قرار الاعتقالات الي مدينة كرن وهي ثاني أكبر المدن كثافة من حيث السكان بعد أن أخذت مدن وقري أخري نصيبها من الاعتقالات والمداهمات منذ منتصف يوليو الماضي، وتهدف السلطات من إعتقال أقارب الفارين الي ايقاف موجات الهروب الجماعي الذي تشهده البلاد بسبب سياسات خاطئة وأخطار امنية صادرة من الحكومة، ولم تفرج السلطات عن الأم أو الأب المعتقل إلا بعد دفع فدية مقدارها خمسين ألف نقفة (50000) ويتضاعف المبلغ كلما هرب اكثر من شخص من الأسرة الواحدة وذلك وسط شعب يعتمد أكثر من ثلثيه علي المعونات الخارجية، وقد دافع السيد/ الأمين محمد سعيد في سيمنار عقده بمدينة ملبورن في ديسمبر الماضي علي سياسة اعتقال اقارب الهاربين قائلاً أنها الطريقة الوحيدة لإيقاف موجات الفرار معترفاً في ذات الوقت بأن أبناء الميسورين بدأوا يهربون بعد أن يدفعوا رشاوي في حين أبناء الفقراء "يرابطون للدفاع عن الوطن".
وفي حملات سابقة نقل موقع "عواتي" علي لسان شهود عيان بأنهم رأوا اشخاص مضروبين وبعضهم يجذبون نحو السيارات وفيهم عجزة وفاقدي بصر وذلك من الحملة التي طالت مدن مندفرا وعدي قيح وعرزا وماي امني وعدي خالا وهزمو والقري المحيطة بعدي قيح في منتصف يوليو الماضي.
ويثار الآن جدلاً أوساط الاريتريين حول الأسس الأخلاقية والأهداف الوطنية من إعتقال فئة الآباء والأمهات وهي من أكثر الفئات احتراماً وتبجيلاً وسط مجتمع محافظ تحكمه قيم دينية ويعطي اعتبارات شديدة لنظامه الاجتماعي. ولم يستوعب الكثير من المواطنين معني تحويل أقارب الهاربين الي رهائن وجعلهم كبش فداء لمجرد أن الحكومة تريد أن تثبت لهم أنها قادرة علي كل شيئ، ويعيد البعض بذاكرته الي زمن الاستعمار الاثيوبي البغيض ليقول بأن إثيوبيا نفسها لم تفعل ذلك بحق الشعب الاريتري. في حين يري البعض بان ذلك يعمل في زيادة الكره المتصاعد ضد النظام أصلاً
تفيد أخبار واردة من مدينة كرن بأن السلطات هناك تشن الآن حملة من الاعتقالات ضد الآباء والأمهات الذين هربوا أبناءهم خارج البلاد أو اختفوا في الداخل تفادياً من الذهاب الي معسكر "ساوا" وذلك منذ يوم الأحد الماضي، حيث يتم جمعهم أولا في ملعب كرة القدم (جوكو) ومن ثم ينقلوا الي معسكر احتجاز أقيم خصيصاً بمنطقة "لبنا" بضواحي المدينة، ويأتي قرار الاعتقالات الي مدينة كرن وهي ثاني أكبر المدن كثافة من حيث السكان بعد أن أخذت مدن وقري أخري نصيبها من الاعتقالات والمداهمات منذ منتصف يوليو الماضي، وتهدف السلطات من إعتقال أقارب الفارين الي ايقاف موجات الهروب الجماعي الذي تشهده البلاد بسبب سياسات خاطئة وأخطار امنية صادرة من الحكومة، ولم تفرج السلطات عن الأم أو الأب المعتقل إلا بعد دفع فدية مقدارها خمسين ألف نقفة (50000) ويتضاعف المبلغ كلما هرب اكثر من شخص من الأسرة الواحدة وذلك وسط شعب يعتمد أكثر من ثلثيه علي المعونات الخارجية، وقد دافع السيد/ الأمين محمد سعيد في سيمنار عقده بمدينة ملبورن في ديسمبر الماضي علي سياسة اعتقال اقارب الهاربين قائلاً أنها الطريقة الوحيدة لإيقاف موجات الفرار معترفاً في ذات الوقت بأن أبناء الميسورين بدأوا يهربون بعد أن يدفعوا رشاوي في حين أبناء الفقراء "يرابطون للدفاع عن الوطن".
وفي حملات سابقة نقل موقع "عواتي" علي لسان شهود عيان بأنهم رأوا اشخاص مضروبين وبعضهم يجذبون نحو السيارات وفيهم عجزة وفاقدي بصر وذلك من الحملة التي طالت مدن مندفرا وعدي قيح وعرزا وماي امني وعدي خالا وهزمو والقري المحيطة بعدي قيح في منتصف يوليو الماضي.
ويثار الآن جدلاً أوساط الاريتريين حول الأسس الأخلاقية والأهداف الوطنية من إعتقال فئة الآباء والأمهات وهي من أكثر الفئات احتراماً وتبجيلاً وسط مجتمع محافظ تحكمه قيم دينية ويعطي اعتبارات شديدة لنظامه الاجتماعي. ولم يستوعب الكثير من المواطنين معني تحويل أقارب الهاربين الي رهائن وجعلهم كبش فداء لمجرد أن الحكومة تريد أن تثبت لهم أنها قادرة علي كل شيئ، ويعيد البعض بذاكرته الي زمن الاستعمار الاثيوبي البغيض ليقول بأن إثيوبيا نفسها لم تفعل ذلك بحق الشعب الاريتري. في حين يري البعض بان ذلك يعمل في زيادة الكره المتصاعد ضد النظام أصلاً
9 February 2006In furtherance of objectives of the Civic Awareness Project, the EMDHR conducted session workshops on 4-5 February 2006 in four South African cities, namely Cape Town, Bloemfontein, Pietermarizburg and Durban. The objective of the workshop was to discuss the draft manual prepared by EMDHR on the theory, practices and techniques of active non-violent struggle as seen from the Eritrean context.
The proposed title of the draft manual was: A journey to a guaranteed peace, justice and democracy. It has been developed through the participation and contribution of members of the EMDHR and many other concerned individuals from various parts of the world. The manual intends to empower the Eritrean people to overcome their fear and habit of obedience in such a way that they would be able to protest non-violently and effectively against violations of human rights by a government or any group.Bloemfontein, South AfricaThe draft manual was presented during the workshops by six members of the EMDHR who traveled from the Head Office in Pretoria to the four cities. The workshop in Cape Town was lead by Abraham Rezene and Tesfalem Tekleab, in Bloemfontain by Fanuel Mesfin and Bereket Tesfamichael and in Durban and Peitermarizburg by Samuel Bizen and Minassie Teklay. Pietermanizburg, South Africa
During the session workshop, the participants discussed about issues that resonate around the following points:• Why nonviolence? • Why do people obey to authority in large numbers although it is not in their interest?• Methods of active nonviolent action, and• Factors that a nonviolent movement should avoidAs it was intended, these workshops assisted in gathering some useful comments and ideas from Eritreans residing in South Africa; such comments and ideas will make part of the various inputs that constitute the manual and will be incorporated accordingly in the final draft of the manual. Hard copies of the Tigrigna version of the draft manual were also dispatched during the workshop to all participants. The participants agreed to further discuss among themselves about the draft manual and send their feedback to EMDHR head office. In addition, during the workshop the participants discussed about the organizational affairs of the EMDHR. These kinds of workshops will also be carried out in other cities of South Africa.
These workshops are being carried out inline with the funding agreement entered into between the EMDHR and Grassroots International for purposes of development and testing the Manual proposed by the EMDHR. The EMDHR is pleased to provide the draft manual upon request as well as accommodate any comments that may be put forward on this respect.
The proposed title of the draft manual was: A journey to a guaranteed peace, justice and democracy. It has been developed through the participation and contribution of members of the EMDHR and many other concerned individuals from various parts of the world. The manual intends to empower the Eritrean people to overcome their fear and habit of obedience in such a way that they would be able to protest non-violently and effectively against violations of human rights by a government or any group.Bloemfontein, South AfricaThe draft manual was presented during the workshops by six members of the EMDHR who traveled from the Head Office in Pretoria to the four cities. The workshop in Cape Town was lead by Abraham Rezene and Tesfalem Tekleab, in Bloemfontain by Fanuel Mesfin and Bereket Tesfamichael and in Durban and Peitermarizburg by Samuel Bizen and Minassie Teklay. Pietermanizburg, South Africa
During the session workshop, the participants discussed about issues that resonate around the following points:• Why nonviolence? • Why do people obey to authority in large numbers although it is not in their interest?• Methods of active nonviolent action, and• Factors that a nonviolent movement should avoidAs it was intended, these workshops assisted in gathering some useful comments and ideas from Eritreans residing in South Africa; such comments and ideas will make part of the various inputs that constitute the manual and will be incorporated accordingly in the final draft of the manual. Hard copies of the Tigrigna version of the draft manual were also dispatched during the workshop to all participants. The participants agreed to further discuss among themselves about the draft manual and send their feedback to EMDHR head office. In addition, during the workshop the participants discussed about the organizational affairs of the EMDHR. These kinds of workshops will also be carried out in other cities of South Africa.
These workshops are being carried out inline with the funding agreement entered into between the EMDHR and Grassroots International for purposes of development and testing the Manual proposed by the EMDHR. The EMDHR is pleased to provide the draft manual upon request as well as accommodate any comments that may be put forward on this respect.
Eritrea arrests UN staff
13/02/2006 20:42 - (SA)
Asmara - Eritrea has arrested several local staff of the United Nations peacekeeping mission that monitors its tense border with Ethiopia in a new sign of deteriorating ties between Asmara and the world body, said diplomats on Monday.
They said the detention of Eritrean employees of the UN mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (Unmee) began at the weekend under circumstances that remained unclear.
They said: "The arrests started on Saturday in Asmara. No reason was given for the arrests. I don't know how many have been arrested."
Unmee officials could not be reached for comment, but Eritrean information minister Ali Abdu confirmed that some of the mission's local staff had been detained for violations of local laws.
Can't be a safe haven
He said: "Regardless of where they work, if they broke the law they should be brought to justice. Unmee can't be a safe haven for fugitives."
Ali Abdu declined to comment further on the arrests or on the number of those detained, saying: "I don't have the details."
Unmee, which has monitored the Eritrea-Ethiopia border since 2000, has 3 000 troops mostly from India and Jordan, and several hundred civilian personnel, including Eritreans.
But since October, the mission has come under increasing pressure from Eritrea, which banned Unmee helicopter flights, imposed restrictions and ground patrols and later expelled its North American and European staff.
The UN security council had threatened to slap sanctions on Eritrea if the restrictions were not lifted, but Asmara has ignored the demands and stepped up complaints that the UN and world powers are biased against it.
Asmara - Eritrea has arrested several local staff of the United Nations peacekeeping mission that monitors its tense border with Ethiopia in a new sign of deteriorating ties between Asmara and the world body, said diplomats on Monday.
They said the detention of Eritrean employees of the UN mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (Unmee) began at the weekend under circumstances that remained unclear.
They said: "The arrests started on Saturday in Asmara. No reason was given for the arrests. I don't know how many have been arrested."
Unmee officials could not be reached for comment, but Eritrean information minister Ali Abdu confirmed that some of the mission's local staff had been detained for violations of local laws.
Can't be a safe haven
He said: "Regardless of where they work, if they broke the law they should be brought to justice. Unmee can't be a safe haven for fugitives."
Ali Abdu declined to comment further on the arrests or on the number of those detained, saying: "I don't have the details."
Unmee, which has monitored the Eritrea-Ethiopia border since 2000, has 3 000 troops mostly from India and Jordan, and several hundred civilian personnel, including Eritreans.
But since October, the mission has come under increasing pressure from Eritrea, which banned Unmee helicopter flights, imposed restrictions and ground patrols and later expelled its North American and European staff.
The UN security council had threatened to slap sanctions on Eritrea if the restrictions were not lifted, but Asmara has ignored the demands and stepped up complaints that the UN and world powers are biased against it.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
När kommer demokratin till Eritrea?
Eritrea sluter sig inom sitt skal som man alltid gjort inför verkliga eller påhittade hot från omvärlden. Med slutenheten stryps förutsättningarna för maktspridning och yttrandefrihet. Den fängslade svenske journalisten Dawit Isaak är en bricka i det spelet.
Khaled Abdu, fd chefred för den oberoende tidningen Admas, Semret Seyoum, fd kollega till Dawit Isaak och fotojournalisten Donald Boström diskuterar förutsättningarna för en demokratisk utveckling i Eritrea, ABF-huset, den 1 mars, kl. 18.00.
Moderator: Christian Andersson.
Debatten är på engelska.
Ett arrangemang av Reportrar utan gränser
Khaled Abdu, fd chefred för den oberoende tidningen Admas, Semret Seyoum, fd kollega till Dawit Isaak och fotojournalisten Donald Boström diskuterar förutsättningarna för en demokratisk utveckling i Eritrea, ABF-huset, den 1 mars, kl. 18.00.
Moderator: Christian Andersson.
Debatten är på engelska.
Ett arrangemang av Reportrar utan gränser
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Eritrea cool to US diplomacy on border
February 9, 2006ASMARA -- Eritrea on Thursday reacted coolly to a US pledge at the United Nations to pursue diplomatic initiatives in a bid to resolve the tense border stalemate between it and archrival neighbor Ethiopia. Asmara, which last month snubbed a senior US envoy, said that the time had come for Ethiopia to be forced to accept a four-year-old border demarcation, the rejection of which is the main cause of the current tensions. "They are talking about mechanics, what we want to see are tangible results on the ground," said Yemane Gebremeskel, director of Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki's office. On Wednesday, the United States won another month from the UN Security Council for its mediation bid on the matter despite Eritrean resistance to it and demands for the immediate enforcement of the border ruling. As part of the US bid, it said that efforts were underway to convene a meeting of the witnesses to the 2000 Algiers peace deal that ended the bloody two-year war between Ethiopia and Eritrea to be followed by a further discussions by the international panel that set the new border two years later. But Yemane said that the time for talk had passed and that Eritrea's stance could no longer be ignored. "The Eritrean demands are long overdue, we have to see the implementation of the Algiers agreement and the demarcation," he said. "The border decision was made in 2002, four years ago. Nobody can justify the delay." Eritrea and Ethiopia fought a border war from 1998 to 2000 that cost some 80,000 lives before the Algiers accord was reached in which both vowed to respect the border ruling. Ethiopia, however, has thus far rejected it and Eritrea has repeatedly warned of a new conflict unless it is accepted and complained vehemently that the international community is favoring its larger neighbor. To show its displeasure with the United Nations, Asmara has slapped restrictions on UN peacekeepers monitoring the 1,000-kilometer (620-mile) border and expelled North American and European peacekeeping staff. It has refused to respond to UN Security Council demands, backed by the threat of sanctions, to lift the curbs. In late January, Asmara slammed the United States for "evil" foreign policies that encouraged Ethiopia to ignore the border ruling and brought the two nations to the brink of new war. "The current extremely sad and dangerous situation is the outcome of the erroneous US foreign policy," the information ministry said on January 29. Earlier that month, Eritrea refused to cooperate in a fact-finding visit to the country by a senior US diplomat.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Eritrea assails UN over charges of Darfur rebel support
February 8, 2006
ASMARA -- Eritrea on Wednesday angrily denied charges by a UN panel that it is providing weapons and military support to rebel groups in Sudan's troubled western Darfur region in violation of an arms embargo.
Information minister Ali Abdu said that the panel's conclusion that Eritrea is helping the two Darfur rebel groups was false, accusing the United Nations of inept ineffectiveness and UN chief Kofi Annan of being corrupt. "The report is totally groundless," he said. "Instead of pointing futile fingers at others, the UN should question itself, its role in keeping peace and stability in different regions.
"The UN is inept, it needs [reform] more than any time in its history," Ali Abdu said. "It is an ineffective institution with a corrupt secretary general.
" In a report issued this week, the panel of experts looking at the 2004 arms embargo on non-state actors in Darfur said that the rebel Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) were getting illegal support from Eritrea, as well as from Chad, Libya and unknown other sources.
"The panel judges that the government of Eritrea has provided, and probably continues to provide arms, logistical support, military training and political support to both JEM and the SLA," it said.
"Training of JEM and SLA has reportedly occurred at a number of camps in Eritrea on the Eritrea-Sudan border," the report said.
Ali Abdu said that the accusations were baseless, but allowed that Eritrea does give political and moral support to various Sudanese factions.
Asmara has long had a fractious relationship with the United Nations, which it accuses of failing to force archrival neighbor Ethiopia to accept a binding border demarcation that was part of the deal that ended their 1998-2000 war.
Those ties have deteriorated significantly in recent months after Eritrea imposed restrictions on UN peacekeepers monitoring the border with Ethiopia and expelled North American and European members of the mission from its territory.
The UN Security Council has threatened to slap sanctions on Asmara unless the restrictions are rescinded but Eritrea has thus far ignored the demand.
ASMARA -- Eritrea on Wednesday angrily denied charges by a UN panel that it is providing weapons and military support to rebel groups in Sudan's troubled western Darfur region in violation of an arms embargo.
Information minister Ali Abdu said that the panel's conclusion that Eritrea is helping the two Darfur rebel groups was false, accusing the United Nations of inept ineffectiveness and UN chief Kofi Annan of being corrupt. "The report is totally groundless," he said. "Instead of pointing futile fingers at others, the UN should question itself, its role in keeping peace and stability in different regions.
"The UN is inept, it needs [reform] more than any time in its history," Ali Abdu said. "It is an ineffective institution with a corrupt secretary general.
" In a report issued this week, the panel of experts looking at the 2004 arms embargo on non-state actors in Darfur said that the rebel Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) were getting illegal support from Eritrea, as well as from Chad, Libya and unknown other sources.
"The panel judges that the government of Eritrea has provided, and probably continues to provide arms, logistical support, military training and political support to both JEM and the SLA," it said.
"Training of JEM and SLA has reportedly occurred at a number of camps in Eritrea on the Eritrea-Sudan border," the report said.
Ali Abdu said that the accusations were baseless, but allowed that Eritrea does give political and moral support to various Sudanese factions.
Asmara has long had a fractious relationship with the United Nations, which it accuses of failing to force archrival neighbor Ethiopia to accept a binding border demarcation that was part of the deal that ended their 1998-2000 war.
Those ties have deteriorated significantly in recent months after Eritrea imposed restrictions on UN peacekeepers monitoring the border with Ethiopia and expelled North American and European members of the mission from its territory.
The UN Security Council has threatened to slap sanctions on Asmara unless the restrictions are rescinded but Eritrea has thus far ignored the demand.
Open letter To Iseyas Afeworki from Swedish National Press Club
Nya tag i kampen för frigivning[060118]Efter den stora besvikelsen när Dawit Isaak åter fängslades återupptar nu Publicistklubben kampanjen för hans frigivning. Här är det nya stafettbrevet.Nytt stafettbrev
Stockholm, January 17, 2006
President Isayas Afworki
Our colleague and compatriot Dawit Isaak has now been imprisoned in Asmara since September 2001. The relief and joy we felt when he was released in November, have since been replaced by our deepest concern about his fate after he was jailed again, without charge or trial.This is to inform you that Publicistklubben (The Swedish National Press Club) will continue to urge you to order the immediate release of Dawit Isaak.We appeal to you to do so for humanitarian reasons. Dawit Isaak´s health is precarious, and we urge you to let him go to Sweden to join his family and to receive medical treatment. Such a decision on your part would eliminate the most harmful issue in the Swedish-Eritrean relations and would remove the most difficult obstacle for a positive development of these relations.
Stig Fredrikson
President of Publicistklubben
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Tension in Ethiopia-Eritrea Border Rising Sharply Says UN

By A Staff ReporterThe disputed border between Ethiopia and Eritrea "remains tense" and troop movements have been seen on both sides, the U.N. mission in the two countries said on Thursday.The U.N. Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) carried out 746 ground patrols in the past week in the border's demilitarized Temporary Security Zone (TSZ), it said. "The military situation in the TSZ and adjacent areas remains tense. Routine troop movements have been noticed on both the Ethiopian and Eritrean sides," it said in a report.UNMEE said Eritrea's ban on U.N. helicopter flights remained in place, and that restrictions continued on its patrols in central and western parts of the TSZ, where movement in some areas and at night had been curtailed.Ethiopia and Eritrea had agreed to abide by an independent commission ruling on their border row, but Addis Ababa called for further "dialogue" in 2002 after the flashpoint town of Badme was given to Eritrea.Diplomats say Eritrea's helicopter ban in October, and the subsequent expulsion of U.N. personnel from the United States, Canada and Europe stemmed from frustration that the border demarcation had not been enforced.On Thursday, Ethiopian Premier Meles Zenawi accused Eritrea of "warmongering" and said Ethiopia had to bolster its defenses against a possible attack by its northern neighbor.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Eritrea hits back at Ethiopia in border row

Feb 2, 2006, (ASMARA) — Eritrean government wasted little time Thursday in firing back at comments by Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi who accused Asmara of arrogant war-mongering over their increasingly tense border.
Asmara said Meles had no legal grounds to continue to reject a 2002 border demarcation that emanated from the peace deal signed in Algiers in 2000 that ended the Horn of Africa rivals’ bloody two-year frontier war.
"Meles is not the judge in this case," said Yemane Gebremeskel, the director of Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki’s cabinet.
"He does not have the right to interpret the Algiers agreement or to question the judgement of the boundary commission," Yemane told AFP in an interview initiated by his office shortly after Meles made his comments.
In speech to the Ethiopian parliament earlier Thursday, Meles criticized Asmara for keeping the stance it held before the start of the war in 1998 by insisting it has the right to take by force territory it considers its own.
"The main reason and source of the border conflict ... is the arrogant and war-mongering invader that is the Eritrean regime," Meles said, noting that an international panel in December had blamed Eritrea for the start of the war.
Eritrea has said it disagrees with the ruling by the Ethiopia-Eritrea Claims Commission but will accept it.
Yemane said Thursday it has nothing to do with the main issue for the rising tension: Ethiopia’s rejection of the border delineation that awarded that flashpoint town of Badme to Eritrea.
"The claims commission does not have jurisdiction on the boundary and it has has found Ethiopia liable for a host of other violations," he said.
"The Claims Commission has given a judgement on a specific event, the events of May 1998, it only has juridsiction on the damages that each party may shoulder on account of humanitarian law," Yemane said.
Asmara is demanding that Addis Ababa accept the border demarcation and has angrily accused the United Nations and world powers of ignoring Ethiopia’s refusal to do so.
To show its displeasure, Eritrea has slapped restrictions on UN peacekeepers monitoring the 1,000-kilometer (620-mile) border and expelled the mission’s North American and European staff, while troop movements on both sides have heightened tensions and fears of a new war.
Meanwhile, the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) on Thursday reported that the border area remained "tense" and that five people had been injured this week when their vehicle hit a land mine in near the border in Eritrea.
Two of the passengers in the civilian truck were seriously wounded in Tuesday’s incident, UNMEE said.
PM Meles Zenawi on Eritrean question

In the last two consecutive editions of the Herald, we presented the unofficial translation of the interview Prime Minister Meles Zenawi made with local journalists. This is the third and last part.
Question: The government regularly explained that there is anti-Ethiopian and strategic unity among the CUD, OLF and Shabea. What does their status look now? How true is the assertion? How concrete is it? And at what level are Ethiopia and Eritrea now? As regards this, what was the implication of the dialogue held recently with the American delegation? Also, in relation to this, what was the implication of the Claims Commission verdict that Eritrea was the invader?
PM Meles: The strategic alliance among CUD, OLF and Shabea is not a matter of analysis. Listening to the Shabean radio or watching the Shabean television will make the case easier. It propagates and coordinates the CUD and OLF programmes.
It will at least exert efforts to carry out coordination activities. If unrest is to happen through their instigation in schools, for instance they transmit fabricated stories two three days it earlier that there was out break of violence. Using this and other strategies, there are things they carry out together. Their strategic alliance is therefore translated into action. So the issue of strategic partnership is concrete. To make a direct assertion just tuning to Shabean propaganda is enough. The major programmes propagated in the radio or on television are the programmes of the CUD and OLF. It is the former Dergue officials in America who give daily interviews for their propaganda. The alliance is therefore tangible, and it is not, in fact, surprising.
At present, I don’t think that Shabea is capable to invade Ethiopia directly. If it does not opt for the peaceful means, its option is to create havoc indirectly.
I don’t think it is the agenda of Shabea whether or not the aims of these forces who can indirectly instigate violence are in compliance with its objective. Its agenda is simply to cause instability in Ethiopia, thus, its coordination with these forces is not a surprise for me. I don’t think the merger will bring about the desired results of Shabea. Basically, its attempt has been foiled. The sporadic instances occurring now are the remains of the foiled attempts. They are not part and parcel of the major attempts that were blocked. We have survived the major parts of the challenge. I don’t take the remains would pose that much challenge. In fact, throwing of grenades may attack a person where the prevalence of overall peace in the country does not mean anything to the person who sustained serious injury. The peace at country level does not work for him as he is injured. It is reasonable if the affected person thinks that way. Generally, however, I don’t take it that it will expose us to a danger at national level.
Regarding Ethiopia and Eritrea, there is much difference. The fundamentals of the stands of the two governments are kept as before. The stand on the part of Shabea is made on the premise that it cannot ultimately coexist with the incumbent party in power in Ethiopia. Based on this premise, Shabea claims that the demarcation of the boundary should be implemented without any engagement and negotiation and without answering neighborhood issues and related matters. However, in relation to this issue, it is telling and lets others tell that it would start invasion. Though there is nothing that has been initiated so far, it is doing everything it thinks would destabilize the nation.
The stand on the part of Ethiopia is that the issue must have a lasting solution through peaceful means. A lasting solution would be possible through the Five Point Peace Plans the Ethiopian government offered. In this respect, dialogue and negotiation should be held and the issue of demarcating the boundary should continue and be implemented on the basis of the decision of the Boundary Commission and under negotiation and the necessary corrections to the implementation should be made. Our position is that the other issues should be seen and answered simultaneously. On the side of the Ethiopian government, there is no plan of going to war. But if a full-fledged aggression is launched against us, we have the right and duty to defend ourselves. Otherwise, we are following patiently a direction of peaceful means. Therefore, regarding this issue, there are no considerable changes made so far.
We conferred with the American delegation on two major issues. The first and major issue was the dispute of Ethiopia and Eritrea. And the second was about the current political climate in the country.
As regards the major agenda, the Ethio-Eritrea dispute it was planned that a visit would be made by the delegation to Asmara and Addis Ababa. However, the delegation did not pay a visit to Asmara for various reasons. Therefore, as the delegation did not visit Asmara, it did not have the chance to play a mediating role while it was on a visit here. So, I think, the discussion in the main served to clarify Ethiopia’s views on the issue. We got the opportunity to clarify our stand. But, this does not mean that they are convinced of our stand and accepted it.
However, we got the opportunity to make clear our position in detail and appropriately. They forwarded some ideas, which they thought, would be solutions. As the points were not the essentials, it is very difficult to assume that they would bring about those big changes. However, we consider the initiation and step the American government took to solve the issue peacefully by sending its delegation, as a big and positive step though it brought no concrete results.
The Claims Commission has passed verdict without any ambiguity that Shabea was the aggressor. In my view, I don’t think the verdict of the Claims Commission was a big issue. It is a nice thing that the court ruled against Shabea. But it is obvious that Shabea was the invader; this is a dead fact. It is not strange. In fact, rule of the court will have its own weight and implication. In my opinion, what most people do not, give attention to but has a significant implication is the reasons it attached to the ruling-the interpretation. Shabea, in its interpretation of the court decision argued that it did not invade but only took defensive action to recapture its occupied territories. The verdict of the Claims Commission whether Shabea’s territories were occupied or not is another issue. Whether territories were occupied or not, it is a criminal act to commence aggression to recapture territories claiming border occupancy. It is clearly stated that it is in contravention of international laws. If we see the implication of this assertion, at this time, Shabea is repeating the same argument. Shabea claims the territories that the court decided in its favor and if it is reoccupied that it has the right to take defensive action and recapture it and so on.
There is no such a right. The Claims Commission passed a verdict unequivocally that boundary disputes would be solved by international laws only through peaceful manner and dialogue. This, therefore besides confirming that the earlier action was crime, further confirms what Shabea brags at present is crime too. In my view, the second implication for the verdict of the Claims Commission is that if boundary disputes won’t be solved through battlefield; the only option is one and only one. It means that there is no other option than settling dispute through diplomacy and dialogue. This is the option that Ethiopia has proposed. We have already accepted the Boundary Commission decision, though we are not happy with it and are not convinced of it. However, we have requested discussions so that some necessary corrections should be made as regards the implementations in order to bring about lasting solution. Having a position such as this is what the international laws supports- the fact that the commission has confirmed.
In fact, we knew from early on that the stand of the Ethiopian government was in compliance with the international laws and experiences. Nigeria and Cameroon went to international court to resolve their boundary disputes where Nigeria made the appeal that there were problems in the implementation of court’s decision. Nigeria and Cameroon have been, therefore, in the process of negotiation regarding the implementation for three years now. Therefore, international experiences also support the verdict of the Claims Commission. Thus, the fact that Claims Commission has put clearly the issue of Eritrea in this manner will have a significant implication
خلافـات بين ارتـريـا ولـيبيـا
رصد –مركز الخليج للدراسات الإعلامية بالقرن الإفريقي
أفادت صحف سودانية صادرة اليوم في الخرطوم أن وفدا ارتريا برئاسة عبدالله جابر المسؤول
أفادت صحف سودانية صادرة اليوم في الخرطوم أن وفدا ارتريا برئاسة عبدالله جابر المسؤول
في الحزب الحاكم و وزير الخارجية بالوكالة محمد عمر سيصل إلي السودان لبحث العلاقات الثنائية
بين البلدين إضافة إلي قضية جبهة الشرق التي إحتدم فيها الخلاف بين الوسيط الليبي والوسيط الإرتري،
حيث طلب الآخير ان يكون له دور معلوم وواضح في هذة المفاوضات التي كان من المتوقع إجراؤها
في السابع من فبراير الجاري بين الحكومة السودانية وجبهة الشرق في العاصمة الليبية طرابلس.
وفيما أكد سفير ليبيا في الخرطوم انطلاق المفوضات في موعدها المحدد أكدت مصادر اخرى تعليقها
وفيما أكد سفير ليبيا في الخرطوم انطلاق المفوضات في موعدها المحدد أكدت مصادر اخرى تعليقها
الي اجل لم يتحدد بعد وأضافت إلي أن جبهة الشرق تتعرض لضغوط لكي لا تذهب للمفاوضات حتي
. يتضح دور الوساطة الأرترية
الجدير بالذكر ان زيارة الوفد الارتري تتزامن مع الترتيبات الجارية التي يقوم بها وزير الخارجية
الجدير بالذكر ان زيارة الوفد الارتري تتزامن مع الترتيبات الجارية التي يقوم بها وزير الخارجية
اليمني ابوبكر عبدالله القربي لعقد الاجتماع الثلاثي بين كل من وزراء خارجية اليمن والسودان واثيوبيا
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